We play this song in our local surf combo, and it gets the ladies attention. But even for its simplicity, its a surprisingly challenging piece to get the the band grooving in right extremely laid-back feel required. I nutted out the basic chords a wee while back and gave them to Goran Tanring to load onto his tab site.
I have a .pdf version of an xls file with the resulting chords that I've put in the downloads section.
(NB If there's any problem with opening this, just delete the .xls part of the file name i.e. make it into a straightforward .pdf declension.)
Any criticism/feedback welcomed
(FWIW the guitar playing these chords in the shads version is heavily tremolo-ed which adds to the magic)
—He who dies with the most tubes... wins
Last edited: Mar 10, 2012 21:28:46