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Permalink Brave New Surf - 20 Track CD From Double Crown Out Now!

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matt wrote:

Not to make more work for anyone(!) but what if all the
bands sent a couple CDs from which their compilation
track was taken to be sold on, say, the brave new surf
website so they'd be easier to get ahold of? (easier
for me, that is).

Also maybe send a copy of their CD "from which their compilation track was taken" to Pandora radio. Airplay is good, right? Bands from this comp I've already heard on Pandora are the Deadbeats, The Eliminators, Bambis, and Daggers. The are a few hoops you have to jump through. From their website:

"To submit music to Pandora, you'll need these items:

1) a CD of your music

2) a unique UPC code for that CD (To obtain your own UPC code at a low cost, click here. If you already have a UPC code for this particular CD--for instance, through your record label--use that one).

3) this CD to be available through Amazon as a physical CD (and not just as MP3s)--and for the name of each track to be listed in the Track Listing section on the page for that CD

4) the legal rights to your music

5) a standard free Pandora account, based on a valid email address, that will be associated with this submission

6) MP3 files for exactly two tracks from your CD

Note: It is only possible to submit one CD at a time to Pandora

Once you have all of these items ready to go, you can submit your music to Pandora for consideration here."

Carol, very glad to hear you like the CD! And yes, a desire to listen to entire CDs by the bands on the comp is the intended effect of the comp! Smile

Noel wrote:

So last night my wife and I took her dad and step-mother out to dinner. Her step-mom has been at the periphery of show business for thirty years, managing her three daughters who are a vocal trio. When she
asked me what was new I played Brave New Surf. She heard most of the record. She'd never heard of surf music or heard any surf music before this. She liked it enough that she's going to introduce it to her grandson who is learning guitar. She told me she wants to get out her guitar and learn it with her grandson too.

That's so cool, Noel! Wow! Thanks so much for continuing the spread the word, greatly appreciate it!! And good luck to your stepmother-in-law in learning the guitar! (I just read an article about how it's never too late to learn an instrument.)

As far as the other suggestions about carrying the CDs by the bands on the comp, I'll let Sean of Double Crown answer that one.

Thanks all, again.

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

I am doing everything I can to stock many of the CD's by bands on the Brave New Surf comp. Unfortunately, I run into many of the problems you all have with tracking down the overseas CD's - they're more expensive than US CD's, there are shipping/customs issues and fees, and payment is more difficult (especially when overseas labels and bands don't accept Paypal). I'll be adding stuff over the next few months, so probably the best thing to do is check the Double Crown site every once in a while, and perhaps sign up for our e-newsletter (the sign up form is towards the bottom of our front page, on the right hand side). We send out e-mail updates once a month with a list of our latest catalog additions.

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

Just got my package yesterday. Ok, first of all, I must say the quality of all the bands is impressive. Of course I prefer some bands to others but as a surf music fan, this is a must have.
Ivan, Sean and whoever was involved in the project really did a master work in choosing the bands. My favourite bands are Daikaiju, The Coffin Daggers, El Supernaut (I never heard of them before), El Ray, The Madeira and Aqualads.
However, IMHO, I would like to hear more bands such as The Razorblades, The Tremolo Beer Gut or The Irradiates but I guess choosing 20 bands to fit on a CD wasn't easy at all.
One of my project when I started organize surf gigs in my hometown about 7 years ago as to make a comp with surf bands from Europe. Brave New Surf makes me want to do it.

Monkey Ju

Pirato Ketchup

Thanks very much for the great review, Juicy Ju! Very happy to hear you like the CD so much, and thanks for the plugs, too! (And for the review on the BNS websie - I think that's by you....) Yes, it was very difficult to decide who to include and who to leave out. (Though, I actually didn't realize as of last summer that Tremolo Beer Gut were active - the tracks on this CD are all from '08 or later - have they had any releases in that time?)

Anyway, spread the word! And good luck with putting together the Euro comp, that would be awesome! Much of my favorite surf music has been coming out of that part of the world for years now.


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: Jan 03, 2012 09:21:49

IvanP wrote:

(And for the review on the BNS websie
- I think that's by you....)

Yes, I did it.

Monkey Ju

Pirato Ketchup

IvanP wrote:

(Though, I actually didn't realize as of last
summer that Tremolo Beer Gut were active - the tracks
on this CD are all from '08 or later - have they had
any releases in that time?)


see these threads:


Hi ...Los Kahunas are really pride of being a part if this project....thanks Ivan and Sean for inviting us, and congratulaitons Brian for the website..... LOOKS TERRIFIC!!! Headbang

El Papu & los Fantasticos Reverberantes

big_papu wrote:

Hi ...Los Kahunas are really pride of being a part if
this project....thanks Ivan and Sean for inviting us,
and congratulaitons Brian for the website..... LOOKS
TERRIFIC!!! Headbang

HI Big Papu

Are you guys comming out with a new Album in 2012 ?

Pete Analog-Surf...The Guy with the Bright Green Los Kahunas Sticker
on his truck ,If you remember the Pic I sent you !

Just got my copy this digging into it as we speak. Fantastic!

"Brave New Surf" is absolutely STELLAR! The production team behind this did an awesome job of producing and representing this amazing compilation.
The music and bands are FANTASTIC!

2 weeks since I got my copy and I'm still digging the heck out of this compilation. Enjoying the depth and breadth of music...had my favorite tunes last week-now enjoying a new set of faves this week.

As soon as I can settle down...I'll post feedback/comments/review on BNS website.

Glad you like the CD, Calacas! I definitely hope you can post some impressions on the BNS website.

BNS was featured on RJ Diego's Spanish National Radio show this week - here's the link, translated (kinda) from Spanish. He played nine songs from the CD - nearly half the CD! Thanks, RJ! You can hear the show on the above link.

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Folks, it looks like Brave New Surf reviews should start appearing soon, we hope in all sorts of interesting publications. It took a while for the Kickstarter money to actually arrive to Double Crown Records, and then for Sean to send out all the review copies. We're truly hoping that over the next month or two the comp will start attracting people outside of our dedicated circle, and maybe even slightly expand that circle.

And just to remind you, Brian and a couple of his colleagues set up a super-duper website for the comp at for the express purpose of getting the newbies hooked. What we think would help with that is if the people that already have the comp and have been enjoying were to post some brief comments in the Feedback section of the website. We'd really love to show the world the enthusiasm that surf fans have for our favorite music, and having a fuller feedback section would almost certainly help. So, if you could take a few moments and post some nice words, we'd be very very grateful!!!

Thanks in advance!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: Feb 04, 2012 21:44:50

Thanks for leaving some great comments morphball!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

My pleasure... I'll probably add a blurb on Amazon and iTunes in a bit too. Nice work on the site by the way, I used the FB authentication, and everything worked flawlessly, quick and easy.


morphball wrote:

I used the FB authentication, and everything worked flawlessly, quick and easy.

Cool, thanks for letting me know. Another person was having trouble with it this weekend. Supposedly you can post a comment with just your email address, but you can also sign in with your FB, Google, or Twitter logins too.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks so much to morphball, Matt Heaton of the Electric Heaters, and Tom Hinders for the great reviews you posted on the BNS website!!! We greatly appreciate it, and as a result that page is starting to look a lot better!

I'd still greatly encourage anybody else to leave a few words, don't need to write anything long, a sentence or two will be plenty. If you like the comp, please let the world know! (Or at least that part of the world that may check out that site!)

(and if you can at the same time copy the reviews on the Amazon and iTunes pages for BNS, so much the better.)

Thanks in advance!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

AnalogSurf wrote:

big_papu wrote:

Hi ...Los Kahunas are really pride of being a part
this project....thanks Ivan and Sean for inviting
and congratulaitons Brian for the website..... LOOKS
TERRIFIC!!! Headbang

HI Big Papu

Are you guys comming out with a new Album in 2012 ?

Pete Analog-Surf...The Guy with the Bright Green Los
Kahunas Sticker
on his truck ,If you remember the Pic I sent you !

Hi!! sorry for the delay...yes, is going to be a new Ep 8 songs, 6 new originals, 2 covers, vinyl and CD, coming this year

El Papu & los Fantasticos Reverberantes

Last edited: Feb 07, 2012 19:14:24

I need to buy more,
the 2 I had left from last purchase of 7,
also found new homes,
spreading the word, slowly.


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