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Permalink Whitney Houston has died

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This just came across the AP:

I wish I could say that I didn't see this coming, but. . . .

I was by no means a fan of her, but I cannot deny that she was incredibly talented. What a waste.

Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

I wish I could say I was sad, but I'm not,

though I am sorry for her kids,


Last edited: Feb 11, 2012 19:25:46

not surprising unfortunately

Shawn Martin

I think she had an awesome voice and deserves some respect. I think it's quite tragic.

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It's a shame when anyone at that age dies, but a pretty voice won't protect you when you've abused and poisoned your body. Didn't read the article, was it actually drug-related?


they didn't say,
but I can't see how it wasn't.


Be honest! What's the first tune you started humming when you heard she died? "And I...............E.............I.................will always love yououuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................




Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

Matt22 wrote:

I think she had an awesome voice and deserves some
respect. I think it's quite tragic.

Indeed. I agree. It's a sad day for pop music. No matter how crazy her life was her gifted voice and musical work is significant and deserving of respect. Her pipes were unique and powerful folks.

Last edited: Feb 11, 2012 23:58:47

Hendrix, Janis, Morrison, Bonham, Keith Moon, and even Whitney, all have my respect for their musicianship. Where they lose all my respect is when they made that conscious decision to end it all with drugs. They knew what the f@#k they were doing, and they did it anyways. Idiots!

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

I wouldn't put her on the same list as those others you mentioned, Billy. She sang and died, probably from drug+alcohol use. Not the first one, but it don't make her the same artistic level as those others.

they made that conscious decision to end it all with drugs.

Nobody does that, at least very rarely. A lot of people use substances and live long happy lives. There are easier ways to kill yourself.
If she was addicted, to the point of body failure, then that's all it was - addiction. Some people are just weak. Being conscious about it doesn't change a thing.
Anyway, even Heroin OD doesn't kill. The killer combo is powder+alcohol.

And to finish off with the immortal words of Patrick Bateman ("American Psycho"):

Patrick Bateman: Did you know that Whitney Houston's debut LP, called simply Whitney Houston had 4 number one singles on it? Did you know that, Christie?
Elizabeth: [laughing] You actually listen to Whitney Houston? You own a Whitney Houston CD? More than one?
Patrick Bateman: It's hard to choose a favorite among so many great tracks, but "The Greatest Love of All" is one of the best, most powerful songs ever written about self-preservation, dignity. Its universal message crosses all boundaries and instills one with the hope that it's not too late to better ourselves. Since, Elizabeth, it's impossible in this world we live in to empathize with others, we can always empathize with ourselves. It's an important message, crucial really. And it's beautifully stated on the album.

DreadInBabylon wrote:

Anyway, even Heroin OD doesn't kill.

Really? I know several dead people that can dispute that.

Listened to a Whitney Houston best-of at the record store I went to last night. In the 80s, the music was quite listenable. In the 90s, it was shit. But my god do I wish todays current crop of "just a voice" singers made songs like she made in the 80s.

This may be all Off Topic until the autopsy results are published. Maybe it was sleeping pills+alcohol, maybe crack cocaine, maybe it was.. who knows?

psychonaut wrote:

DreadInBabylon wrote:

Anyway, even Heroin OD doesn't kill.

Really? I know several dead people that can dispute

Sorry, but I don't think they can. Look deeper into the facts of their deaths and you'll find that while it's Heroin related, the substance wasn't what's killed them.

This is not my opinion, it's according to studies.
Most heroin related deaths are to do with other effects of the drug use, not directly as a causality of the morphine itself, even at above tolerance doses. Heroin "kills" is a myth. Not to say that it's good for you, as it deteriorates the body in various ways, and then just a push over the ledge is enough, because the body is weak, the heart is weak, the immune system is weak.

Deaths related to Heroin are a result of the drug being mixed with bad stuff (rat poison, other toxins), Or when used with alcohol or other drugs (heart failure, brain stroke, nerve system failure).

It's bad, yes, but it's not the Heroin that kills, it's the lifestyle.

Last edited: Feb 12, 2012 11:09:13

BillyBlastOff wrote:

Be honest! What's the first tune you started humming
when you heard she died? "And
always love yououuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

With all due respect to Ms. Houston, I have seen several people and sources quote the "prophetic" nature of the lyrics to this song, including the line: "If I should stay, I would only be in your way. So I'll go..." It should be remembered that she didn't write this song, it was written by Dolly Parton, who is still going strong.

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never mind, this isn't the place for this

Last edited: Feb 12, 2012 12:47:37

DreadInBabylon wrote:

This may be all Off Topic until the autopsy results are
published. Maybe it was sleeping pills+alcohol, maybe
crack cocaine, maybe it was.. who knows?

psychonaut wrote:

DreadInBabylon wrote:

Anyway, even Heroin OD doesn't kill.

Really? I know several dead people that can dispute

Sorry, but I don't think they can. Look deeper into the
facts of their deaths and you'll find that while it's
Heroin related, the substance wasn't what's killed

This is not my opinion, it's according to studies.
Most heroin related deaths are to do with other
effects of the drug use, not directly as a causality of
the morphine itself, even at above tolerance doses.
Heroin "kills" is a myth. Not to say that it's good for
you, as it deteriorates the body in various ways, and
then just a push over the ledge is enough, because the
body is weak, the heart is weak, the immune system is

Deaths related to Heroin are a result of the drug being
mixed with bad stuff (rat poison, other toxins), Or
when used with alcohol or other drugs (heart failure,
brain stroke, nerve system failure).

It's bad, yes, but it's not the Heroin that kills, it's
the lifestyle.

Can you give me a link with this peer reviewed study that proves heroin kills is a myth?

I'm feeling rather foolish now for being so short sighted and getting off of it.

"Anyway, even Heroin OD doesn't kill. The killer combo is powder+alcohol"
Do tell?!. Gee, tell that to Frankie Lymon and Dee Dee Romone.
Let's see, the big 'H' more or less rots your blood vessels from the inside out - kind of like a water pipe rotting from inside from scale. So one day - fix or no fix, the user suffers a popped aneurism (that's a popped blood vessel) in a most inconvenient body area like brain, etc.

Every fool gets to be young, dumb, horny and foolish. But when you're in your late 40s,(Whitney) and you're still screwing around with what life by then should indicate is no good for you, Well, it's your (dumb) choice to shorten your life.
Free will - it is a bitch. But it is your (adult) responsibility.

Whether it's booze, drugs, etc. - after the detox, the rehab, the shrink sessions, the group therapy, the nicotine patches, the methodone, ad nauseum.. you have to come to the decision (one day) to STOP. Given that, just cut to the chase - skip the first steps and Stop. Oh, you don't have any mental self-disipline or control, Well then, I guess you're cooked.. so drink up, shoot up, snort the best coke money can buy, and get it over with!

BTW.. a once or twice listen to her vocal acrobatics (I can't call it singing) was enough for me.

R.I.P. Whitney.. you certainly worked at it.
Not very tolerant of substance(ab)users, I guess.. no one's perfect.

J Mo'

AGAIN! Has she got 9 lives like a cat?
Enough already. There are much larger issues to deal with in the World that don't get nearly as much coverage.

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