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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
316 days ago

dp: dude
297 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
252 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
236 days ago

GDW: showman
187 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
109 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
103 days ago

glennmagi: CLAM SHACK guitar
88 days ago

Hothorseraddish: surf music is amazing
68 days ago

dp: get reverberated!
19 days ago

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Ah yes, sorry I confused XKE and the other Martians tune. A Boss Martians cover is pretty damn cool in my book.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


Here is the last of the footage I have from Baja Marty's party. I was dissapointed that I only got 6 of The Eliminators songs, I can't remember for sure was either my third battery gave out or I ran out of tape! I am also sorry I do not have any of The Boardwalkers! Crying

I hope to see them play again so I can correct the mistake!
Anyway here are the last of the Baja Marty songs from The Eliminators:

The Eliminators Play Chief Whoopin' Koff

The Eliminators Playing Dawn Patrol

The Eliminators Playing Long Live The King

The Eliminators Playing Mystery Song

The Eliminators Playing Parafin Jungle

The Eliminators Playing Rincon

I do have one question.. should I post all of these URLs in the forum about surf videos on the internet?

I had a specific request for The Volcanos so I am going to do the videos from Phyllises Musical Inn last summer in Chicago. So there will be footage of The Madeira, The Cocktail Preachers and of course The Volcanos. I will post the to the surf videos on the internet forum.

Hey I forgot to mention that there was another song in the batch that I recognze, but don't know the name of. If any of you could tell me I will fix it.

The Eliminators Play Mystery Song


Guy the 2 Eliminators songs that you dont have titles for wont play.

Thanks for posting all these, I say yeah go ahead and put them in the Internet videos area too.



Who is the lead guitarist for the Eliminators? He gets an amazing tone out of that Jag. Showman or other?

They are one band I'd love to play with this summer. I wish we could spend a week in Southern California but then it wouldn't be as much of a tour.

Guy, now the 2 vids play but are the same song???
But i think it might be Depth Charge, but not 100% sure.
anybody else?

Jake that is Joe. impretty sure hes using a showman , but it could be smaller since its not a huge stage like they usually play, and its probably a 1x 12 Cab instead of a big boy, but I really didnt pay attention that night, so much stuff going on, and people to talk to. But yeah they did rip it up. way better than a normal gig.



Sounds like Depth Charge to me (both of them).

Man, Rincon is such a cool song. Rock

Thanks for posting these, Guy. Worship

It's awesome getting to see this stuff again. Once definitely wasn't enough.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Who is the lead guitarist for the Eliminators? He gets an amazing tone out of that Jag. Showman or other?

They are one band I'd love to play with this summer. I wish we could spend a week in Southern California but then it wouldn't be as much of a tour.

He is Joe Kurkowski. He is one of the best out there. He writes some great original material. They are a really tight band. Doug Harlow the drummer is one of the outstanding surf drummers. Frank Hughes on Bass keeps things nice & steady. Their front man Preston has a great respect for the history of surf music. Bill Swanson on sax is way cool.

MW Surf Guy... Thanks for the great vids. Any chance you can post the Elimimnators doing Punta Baja, Cross Steppin & El Burracho?

The Mystery song by the Eliminators is definitely Depth Charge (Jon & the Nightriders). The 4:12 mystery song by The Surf Kings is called Tears of the Dolphin, there is a live version on the Celebration of Life CD recorded at the Pitcher House.

Guy I replied to your PM about 3 days ago,
please reply.


found this link, in a search looking for pics of Marty,
thought I would bump it, as a reminder of better times.

can we go back to then?


That was the best party ever. The look on Marty's face was priceless. I'll never forget as he walked in the door, Slacktone started with Miserlou, and Marty started to cry. He recently told Sean that is was so amazing because he didn't realize how many people loved him. Well, we do Marty! Your presence at shows will certainly be missed.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Tikitena wrote:

That was the best party ever. The look on Marty's face was priceless. I'll never forget as he walked in the door, Slacktone started with Miserlou, and Marty started to cry. He recently told Sean that is was so amazing because he didn't realize how many people loved him. Well, we do Marty! Your presence at shows will certainly be missed.

What an incredibly touching story! I had only been around him a couple of short times, but he just seemed to be a giant beating heart of passion and joy for this music and the friends that were always around him. We should all be so lucky to have someone around that lights a room up like that man did.

where is the sobbing like a Baby emoticon?


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