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Permalink Killer show in Austin, feb 16 and 17

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The Wormtone Records Winter Wiggle Stomp.

The Thunderchiefs

Looks like a bitchen event! Unfortunately I'm a bit far away to be able to make it. Go, Thunderchiefs!

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Finally, a show in my neck of the woods. I saw the Thunderchiefs play a few months back, when they opened for Jerry Cole in San Antonio, and was blown away. I'll definitely be attending this weekend long event in Feb. Cant wait. By the way, when are the Thnderchiefs going to release their debut album? I know it will be killer!

A little off-topic...but how was that Jerry Cole show?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

The Jerry Cole show: The Thunderchiefs opened the show, and were by far, the highlight of the night. A great collection of covers, and some incredible originals, showed the San Antonio crowd what a real surf band should sound like. After the Thunderchiefs, came the rockabilly band called Chadd Thomas & The Crazy Kings. Being a fan of rockabilly, these guys were really good. Great musicians, and the singer even swings is hips like Elvis did. Then came Jerry Cole. Since I had never scene Jerry before, I had nothing to compare this show to other shows. He got on stage a played through one of his 60's numbers, to get the set started. Then it went downhill fast. I'm not sure if its just that he's getting up there in years, or if the rumor about him getting drunk in the parkinglot before the show is true, but after the first song, Jerry had a little trouble staying up. A few times he fell into the drums, and even once fell to the ground, while still playing, and had to be helped back up by the stage hands. After the first set, me and the girlfriend had had enough. A very interesting night to say the least.

Looks like a bitchen event! Unfortunately I'm a bit far away to be able to make it. Go, Thunderchiefs!

Me too, but it sounds like a good time!

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Man, I would love to go to this too. Unfortunately, too far a trek for me as well. I am just envisioning fajitas and margaritas at Guero's then heading across to the Continental Club...damn, gotta get back to Austin!

Jet Sterling, Cosmic Spy

I wanna go. Love all 3 bands (pictured). Sad

Last edited: Dec 30, 2006 22:24:06

This is Colorado bands meets Texas bands. Wormtone Records is in Denver, as are the Orangu-Tones, Eddie Clendening, and the Aquasonics.

This is the last time the Orangu-Tones will perform- EVER!  Frat-rock at it's finest.  They have decided to call it a day after this gig.  Too many family obligations, etc. Too bad, they are great fun.

Eddie Clendening is a Rockabilly prodigy.  He's 23 now (I think) and can sing and play like you can't believe - He's really great.

The A-Sonics have a new drummer and bass player. More power!

I've also seen Long John Thomas and the Duffs -  from Kansas City I believe - Very cool band!  They do  English Mersey Beat style music,  all while having a good sense of humor - When I saw them they were really fun to watch.

It will be a great show -

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Jerry had a little trouble staying up. A few times he fell into the drums, and even once fell to the ground, while still playing, and had to be helped back up by the stage hands.

Wow, sounds like a riot!

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Wow, sounds like a riot!

Oh boy was it ever! Shocked

Jerry's a good guy and he can still play, but kinda gets into "shedding" a bit. I don't know if he really gets it.
He likes his pedals.

He's got some great stories.
He thinks he's still 21 year old.:lol:

I'll tell y'all who's a must see, George Tomsco.
He plays and sounds exactly the same as he did with the Fireballs on the same white Jazzmaster he got in 62.
Hit after hit after hit.

This is gonna be a fun show, we cant wait to see the Aquasonics!

Thanks for kind words about the T-chiefs y'all.

The Thunderchiefs

The Jerry Cole show: Then came Jerry Cole. Since I had never scene Jerry before, I had nothing to compare this show to other shows. He got on stage a played through one of his 60's numbers, to get the set started. Then it went downhill fast. I'm not sure if its just that he's getting up there in years, or if the rumor about him getting drunk in the parkinglot before the show is true, but after the first song, Jerry had a little trouble staying up. A few times he fell into the drums, and even once fell to the ground, while still playing, and had to be helped back up by the stage hands.

I was concerned when I read this because I am trying to set up a show for Jerry Cole in the Bay Area, so I talked to the San Antonio promoter to find out what happened. First, Jerry is in his 60s and on heart medication. He has to take a ton of pills every day, and on this day he accidentally took his heart medication before the show rather than after. Apparently, you are supposed to take the heart meds before bed as they will make you dizzy (and fall into drums.) The promoter and Jerry's band (3 Balls of Fire) were very concerned, a call was made to his wife in LA, but the show went on, such as it did. Jerry is not a drinker, and could not have played the thousands of studio dates that he has if he had any kind of substance abuse problem. Mike Vernon of 3 Balls says that the San Anotonio club will have Jerry back as soon as possible.
I know this sounds like "spin", but FWIW I thought you should hear the other side.

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Just posting this here because I hope some Texas hombres will read it--
If you know any bands or clubs in the Houston area, please let me know. I need some advice.

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Finally, a show in my neck of the woods. I saw the Thunderchiefs play a few months back, when they opened for Jerry Cole in San Antonio, and was blown away. I'll definitely be attending this weekend long event in Feb. Cant wait. By the way, when are the Thnderchiefs going to release their debut album? I know it will be killer!

The Thunderchiefs debut will be released (finally!) at the Wiggle Stomp.
I don't know if its killer, but it makes a great drink coaster!

Thanks again for the kind words surf_agent.

The Thunderchiefs

So when can we order copies?


"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

So when can we order copies?


Well let’s see, I have to go get my left handed ledger and some #2 pencils. Hmmm
Set up the stock room and hire some inventory control technicians… oh and I better go open a bank account…

Ah umm let me get back to ya on that.

The Thunderchiefs

They have left-handed ledger? Where have _I_ been?

I bet that'll be an amazing show. Have a blast, fellas.


The Thunderchiefs

Little more than a week away.
This is gonna be a good one so all you Cen-Tex folks come on out if ya can.

Thunderchief CD realse party!
The new CDs are on the way so well have them for the show.

The Thunderchiefs

Sadly - The Aquasonics won't be able to make it - too little money in the old band fund.... Crying Crying


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

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