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Permalink SG101 to participate in SOPA / PIPA blackout on Wed., Jan 18

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Definitely have my full support Brian. The Government is going to far, these plus the already passed NDAA continue to chip away all rights and freedoms originally set down in the Constitution, further reducing it to being just a simple piece of paper that some guy's wrote on a long time ago.


jdangerously57 wrote:

Definitely have my full support Brian. The Government
is going to far, these plus the already passed NDAA
continue to chip away all rights and freedoms
originally set down in the Constitution, further
reducing it to being just a simple piece of paper that
some guy's wrote on a long time ago.

I think the blame falls squarely on on the shoulders of aggressive multi-national corporation-logbbyists as well as a totally complacent public. The "Government" for the most part is really nothing but shills and corporate toadies... very few true representatives of the people left in DC these days...

Last edited: Jan 17, 2012 23:15:04

Good deal Brian. Everyone who is friends with me on Facebook knows that I'm slightly conservative :). It makes me sick to see politicians that (supposedly) are on my side of the fence supporting these government tentacles. Aside from the fact that there are 100s of more dire problems that they should be dealing with, the politicians getting their fingers into MORE of our business is the last thing we need. They've proven over and over again that the only thing they are good at is making problems worse.

Shawn Martin

dp wrote:

jdangerously57 wrote:

Definitely have my full support Brian. The
is going to far, these plus the already passed NDAA
continue to chip away all rights and freedoms
originally set down in the Constitution, further
reducing it to being just a simple piece of paper
some guy's wrote on a long time ago.

I think the blame falls squarely on on the shoulders of
aggressive multi-national corporation-logbbyists as
well as a totally complacent public. The "Government"
for the most part is really nothing but shills and
corporate toadies... very few true representatives of
the people left in DC these days...

Yes Indeed, I fully concur sir.


by the way, jdangerously, how's the Medford Oregono surf scene? y'all have a surf band in town yet?...or do you have to trek up to Portland to catch the reverberators?

Last edited: Jan 17, 2012 23:42:57

dp wrote:

by the way, jdangerously, how's the Medford Oregono
surf scene? y'all have a surf band in town
yet?...or do you have to trek up to Portland to catch
the reverberators?

Well there's really only one surf band in town, mine, The Phantom Tides. The only other band similar is The Nautics, but they do more of a pop rock with surf gear kind of a thing (although they are great musicians and have been Nokie's backing band the last few times he's played around here). Outside of that, there really isn't any surf scene to speak of, sadly. It's a backwards kind of an area, with only one kool bar that actually books lots of bands, Johnny B's (Jakes old band The Verb came through here and played there a few years ago. Sad to say, I think that's the last surf band to come through here, at least that I'm aware of).


Last edited: Jan 18, 2012 00:28:52

One co-sponsor quits.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Wow! Rubio was for it? That comes as a bit of a surprise.

Oh..................YAY!!!! WE'RE BACK!!!!!


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

Staredge wrote:

Wow! Rubio was for it? That comes as a bit of a

Oh..................YAY!!!! WE'RE BACK!!!!!

Whoa! it was a long day...Google blocked out the logo...wikipedia shut it down...

But on the other hand ...

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Let us see how quickly this Administration changes it's tune. Apparently the Entertainment Industry are threatening to back out of fundraisers for the Democratic Party if they don't get/remain behind this bill....So sad...but money talks and we all know how quickly the O Administration will cave.

Very Sad Article

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Really? So it's all just business after all? Who knew? Or that Hollywood is institutionally Progressive? Who knew that? Or that Hollywood Progressives think they can buy votes just like any other business interest? Who knew that either? Or that Progressives aren't really liberal? Who knew? Noah is right, this is sad; just not surprising.

killbabykill34 wrote:

Let us see how quickly this Administration changes it's
tune. Apparently the Entertainment Industry are
threatening to back out of fundraisers for the
Democratic Party if they don't get/remain behind this
bill....So sad...but money talks and we all know how
quickly the O Administration will cave.

Very Sad

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Noel, it wasn't surprising in any way. Progressive, Liberal, Conservative? These tend to only exist until personal interests are affected.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Here is a great video:

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I'm sure Hollywood's lost revenue has nothing to do with cranking out shitty remakes, CG-driven comic & video game adaptions, and generally uninspired originals.


From the Washington Post:

Five reasons the Internet’s still protesting SOPA and PIPA

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

killbabykill34 wrote:

Noel, it wasn't surprising in any way. Progressive,
Liberal, Conservative? These tend to only exist until
personal interests are affected.

Exactly! People generally toe the line until it's their ox being gored then all hard-line political stances waiver.

A revised Bill that goes after blantent piracy sites might be more like it, but then again personally I believe the Genie is out of the bottle.

METEOR IV on reverbnation

morphball wrote:

I'm sure Hollywood's lost revenue has nothing to do
with cranking out shitty remakes, CG-driven comic &
video game adaptions, and generally uninspired

Well, the argument of cause or effect is questionable. It would be really easy to argue that we are seeing remakes, comic and video game adaptations on such a mass scale because Hollywood is currently not willing to take risks. These films tend to open HUGE, no matter how poor they are. A remake can make it's money back on name recognition alone in one weekend. Then if it drops off, no harm done.

I read the argements that Hollywood made to justify this bill. The numbers were grossly exagerated, using faulty practices. From what I understand, the numbers they gave were based upon total illegal downloads of movies. Yes, this number is accurate. What is not accurate is the assumption that each of the people that illegally downloaded the movie would have actually spent money on tickets had they not had the opportunity to steal the movies. This is a very faulty assumption and one that common sense would tell is not true.

There are things that Hollywood could have done to help curtail this practice. For one, make going to the movies affordable. Stop tacking on 3D to an unwanting audience, just so you can tack on extra money to the ticket price. 6 years ago my ex and I could not only afford to go to the movies, but it was not uncommon for us to go multiple times per week. Now the price is outrageous. I took my little girls to see Chipwrecked a few weeks ago. Just the tickets for three of us exceeded 40 dollars. Six year ago the price would have been 18 dollars for three tickets at the same theater.

The economy is bad. People are short on money. If you want to encourage people to go to the movies you lower your price. Isn't it common knowledge in basic economics that when demand is low you lower the price?

I am not going to try to justify illegally downloading anything. Despite the fact that I have done it, I understand it is wrong. However, don't cheat your way into having a bill written. Even more, make sure that bill corrects the problem at hand. As I see it, this bill was used to hide granting government new powers that will expand their already overreaching arms.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Las_Barracudas wrote:

killbabykill34 wrote:

Noel, it wasn't surprising in any way. Progressive,
Liberal, Conservative? These tend to only exist
personal interests are affected.

Exactly! People generally toe the line until it's
their ox being gored then all hard-line political
stances waiver.

A revised Bill that goes after blantent piracy sites
might be more like it, but then again personally I
believe the Genie is out of the bottle.

I too believe that the Genie is out of the bottle. When this happens, business modesl have to be changed.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Companies that support SOPA include Apple, Microsoft, Fender, Gibson, & Harley Davidson. Google for the full list. Sad

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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