Joined: Jan 04, 2012
Posts: 32
Los Angeles CA

Posted on Mar 29 2012 06:09 PM
I have decided to put myself out for hire in a number of capacities that may be of interest to you...
1) guitar coach... I could just say I’m available for giving lessons, but since I don’t have an academic “method” all worked out for teaching guitar, I prefer to think of this in terms of my simply getting together with you casually for one-on-one “sessions” in which I try to help you move forward with your playing. Whether I can be useful to you in this way would depend on how compatible you and I are as to our way of approach to the instrument, and the goals you have in mind. If you just want to learn to mechanically play a few “cool licks” (to impress the girls), I’m probably not the right guy for you. I am pretty much self-taught, having begun with a driving curiosity to understand music theory as it relates to the guitar; accordingly, the best fit here would be with those of you who resonate with that attitude. Also — I’d be best suited to work with “intermediate” players (or at least "advanced beginners")... those of you who have “the basics” down already, and now you want to figure out how to build on that.
2) band coach... perhaps you and some pals have put together a surf or instrumental band, and you want to make the most of it. Maybe you could use some help figuring out how to come up with arrangements for your tunes; I can help you to learn the classics and to develop your own interpretations of them. Knowing how to communicate effectively with one another and blend your parts together is vital to being a good band, and I can help you with that. Want to write your own tunes? Perhaps I can give you some tips in this department. There are many ways I might be able to facilitate the process of your becoming a good, cohesive band...
3) session producer... is your band thinking about recording a CD, and you want to be sure it lives up to your hopes and does justice to your dreams? I’m available to work with you in the studio to help make that happen.
4) guest musician... I enjoy playing in different settings with different musicians, and I’m open to “sitting in” with bands for gigs. Maybe your band has an important gig coming up, and you’d like to add to the marquis value by having me show up to play “Mr. Moto” with you (and more tunes too, if you like).
5) session musician... I’d love to play guitar on your upcoming studio project.
I’m in the LA area, and willing to come to wherever you are, insofar as it’s affordable for you to have me do so. I’d be happy to discuss any of these possibilities with you to see just how fruitful it might be for us to get together.
— PJ -
Paul Johnson
Belairs / Galaxies / Packards / Surfaris / Duo-tones / etc.
Last edited: Apr 02, 2012 21:15:32
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Posts: 82

Posted on Mar 29 2012 06:18 PM
— I came. I saw. I left.
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Posts: 8528
Back in Piitsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I grew up.

Posted on Mar 29 2012 06:22 PM
If EVER there was a reason to just pack up and move to California today, THIS IS IT!
But I have an interesting idea. Mr, Johnson, would you consider a way to offer guitar lessons via live-streaming (like with Skype)? We could pay via PayPal? There are potential students around the world would would jump at this opportunity. I would.
I can't play guitar right now due to the operation on my left shoulder, and after I can start again it will take me a while to get to where I used to be, which wasn't really intermediate. But the opportunity to do this will push my effort into overdrive.
I'm intensely curious about your reaction to the idea.
— This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.
Last edited: Mar 29, 2012 18:29:21
Joined: Jan 04, 2012
Posts: 32
Los Angeles CA

Posted on Mar 29 2012 06:52 PM
...would you consider a way to offer guitar lessons via live-streaming (like with Skype)? We could pay via PayPal? There are potential students around the world would would jump at this opportunity. I would. — Noel
I could be all over doing something along these lines, IF I knew how to do it. I'm not a TOTAL caveman in the computer tech dept., but what you describe sounds like it would involve a considerable learning curve for me...
— PJ -
Paul Johnson
Belairs / Galaxies / Packards / Surfaris / Duo-tones / etc.
Joined: Feb 25, 2006
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Mar 29 2012 06:58 PM
— Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea
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Posts: 352

Posted on Mar 29 2012 07:16 PM
I had the pleasure of playing and hanging out with Paul recently and I gotta say 'he is the man' Don't let this opportunity slip you by. Martin Cilia
Joined: Mar 15, 2011
Posts: 8528
Back in Piitsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I grew up.

Posted on Mar 29 2012 07:47 PM
So exciting to read this. You can get started if you have a computer with a high-speed network card (and network connection), a camera in your PC and a decent microphone. Skype is PC software that practically installs itself and does live streaming. You be seeing and hearing yourself on your own PC before the install finishes. You don't have to have a separate HD video camera connected to your PC but it helps and lets you record the lessons. I'm sure there are enough interested people near you that can help set this up for you.
Who wants to help Mr. Johnson set this up?
pjmoto wrote:
...would you consider a way to offer guitar lessons via live-streaming (like with Skype)? We could pay via PayPal? There are potential students around the world would would jump at this opportunity. I would. — Noel
I could be all over doing something along these lines, IF I knew how to do it. I'm not a TOTAL caveman in the computer tech dept., but what you describe sounds like it would involve a considerable learning curve for me...
— This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 5314
the outer banks of north carolina

Posted on Mar 29 2012 08:47 PM
me! me! me!
i'm going to be in ca. for the convention this summer, could we maybe set something up on the friday before?
— www.surfintheeye.com
Joined: Feb 28, 2006
Posts: 813
Boise, ID

Posted on Mar 29 2012 08:53 PM
pjmoto wrote:
...would you consider a way to offer guitar lessons via live-streaming (like with Skype)? We could pay via PayPal? There are potential students around the world would would jump at this opportunity. I would. — Noel
I could be all over doing something along these lines, IF I knew how to do it. I'm not a TOTAL caveman in the computer tech dept., but what you describe sounds like it would involve a considerable learning curve for me...
Noel is definitely onto something here. Once set up, that could certainly open up a much wider scope of potential business. Heck, I would consider paying for you to just play for me 
— Shawn Martin
Joined: Mar 05, 2010
Posts: 362
Mauna Lani, HI

Posted on Mar 29 2012 10:19 PM
Sounding very intriguing. May I ask, do you have an iphone Mr. Johnson? Lessons over facetime would be a pretty easy way to go too.
— http://blueruins.bandcamp.com
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Posts: 25640

Posted on Mar 30 2012 12:18 AM
this is cool what you have posted above,
when I get a good amount of free time,
I will send it out to my email list.
I suggest that you send it out on your email list too,
(they may over lap a bit), but better that, than not sending out,
and send it out via your facebook account too.
now a question,
will you play a de-tuned 7 string guitar on the Death Metal album project I wanna record?
joking of course.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Aug 19, 2006
Posts: 958
Kekaha, Kauai, Hawaii

Posted on Mar 30 2012 02:34 AM
Would it be ok to post this on our FB?....maybe some of our California friends would dig this.
I've played with him before and I've sat and talked all things surf with him and he truely is a gentleman.
I would sit and play with him if I lived over there and I'll see if we could do that the next time he's over here.
— The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"
Joined: Jan 24, 2008
Posts: 376
Santa Monica, Ca.

Posted on Mar 31 2012 04:28 PM
THIS is soo cool!! I've played with Paul many times and am always humbled by his virtuosity and his demeanor! Always a pleasure my friend!!
— Jeff Utterback
Joined: Mar 01, 2006
Posts: 55
New York City

Posted on Apr 04 2012 01:38 PM
I would be into that Skype idea as well, since I live n NYC. I would be honored to have one of the originators of the genre teach me some techniques!!!! Let me know when / if this happens!!!
Joined: Feb 26, 2006
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mojave desert, california

Posted on Apr 07 2012 12:30 AM
Joined: Mar 15, 2011
Posts: 8528
Back in Piitsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I grew up.

Posted on Apr 13 2012 05:51 PM
Just want to bump this idea. And also the streaming video lesson idea for everyone who doesn't live close enough but would LOVE TO DO THIS anyway!
— This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.
Joined: Jan 04, 2012
Posts: 32
Los Angeles CA

Posted on Apr 13 2012 06:50 PM
Hello friends —
Sorry to be so slow responding to all of your excellent posts here; I greatly appreciate the encouragement and the good ideas and suggestions...
I'm definitely open to the "streaming video lesson" idea; as I said, I would need some help on the tech end to make this happen. Mom — THANK YOU for your kind offer to set me up when you come out for the convention; I might like to take you up on this, although ideally I'd like to find someone local (in the LA area) to work with on an ongoing basis. (Please note: in addition to this need, I would love to hook up with someone who is internet-savvy who could work with me in developing my social networking and online sales, etc. I will be posting a specific inquiry about this soon, probably in this same section.)
Anyway, I just wanted to thank you all for your expressions of interest; I do hope something may come of this that might be of benefit to you!
BTW — Even more than doing the lesson thing, I'd love to have the opportunity to work with with some of the young bands out there as a 'coach" or as a session producer. I could sink my teeth into that!
— PJ -
Paul Johnson
Belairs / Galaxies / Packards / Surfaris / Duo-tones / etc.