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Permalink Baja Marty Benefit Party, Sat. Oct. 8th,( bands announced) 8 bands, Torquays reunion and much more

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thanks again people,


We have received some very generous online donations from people that could not attend the show.
I was told that we will keep the online donation account open till Marty's treatment is done(around the 1st of the year)


I saw Marty a couple times recently.
He had a scan and is in remission.
Not out of the woods yet, but getting there.
He is still blown away by everybody's generosity,
and the outpouring of Love.

So from Marty, and from myself,
Thank you all who have given so much.


bigtikidude wrote:

I saw Marty a couple times recently.
He had a scan and is in remission.
Not out of the woods yet, but getting there.
He is still blown away by everybody's generosity,
and the outpouring of Love.

Wow, that's really promising news!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

UnsteadyFreddie wrote:

I have started a separate "Surf Videos" thread for the
ones I shot at this amazing event

here is the link:

Bumping Freddie's video thread,
some good stuff in there.

and an update on Marty.
He has finished his Chemo treatment,
he had a scan and the cancer is in remission.
they are going to do a painful Bone Marrow test this coming week.
If all goes well, like they are planning.
Marty will be going up to Portland, Oregon area to see his parents,
and brother for the Holiday.

Lets still keep Marty in our thoughts and prayers.



I'm hoping no news is good news... Any updates?
Baja Marty is one of my all-time favorite surf music dudes!

The Apollo Four 2012-present
The Verbtones 2002-2012

I've been meaning to post an update about Marty.

He's had a bunch of set backs.

1st was his intense back pain, which he thought was from his enlarged spleen,
but ended up being from a tumor wrapped around his lower spine.
They did an operation to remove the tumor and got 95% of it out.
and did radiation on the remaining part that was too close to cut off.

2nd But when they took the tumor off his spine, they saw that the lower 3 vertebrae were all crushed either from years of hard work on top of a
bicycle accident, or from a recent work injury.(not sure either way.
So they had to go in and put in a Metal cage to hold up his chest from slumping down. There was complications, and they had to go in a few times. yeeesh!

3rd The whole reason he went into the hospital was his left leg had gone numb
and he couldn't pee, because of a pinched nerve in his back.
The feeling in his left leg is only partially back.
but he is not able to walk.

4th and worst of all, the internal cancer in his abdomen has come back, and spread a bit I think.

I saw him this past monday.
he is supposed to start chemo treatment again soon.

everybody keep him in yer thoughts,

and if you want to visit or call him,
email me at
and I will give you the address or phone number.


Last edited: May 03, 2012 13:20:41

oh my God

I love Marty so much, and this saddens me a great deal

asking the Tiki Gods and whomever else I can think of to please give him strength, reduce his pain, help him heal

he's a good, sweet, kind, gentle man


Thanks Freddie,
I will send him yer well wishes


Baja Marty Party, Memorial Event
info here:

Brian, can you please move this thread to Best of SG101 area?

thanks Sir.



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Thanks man


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