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Permalink Southern Culture On The Skids

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anyone else a fan?

i know it's not really surf music, but it's very surf influenced. great hillbilly surfy/country/swamp rock stuff. i still haven't been able to see them day...

Science friction burns my fingers.

Definately a fan, I've seen them a few times, tossing fried chicken to the crowd. They do have some good surf licks though. Meximelt comes to mind...~strangest ways...

Surf in Seattle?

i'm a fan. i prefer them live. they play near here about two times a year and even played a private party i attended a few years ago. rick miller is one heck of a guitar player and is also a walking music encyclopedia.

TOne for DAYS!!!! Rick is the master of the cheap guitar!


I like them a lot too.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I have all their early stuff, but need to get the last couple things.
I wanna make a cdr comp of all the instro stuff, from all the cds.
The one time I saw them was at the Palace in Hollywood with Man or Astroman. Great show!!
My Favorite cd/ep is a Halloween/scary stuff, aussie import called Zombified. Grab it if you see it, very hard to find, outta print I think.



Love 'em!! Saw 'em live many years ago, played Sleazefest twice, which they co-hosted. In fact, just a couple of weeks ago I went through all their stuff I have and compiled their instro stuff for my iPod. Here's what I have:

Mexy-Melt (DITTO!)
El Mysterioso
Viva De la Santo!
Make Mayan A Hawaiian
Galley Slave
I'm Branded

I know they've had a lot more instros through they years, but this is what I've got. A really talented and multidimensional band - and awesome people to boot! (We did hang out a bit at Sleazefest, they took a liking to the Cossacks... Good times...)


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Love 'em!! Saw 'em live many years ago, played Sleazefest twice, which they co-hosted. In fact, just a couple of weeks ago I went through all their stuff I have and compiled their instro stuff for my iPod. Here's what I have:

Mexy-Melt (DITTO!)
El Mysterioso
Viva De la Santo!
Make Mayan A Hawaiian
Galley Slave
I'm Branded

I know they've had a lot more instros through they years, but this is what I've got. A really talented and multidimensional band - and awesome people to boot! (We did hang out a bit at Sleazefest, they took a liking to the Cossacks... Good times...)


The Wet Spot off the Mojo Box CD is a MUST ADD to that collection!
The Sweet Spot is pretty cool too.

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

Huge fan. Going to see them in Ft Lauderdale next week, for the umpteenth time...Miller is one sick surf guitarist...what can I say, I love to watch the man work.

My faves (including repeats from above):

Tunafish Every Day
Mexi-Melt (<---awesome live....usually does as a medley w/ "Miserlou")
The Wet Spot (one of the first covers we did as a band).
New Cooter Boogie (great surf solo)
Red Beans N' Reverb (

Hillbilly surf garage? I'm all about it.

The Disasternauts

SCOTS are great. I haven't had the opportunity to see them in several years but started seeing them... Holy Shit... 16 or 17 years ago when I was at the U of Alabama. Now I feel old. Back when cover was $3 and beer was $1.50 and hang overs where the norm.

'Viva Los Santo!'

I saw them last year at the W.O.W. hall in Eugene.
They were pretty good, but I have to say the whole chicken/Santo thing just didn't do anything for me.
We cover Galley Slave, but we play it in A-minor.

Southern Culture on the Skids rocks! They are playing in Florida this week, and I am going to see them on Sunday. Ditch Diggin' is my favorite album by them...
Meximelt is currently my favorite instro song that they do.


Hey Look everybody, it's Fez from that 70's show above.
I didn't know you liked surf man. ha ha Very Happy j/k
sorry I'm a fan of the show, couldn't resist.



Hey Look everybody, it's Fez from that 70's show above.
I didn't know you liked surf man. ha ha Very Happy j/k
sorry I'm a fan of the show, couldn't resist.


I think everytime you make a post like this, your post count should be deducted by one, instead of increased by one Twisted Evil
Now back to SCOTS 70's show. Ever. Not even at the Shallow End.

your on-topic inspector,

The Scimitars

SCOTS and The Barbary Coasters will be the featured artists in the upcoming Continental Magazine, out next month. It was a huge thrill to interview Rick Miller - I've been a big fan for over 10 years and their Bellingham shows were legendary.

Double Crown Records

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #37 w/17 Song CD

Check out this month's Vintage Guitar Magazine for an article about Mary Huff, the bass player... she's groooovy...

Sorta a late review, but a couple of The Intoxicators! caught the SCOTS show in Tallahassee, FL on April 23rd. They only did a couple of surf songs at this show (Meximelt, and The Wet Spot), but boy were they good... Here's a couple of photos of us taken after the show...

Very cool. Is Cousin Crispy still playing with them live? Very Happy

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Definately a fan, I've seen them a few times, tossing fried chicken to the crowd. They do have some good surf licks though. Meximelt comes to mind...~strangest ways...

Meximelt always reminds me of Link Wray.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Cousin Krispy was not with them this time... They had a guy playing electric banjo with them this time for part of the show... and here's a picture of him...
The time before that I saw them Krispy was not with them either...
Ed from Ohio from Firehose was with them... He played rhythm and trumpet on a couple of songs...

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