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Permalink The Song Baja by the Astronauts

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wow... can tabs really show how the bridge is played ?

If you were in my living room, I'd show you.

It involves some clever up and down stokes across triads around the 5th to 7th frets, with some pinky work to pick up the notes. Then winding up by pulling the first position 'D' triad up to the 'E' triad position two frets higher, keeping the 'D' form. It helps to add a lower root note on the 4th string with your little finger, making the triad into a quad, I guess.

You're not really picking single notes in the bridge, like you do in the 'verse'. You're sort of 'sweeping' the triads, but not in the normal sense of the word. It's odd, because you have to be loose AND precise at the same time to really pull it off. Cool

It can be accomplished on one guitar. In fact, that's probably the only way, unless you want to just get really orchestral.

Last edited: May 17, 2012 10:44:12

I'm playing a D position Chord at the 7th fret, then down to the 5th fret with my first finger on the E and second and third finger at the 7th fret on the B&G string. Then I slide the same position down to the third fret. That work? Damn I love this song?

Last edited: May 17, 2012 11:23:40

OK, here's a fun surf geek challenge.
How many different recorded versions of Baja are out there?

Blue Hawaiians (Live at the Lava Lounge)
Al Casey (Surfin' Hootenanny)
Aqua Velvets (Radio Waves)
Breakaways (Time Surfin')
Duo-Tones (Surf Music Unplugged)
Estrume'n'tal (Surfme'n'tal)
Fabulous Nomads (The Fabulous Nomads)
Ferrante & Teicher (Soundproof)
Gary Hoey (Monster Surf)
Insect Surfers (Mojave Reef)
JFA (We Know You Suck: Blatant Localism/Valley of the Yakes)
Paul Johnson & The Packards (California)
Jon & The Nightriders (Surf Beat '80)
John Paul Jones (Watch Your Step: Beat Era, Vol. 1)
Laika & The Cosmonauts (Zero Gravity)
Lively Ones (Suffin' South of the Border)
Jack Nitzsche (The Lonely Surfer)
Ready Men (Get Ready!!)
Revelairs (High Tide)
Supertones (Surf Fever 2000)
Surf Coasters (Misirlou: 10th Anniversary Best)
Surfaris (Surfaris Stomp)
Susan & The Surftones (All the Beat...All the Best: Live)
Torquays (Road Trip!)
Trashmen (Live Bird: 65-67)
Ventures (Wild Again)

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 07:56:05

Wow! Your list got the better of my curiosity, Jonpaul. Caused me to go searching a bit. Several found on ReverbCentral & ... notable additions to your already excellent list:

Davie Allen & the Arrows (Stoked on Surf)
John Blair backed by the Halibuts (Collection: Totally Tubular / KJFC 2002 Fundraiser release)
The Bradipos IV (The Unreleased Bradipos IV)
The Chantays (Re-Plugged)
The Cocktail Preachers (Margarita Meltdown)
The Coffin Daggers (Shark Attack, Jack The Ripper)
The Eliminators (S/T)
Merrell Fankhauser (Rockin' and Surfin') < Uh-Oh ducks >
Carol Kaye and the Hitmen (California Creamin')
The Lancers (45 b/w When Johnny Comes Draggin' Home)
The Mach IV (Road Test)
Jack Nitzsche (The Lonely Surfer)
The Penetrators (Kings of the High Speed Weekend)
The Pyronauts (Unsightly Pitstop / KFJC the Pit)


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

I love this.

Louie7 wrote:

wow... can tabs really show how the bridge is played ?

If you were in my living room, I'd show you.

Hey, if you have a video camera you can show everybody! Take the Pollo challenge ... Or, if you can come to SG101 and I'll video it, though I guess all you really need is someone with an iPhone.

By the way, Louie7, good to have you back! You were away for a while.

JONPAUL wrote:

OK, here's a fun surf geek challenge.
How many different recorded versions of Baja are out there?

Does a Lee Hazelwood version (demo or otherwise) even exist??

And John Paul Jones??? Whoa...

Download (for free!) "Overhead At Darrington"--fiddle tunes arranged for surf-style electric mandolin--by Bruce Harvie and The Sandfleas here...

Last edited: May 17, 2012 17:50:30

My favorite will always be The Astronauts long as we're counting heads here's our version

Tuck wrote:

By the way, Louie7, good to have you back! You were away for a while.

Yes I was. Cool THANKS... That was my C&W period. yeehaw


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 07:55:06

captmike wrote:

I'm playing a D position Chord at the 7th fret, then down to the 5th fret with my first finger on the E and second and third finger at the 7th fret on the B&G string. Then I slide the same position down to the third fret. That work? Damn I love this song?

So what about my question guys.... Smile

Reflecting on these lists, it occurs to me that we are going at this backward. There are certain bands that do NOT play Baja, and perhaps we could just list them? I believe that on the basis of Astronautical criteria you can divide surf bands into three categories: typical bands who can play Baja; right thinking bands who know at least some additional songs from the Astronauts catalog (like the Surge or the Aquasonics), and bands with a kind of a strange vibe.

There are a few nameless heroes in Denver and the vicinity who have occasionally discussed the possibility of an Astronauts "project," in which, purely for cathartic purposes, they would get together and attempt to play or even record some songs in the Astronauts style. They would do mostly Astronauts songs, of course, though I think there was some discussion of songs that would rightly have been Astronauts songs if only they had come along at the right moment. I am not one of these heroes, but I would be glad to hold their coats.

Anyway, since this calls for as many mutually cooperating guitarists as most bands today have members, it is probably a bit of a pipe dream, which is to say, more likely to occur as a compilation than an actual band, however temporary. And, compilations are, of course, the stuff of nightmare to justify, let alone assemble.

The Kilaueas (Germany) featuring Alex Faide on guitar and Lorenzo Surfer Joe Valdambrini on drums, playing the "Astronauts Set": Surfs You Right, The Pier, Quasimoto, Theme from Ride The Wild Surf. (Live at Bassy Club on September 23 2011)

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Tuck wrote:

Reflecting on these lists, it occurs to me that we are going at this backward. There are certain bands that do NOT play Baja, and perhaps we could just list them? I believe that on the basis of Astronautical criteria you can divide surf bands into three categories: typical bands who can play Baja; right thinking bands who know at least some additional songs from the Astronauts catalog (like the Surge or the Aquasonics), and bands with a kind of a strange vibe.

There are a few nameless heroes in Denver and the vicinity who have occasionally discussed the possibility of an Astronauts "project," in which, purely for cathartic purposes, they would get together and attempt to play or even record some songs in the Astronauts style. They would do mostly Astronauts songs, of course, though I think there was some discussion of songs that would rightly have been Astronauts songs if only they had come along at the right moment. I am not one of these heroes, but I would be glad to hold their coats.

Anyway, since this calls for as many mutually cooperating guitarists as most bands today have members, it is probably a bit of a pipe dream, which is to say, more likely to occur as a compilation than an actual band, however temporary. And, compilations are, of course, the stuff of nightmare to justify, let alone assemble.

Lot of bands do Surf Party Smile

It's funny... today at work this older guy comes in looking for banjo strings. He mentions that he used to have a Martin D28...we start talking. He mentions he's from Denver originally.

So naturally, I ask him ... "hey, you ever see The Astronauts?"

He doesn't even blink. "Many times" times says he. Then he starts listing all the local venues where they used to gig.

haha baja..... it's a small frickin' werld. (but it's NOT fragile).

"Surfin with the Astronauts" One of the best surf records of all time..
Baja still is my Favorite on the album..


Last edited: May 18, 2012 10:04:19

HOLY crap I've created a monster!....:-) I think I'll head for Baja and catch some waves....NOT!

I'm still trying to find out how the bridge was played! BUT I am enjoying the trivia..Boy the convertion is going to be awesome! Surf Music Geeks abound.

This is my version of Baja!! 16 track studio Gomez G Verb 61 Bandmaster. AKG 414 .. Trying to get URL to work.. Errrrr!

Last edited: May 18, 2012 13:39:28

captmike wrote:

HOLY crap I've created a monster!....:-) I think I'll head for Baja and catch some waves....NOT!

I'm still trying to find out how the bridge was played! BUT I am enjoying the trivia..Boy the convertion is going to be awesome! Surf Music Geeks abound.

I posted this in the resurrected "Baja" thread, but I guess I will post it here too. This is the way I figured it out, by listening to the record. It sounds right to my ears, but tab posted elsewhere may be correct. To me, it sounds like it moves to the first position. The "timbre" just sounds better to me. Of course the guitar being what it is, the correct notes can be played in different ways---but like I said, this makes sense to me.

BTW, this is my first attempt at creating and posting a video. I'm pretty much a novice guitar player, so I slowed it down, but hopefully it gives you an idea of what I'm doing. Crits or comments welcome. Hope it helps or gives some food for thought . . .

Last edited: May 24, 2012 14:10:47

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