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Permalink get ready for WEST SAMOA SURFER LEAGUE (Falko, Daniel f/ THE SPACE RANGERS and Rattlesnake Ralph f/ THE OCTOMEN)!!!!

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Unsteady Freddie

ps I am seeing the band again this evening again at OTTO's SHRUNKEN HEAD. I was also able to get THE BLUE DEMONS from CANADA on the bill (thank you FRANK WOOD!). They ripped up the place last night at my monthlyn gig. A complete set of videos (12) from last night's SHINDIG will end up in the separate thread for my SURF-ROCK SHINDIGs for those that are curious,

Thanks Freddie! Welcome back Daniel and Falko!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

cool man, thanks Freddie,


Woot! Woot! WSSL looking & sounding great!

Many thanks, Freddie, for the vid's. Thumbs Up


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

ps - Anyone interested in those Crate Power Blocks... looks like that's what Ralph is plugged into.


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

I have 1 more video (think it's only 1??) of them performing last night at OTTO's for FRANK WOOD's "WIND-DOWN SUNDAYS"

try to load it in tonight, and then post it here


here is one more by this cool band!!



Hooray , Sabine bought an ipad, so i can post!
Well, we are sure having a great time in newyork so far. It has been and will still be so nice to see all our old friends and to mmet new friends, such as mr fuchs and schimmel from berlin...
The gig at hanks saloon was kinda weird, as we played to a punk rock audience, but the saloon is a great place. And of course, frank is a "nice" guy. I especially liked his story about the woman on the sub and his quoting the stones to her. Epic!
The surf rock shindig on saturday was a very cool night out. Greetings to the blue demons #1-27' (nice guys, eh?), the matt ray trio, and the supertones. We sure share the same passion...
Sunday at otto's was very cozy... The ac was killing me, but the girl made it hot, hot, hot again...
Tomorrow we will be leaving for beatiful connecticut and meet with ninth wave. Elm bar it will be.
So far, this has been some exciting days, even though the cool japanese girl i invited to otto's didn't show up. What a pity...

Thank you all again for making us feel at home, suplying us woth equipment and having us over for playing.

We will keep you updated!


Oops. Sorry for the bad punctuation. This screen keyboard...

And a big thumbs up to freddie for recording and putting up the vidoes so quickly on the net. So many people have already watched them.
(funny thing: no one has watched "take it off" so far, but three people liked it...)

good stuff......i watched all of them

I pulled this from my FB profile:
2/3rd's of the "West Samoa Surfer League" have gone back to West Samoa, only I remain BUT, who knows... Thanx to all who made it possible: Unsteady Freddie, The Blue Stingray, Frankie Wood, The Record Collector, The Ninth Wave, Blue Wave Theory, Otto's Shrunken Head and anyone I missed, just give me a smack in the head next time you see me.... Was an honor and a pleasure to have been asked by two "Space Rangers" to join them, I only wish I had had more time to enjoy their company. Have a safe flight mein friends and give my regards to Europe!!](

thanks ralph... it was so great playing with you....

here's my prefab recollection of the events:

The WEST SAMOA SURFER LEAGUE in NYC and elsewhere…

So this has been it, for now.
The trans-Atlantic cooperation that spawned a great three-piece of which you will speak for years…
It sure was an exciting time. From the first rather unprocessed idea to actually performing live on stage ( at Hank’s Saloon, with bands like “F***ing Bullshit, Bad Dog Bad or Vincent Price is Right…), it took Rattlesnake Ralph and Falko and me some emails and a lot of thinking.

After a great 5 hours rehearsing at Smash Studio ( really nice guys there), we finally went on stage. You might think playing covers everybody knows is easy, but it’s not. We actually knew so different version sometimes that it didn’t seem like we were playing the same songs.
But it worked, yes, with flaws sometimes, but we are not nor have we had any intention to be like, let’s say, James Brown’s backing band…

Hank’s Saloon wasn’t exactly a spot for us, but the audience we had was cheerful and in the mood for dancing. Thanks at this point to Frank Wood, who helped us to get the job.
Personally, I am always thrilled to drink in any American bar, since they look like on TV…
Hank’s Saloon has its own charm.

Otto’s Shrunken Head was once again a very nice gig, just about enough people to still have space to dance ( thanks to Mike and Sandy of 9th Wave for showing up quite unexpectately) and Unsteady Freddie (Thanks again! and sorry we didn’t properly say “See ya”), who as always did a great job as MC. Even though turning on the AC was a horror to me. It was like the winds from Siberia itself blew out of that hellish machine).
We had a lot of fun seeing the other bands that night, especially curious we were of those Canadian Demons and the Supertones, they rocked.

Sunday night at Otto’s was different altogether. Hardly any crowd, even though you could have listened to a virtually untuned guitar of Bo Diddley’s.
All in all, as we grew more confident about our playing, we had a great time. It was especially funny to do announcements in between Freddie and Frank Wood. Ah, the times we had….

I must come back to the financial aspect of this little tour. Even though I don’t really care about the money, you American bands who play in Europe sure have a less bleak outlook…

In between gigs we drank beer, ate great food, saw some sights or followed the remnants of 19th century gangsterism, to finally get over that obsession. But tourist life until the evening, followed by surf rock life through the night takes its toll.

Our trip to Connecticut presented us with ghosts from the deep past, our first ride on a Harley-Davidson, a nuclear sub, and interesting samples of local micro-breweries, until we hit the road again and played Elm Bar in New Haven. First onstage were the Vulcan Surf School Drop-Outs, a young apiring surf band, which you will hear from a lot in the future. Then our good friends, the mighty 9th Wave, before the WSSL closed the evening. What a night! I am responsible for Matt getting into trouble with his girlfriend, although it could also have been the beers he downed. If you read this, Matt, I am sorry!

Last gig was the show at the Record Collector in Bordentown. Like last year, I found the atmosphere strange at first, with chairs and no beer and amps very low, but once the light was out, it is a cool place. The audience liked us, we liked the audience, and together with Blue Wave Theory, we arranged for a pleasant evening with lots of approving nods and interesting conversations.

Yes, once again we were sad to leave all you behind and go back to our dreary lives…
But we will be back, I need the Fez from RC…

Let us take the opportunity now to thank all the people who helped us make this unique experience possible, not in any particular order, and if we forgot about you, you should reveal yourself and demand the respect you so definitely deserve.

Big Thanks to:

Unsteadie Freddie
Deb Noble and Ted of StingRay Productions
Frank Wood
Julie and Bill of Alien Surfer Babes
Mike, Sandy, Ed and “Rick” of 9th Wave
The Blue Demons
Blue Wave Theory

everybody at Hank's Saloon, Otto's, Elm Bar and the Rceord Collector

Mrs and Mr Roy of Brooklyn

our traveling companions Sabine, Waltraud, Alex and Michael

and yes, Ralph, thanks for driving around with our gear or over a week!

thanks for the re-cap Dan.


I’ d like to say thanks and share a few moments with you all, having ½ the Space Rangers band visit and play a show with 9th Wave in the North East USA.

Starting with the Otto’s Shrunken Head Surf Shindig, Saturday night - a smooth ride into NY city for a great line-up of surf with WSSL, Blue Demons and the Supertones. The bands all sounded awesome; had fun pulling on the cape of one of those Demon supers.

I extended an invitation to Falko and Daniel to come up to Connecticut Wednesday the 11th, the day before our Elm Bar show in New Haven, CT. We arranged for a pickup at the Metro North Train Station. While driving, I was listening to my Space Rangers CD (Ready To Take Off), attempting to learn and write out the chord changes / dynamics. We needed early music to fill the night at the Elm bar. I learned track #3 Valle De La Luna, #5 Taipeh Tower Chase, and #10 Das Model. NOT an easy straight I-IV-V, complex with lots of dynamics. Picked them up with my 87 VW Vanagon, drove back to the 9th Wave Beach House (only 40 miles from the beach). I fired up my 84 Harley-Davidson motor cycle and let Falko and Daniel take it for a burn. We started practice at 8 pm and played to 1:30 am, so much for a 10 pm noise ordinance. I learned a lot about; the approach of playing surf music with Falko (drums) and Daniel (bass) from a German’s perspective – they have their own cultural influences, appreciation, and learned approach. We were able to learn and play 7 tunes as the Vulcan Surfers or something like that.

Thursday a.m. I gave Daniel and Falko keys to my car, GPS unit, Rand McNally road map of CT and a full tank of fuel, sent them off to collect top secret photos of the Nautilus nuclear submarine at the Sub Force-Submarine Museum in Groton, CT. They got back in time to take off for the Elm Bar to load in our backline equipment.
We played our 7 tunes very well (German-style) at Elm Bar, people really like the band. 9th Wave took the stage for a set. Ralph (Octomen), Falko and Daniel played as WSSL with high energy and fury. Go-Go dancers and people dancing transformed the energy into burned calories. Got home by 3:30 a.m., to get up for work by 7 a.m. A great night of music and the time I spent with Falko and Daniel was more than just memorable.
Thanks to all those who made this international exchange possible: Unsteady Freddie,Ted & Blue StingRay, Frank Wood, Julie and Bill of Alien Surfer Babes, Sandy, Ed and Phred of 9th Wave, The Blue Demons, Blue Wave Theory and RattleSnake Ralph (WSSL).

Lebewohl, meine Freunde, wir werden uns wiedersehen, gut zu sein.

Mike – 9th Wave

Please check out the INSTRO SUMMIT 2012!


Oh, mike, I remember the few but intense hours.
you forgot to mention the meeting of shrimp and fuexle!

and it's the Vulcan Surf School Dropouts ( I hereby claim all rights to that name)

We really enjoyed jamming (learning) with 0.5 - 0.75 of Ninth Wave. Also, local micro-brew, bourbon and sceptical cat included.

We will do that again anytime!

Vincent Price Is Right? Rock

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.


Vincent Price is Right | Facebook:


Thanks Freddie--already hit them up for some MP3s.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

send them some throat lozenges - if you know what I mean

I don't know "singers" like that can go out night after night and sing in that deep heavy dark goth style, and not destroy their vocal chords

I mean, it's such a brutal assault on one's throat

I believe that band had 2 guys singing/screaming the vocals, trading off of each other -- really intense

Unsteady Freddie

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