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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Musicians & Gigs Wanted »

Permalink Bass player looking to establish a Surf/Instro network in Florida.

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Yeah. Tom and I had lunch one afternoon. What a great guy. I look forward to meeting you at the Mai Kai. Perhaps some other SG101'ers will show up?


We're coming down from the Crystal River/Inverness area (CT, actually), expecting the prize for longest distance traveled. You'll be able to recognize me as the guy sporting the fresh 3rd degree burns!

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

Apparently Surf Music is alive and well...IF YOU LIVE IN CALIFORNIA!!
I'm always up to play Surf music but for now(after 4 years of looking for bandmates) I've moved on to Rock 'n Roll & Blues. With maybe a sprinkle of Surf classics worked in.

Last edited: Feb 07, 2012 07:21:16

Well, I've had a change of heart. I have such a strong attraction to Surf music that I can't escape the fact that this music is the music for me. So I'm back and actively searching for Surf musicians in the Tampa Bay area of Florida.

I'm headed for a visit to Citrus County next week. I'd appreciate hearing about any surf/instro activity happening near Western -Central FL April 11-19. I play surf drums, looking for opportunity to play/jam/attend some surf shows while visiting. Please reply with any leads. Thanks!

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

I'm still available to play surf drums in the Space Coast or Treasure Coast area. I would be interested in being a part time or substitute drummer for a band whose drummer travels a lot.

Bill Surfacabra

Bill Surf

But I keep getting hit up to play guitar instead.

Bill Surfacabra

Bill Surf

Hi all, How are you Bill?
Havn't visited Surf101 in awhile.
I've been playing in a classic rock/new country/whatever band and it's wearing pretty thin on me. I still kick around the idea of heading up to your place for a weekend jam.
If we could do a 3 piece I'd do it.

Hi Rand, I'm doing well. I'm sure you will be heading up this way eventually for a jam - if I don't head that way first. Are there any good open mikes over there where they respond to surf music? I might come hit one over your way sometime for kicks. Have you learned those songs yet? Wink

We had a coffeeshop that was good for awhile but they stopped having open mike. There's a roadside blues house nearby that I haven't played at in awhile, they responded pretty well and it was fun. I think there are some new open mikes that I haven't checked out yet.

Some of us here went down to Ft Lauderdale to the Mai-Kai a couple weeks back for an evening hosted by Atomic Grog where a very authentic and good sounding classic style instrumental surf band, Skinny Jimmy and the Stingrays, played. There was enough progressive in their originals to be interesting, but they were definitely very classic and correct in their sound and presentation.
Obviously at the Mai-Kai they were playing to a very receptive crowd - everyone stoked to be hearing some good surf music and many of them there just for that. The Mai-Kai is a pretty good drive for us but we've been going pretty regularly.

The Novarays have been playing fairly regularly in Orlando and making it to the Space Coast some, I saw them not long ago at a private party. I last saw them when they opened for Dick Dale in Orlando. They have really impressed me with the depth of their knowledge about the origins and lore of many of the lesser-known songs they do. Also their overall musicianship and classic, authentic renditions of song after song. They have been polishing their playing for years and it shows. Very enjoyable.

Overall I am pretty optimistic about the trajectory I see for instrumental surf music on the Space Coast and central florida in general right now. I am getting more people asking me about it, what it is, where to go to see it, etc.

I don't know of any big events upcoming right now but I know there are some good ones being planned for the next few months.

Bill Surfacabra

Bill Surf

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