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Permalink Baja Marty: Thoughts and Comments

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Jeff, do you want to share something a bit more condensed? I'm running out of space! Dead

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

I always thought it was funny how, Marty would ask me to pick him up to go to a show. Then he would have a good amount of Beer. Then when we hit the road to drop him off at his house. He would fall asleep like a baby.
So I'm driving and trying to stay awake, and hes getting sleep.


Marty is like the quiet storm--seemingly mild-mannered at first, but with a sleeping, passionate lion inside, just waiting to leap out and attack!
He's one of those truly rare individuals that makes a profound impression just by being himself. He doesn't try, he just is.
His tremendous passion for what he loves is a real inspiration for everyone, and something that I personally think of quite often.
Marty's kind heart, his love for family and friends, his dedication to the music he adores, and, of course, his public displays of affection (for both his bros and reverb!) are all the things that keep his spirit alive and well and will undoubtedly get him through this difficult time.
We love you brutha! Here's to many, many more good times in the future!
(Kneeling on the ground, head down, one hand on the reverb tank, and the other as a fist in the air)

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Gee it was tough to miss this event. Even from as far away as Atlanta, I took the time to stare at my mad money fund in quiet contemplation of what I might be able to pull off. But times are tough.

I did spend a good bit of time over the weekend, guitar in hand and pondering the great time I knew was happening out there.

One thing from the old dude here, Jeff, you, Marty and Matt stand tall in my eyes. There are not three finer guys that I can think of.

Thank you.

Eddie K

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Hard for me to miss this too when Marty has always been there for me. My first memory of him was when Don (Murray) was still alive, that's how far back. Don and I were down in San Clemente for an Eliminators show at the pier. There is actually footage of Don and I dancing there and I wouldn't be surprised if Marty is in that footage as well. It had to have been 1994 or '95.
If it's any consolation to Marty, the reason I didn't make the benefit (though I contributed online) was because I was busy delivering a CD order to Amoeba in Hollywood! They're still buying surf music, kids! So keeping the flame burning out there is what Marty would want me to be doing. Cool

my first encounter with marty was seeing him worshiping the reverb at the first surf guitar convention. cracked me up. Big Grin

The picture of Marty and Unsteady Freddie at Suzy's says it all for me. Glad to hear the benefit event was so successful. I was happy to contribute to the fund and my best wishes for health to one of the best fans in the world of Surf.

thanks again people,


a Sad end to this rough fight.

Rest In Peace Brother Marty.


Not unexpected but still devastating news. Marty was a larger-than-life character (and he WAS large, believe me!). His enthusiasm for the surf music scene was momumental and inspiring. He always had something positive to say and we could always crack each other up. I will miss his quasi-scary man-hugs
and his boundless devotion to 'the music'. He was a real original and we've been blessed to share the world with him. Rocketh!

...perhaps we can set aside a perma-link of these threads for Brother Marty somewhere on SG101?

... I think his memory deserves a place of honor here...

dp wrote:

...perhaps we can set aside a perma-link of these threads for Brother Marty somewhere on SG101?

... I think his memory deserves a place of honor here...

I think this is a wonderful idea.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Well let's close this one and continue over here:

I'll sticky them all in the next few days.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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