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Permalink Surfside IV Recordings?

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The band is defunct, so I have been toying with the idea of uploading all of the Surfside IV recordings done to date. It would be some kind of free download package.

Jeff had expressed some interest in getting an unofficial copy or five of the unreleased CD we were working on, but this seems way easier. I can do ISO images if you want to have the real master disc. FLAC seemes more elegant. PM me if anyone is wants one.


I think that is a generous and great idea!

Your PM is full but....The TO's would be honored to receive any of your recordings!

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

Thanks, Ron. I deleted all the old messages. Please send me a PM, though, or I'll surely forget.


By the way our first CD we did back in '08 has long since escaped to the wild via the blogosphere. It is available as a 320Kb/s CBR MP3 with album art and all that:

I am not gonna mess with that one, I don't think, unless somebody has absolutely got to have it in 16-bit/44.1KHz. (You are not gonna gain much with a disc image. Trust me, I mixed and mastered it. 320 is way overkill. Wink )


Last edited: Mar 02, 2012 00:32:46

I certainly would love to be able to download those recordings. Thanks, Trey.

LHR wrote:

Jeff had expressed some interest in getting an
unofficial copy or five of the unreleased CD we were
working on, but this seems way easier. I can do ISO

Jeff HAS a copy...mine.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

IMO, the unreleased original SSIV tunes I have heard had potential to be their best record.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

Ditto to what everyone else has expressed. PM sent.


PM sent. I would love to hear the unreleased stuff!!

Thanks, everyone, for the responses. I will try to answer your PMs individually, but in case I miss someone...

We are packaging the release with CD art and all of that now. It will be ready soon.


Last edited: Mar 09, 2012 19:33:40

All right, so...

Looks like I have run into a snag getting these recordings out to everyone. A few months back, we amicably retired the group and the other three guys went off to form a new one here in town with a new fellow on guitar. They are called Atomic Shore. No, I was not consulted on the name. Wink

Anyway, they recently posted those unreleased Surfside IV tracks on their web sites as their own material and I guess they are thinking that they'll release the tunes we recorded as a CD of some kind. They did not ask my permission to do this and I was not entirely thrilled to hear my playing on another band's website, as you might imagine.

I have all the luck. This sort of thing has happened to me before! A few years ago, when the guitarist and bassist left to form a new band called (I've been told that I can't say the name of that band or risk being banned here) they ripped tracks directly from our CD and just posted them on their site also with no credit given. This new situation is a little better as the music was unreleased, and these guys are not being complete tools about it, but, man...

Anyway, these tracks are tied up at present. If I can't come to an equitable agreement with the old bandmates, I'll just post them up here for free.


Last edited: Mar 29, 2012 19:38:33

By the way...I experimented with the idea of releasing the album in mono. My mono mixes available here:

I don't think these were mastered and the final masters were stereo. Also, several of these did not make the cut and a few that did were not mixed in mono.


Oops, here:


some guys have all the luck.

sorry to hear of all the troubles Trey


Jeff: Naw, it's cool. I just wish I could get that record out, for better or worse, and kinda wrap it all up. Apparently, it is not going to be quite that easy. Cry


This sounds good, d/ling the album from the trustarvibrations blogspot.
Good luck with the release plans!

Hm, just an idea but have you checked bandcamp?
Not the "real deal" of course but at least a digital release, you can offer payable downloads in flac or other formats.

We never planned to release these as an album, they will forever be Surfside IV. We just wanted some tunes to get the new band started, all we are using are Nate's tunes and there are three of us from The Surfside IV on the unreleased recordings. As of now you can hear them at, we will soon have our own up there! Thanks!

I should point out that the band and I have worked everything out amicably. But I don't really control these recordings. They are in stasis for the time being.


Keep us posted on progress! I would love to get a copy for the radio show. I am kind of bummed that the band broke up! You guys were great together!

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