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Permalink Tele pickups for Surf

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Do those of you who use a Telecaster for Surf have any recommendations on pickups?

If this dreadges up an old topic...ooops, my bad Uh-Oh



You're not drunk if you can put your socks on while standing.

I've never liked the stock neck pickup so I just ordered one of these $34 Guitar Fetish pickups for the neck, "As much power and balls as a hot over-wound 12K tele pickup, yet wound to only 7K to deliver the shimmery high end and string snap that tele players love.":

That should do the trick coupled with this one for the neck

and this nice mint green guard

Thanks Doug!


You're not drunk if you can put your socks on while standing.

I swear by Rio Grande Stelly pickups in the bridge of all my Teles. Big, strong twang, not thin or plinky...that's a technical term, plinky.

Fender CS is installing the new Twisted Tele Bridge pickup on many of the 2012 models.

It sounds great. Really powerful and mid-rangy.

The sound is sort of like the Nocaster bridge pickup with the tone knob turned down one quarter or so. Except you don't lose any gain by turning down.


I put a SD Antiquity Strat pick up in the neck position of my main Tele. Funny, sound exactly like a vintage Strat neck pick up ! Big Grin

I've been really tempted to get one of these for my Thinline -
Curtis Novak Jazzmaster neck pickup for Tele


I've already got a Churchill Custom in the bridge that sounds awesome.

Bill S._______

Actually that is the pickup I ordered for the neck. The stock bridge pickup on my Tele sounds OK.

Stokemon wrote:

That should do the trick coupled with this one for the

and this nice mint green guard

Thanks Doug!


Stormtiger wrote:

Actually that is the pickup I ordered for the neck. The
stock bridge pickup on my Tele sounds OK.

DOH..yeah, that's what you said, I just did not catch it. My bridge pickup is acceptable as well. It's the neck pickup that is useless. The GFS bridge PU looks to have the same footprint as the neck PU, so it should fit fine. Bet the middle position with both PU's going will sound great. Maybe I'll try it your way. Thanks again!

You're not drunk if you can put your socks on while standing.

Last edited: Feb 04, 2012 13:29:05

I put a Jazzmaster pickup into the neck position of my Telecaster, although at this point it is more Jazzmaster than Telecaster.


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Last edited: Feb 04, 2012 19:13:03

Sonichris, that is a very cool hybrid!

JeffH wrote:

Sonichris, that is a very cool hybrid!

I heard that! That's a great combo!

Respect, Jeff

I put the Guitar Fetish fat pole neck pickup on my Tele and I love it! It has fixed the only weakness of the guitar. The neck pickup has about the same output as the bridge pickup now, big, clean and a little twangy. Both pickups together sound great. Only $34 and soldering 2 wires, easy even for me.

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