Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25578
Posted on Apr 10 2006 04:16 PM
It was really fantastic to see the Boys from Fresno come down again.
Especially since it's kinda far away( 5 or 6 hours) and No pay, and no other gigs the night before. I told Tom had the gotten on the Lava Lounge gig also with the Insects, Pyronauts, and Lunatones. That it would have pushed me over the edge, and I would have gone there instead of the Nokie gig.
Anyways down to the nitty gritty.
The Neptunes had a bit of a Lineup change again. Steve thier longtime
co-bassistguitarist left again. So now ( forgive me I'm bad wih new
names.) The guy that joined last year is still there with a Baritone and Guitar. and they finally have a dedicated Bass player. Young guy that said he was mainly in rock and blues bands. but does like surf. And told me he has seen the Mermen before. That would bother some, but not me.
Great solid, mostly Trad bass playing by him. Great add Tom!!
The Neptunes did a mix of Old, New and Covers in the 2 sets that they played. Sounded Killer. I really dig their mix of sounds/styles.
I'd say it's 2/3rds trad sound with a 1/3rd touch of modern songwritting and sounds thrown in to liven things up. I believe the Guit boys were using Showmans or something comparable. Their drummer( forgive me, onthe name again) is way out there. Damn that guy has the vibe, the sound and the chops. Has he played Jazz before??
I picked up one of the new cdr ep's of new songs they've been working on. It was pretty good. Hope to see a real release by these guys soon. And if they come to your town please see them. And lend them a hand in getting a gig when they are far from home.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Mar 16, 2006
Posts: 923
Posted on Apr 11 2006 11:33 AM
the new guy is John Crossen, and the drummer is John Shafer, John C, brings a ton of energy to the mix, he is way more surf than he lets on, I have sat in his livingroom while he pulled out obscure 45 after 45 of surf music, he has a degree in music, and has done the entire gamut of jazz , rock, blues... you name it... John S. is Fresno's go-to drummer, he plays in a billion bands, but really loves surf, I am very fortunate, because he is widely considered one of our towns (if not the) best. This was really the first gig, with the new line-up, and had all the nerves associated with that, but it is nice having a dedicated bass player. Both Jay and I have blackface showman amps, 64-65... with bandmaster cabs. He was on 5-6 I was on 3, so I wonder what the mix was like....
Hope to come south again soon!
— THe NEpTuNeS
Joined: Mar 16, 2006
Posts: 923
Posted on Apr 11 2006 12:41 PM
Hey that was Hap Hazzard on The bari double!!!!
— THe NEpTuNeS
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25578
Posted on Apr 11 2006 09:03 PM
Actually Tom you were way louder than Hap Hazzard. But I could still hear him ok. Thought about asking you to turn down a tad, but was diggin it to much. Great first gig, keep up the great new line up. You guys rule!!! Wish you were a So Cal. band so I could see you more often.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Mar 16, 2006
Posts: 923
Posted on Apr 12 2006 12:12 PM
Aw man... sorry Happ! dang sometimes it's hard to tell what the mix is... throw something at me!!!
— THe NEpTuNeS
Joined: Mar 02, 2006
Posts: 1778
Star, Idaho. Formerly lived in Surf City USA.
Posted on Apr 17 2006 01:54 AM
Thanks for making the drive & entertaining us in Surf City.
Joined: Mar 16, 2006
Posts: 923
Posted on Apr 20 2006 03:35 PM
Hey HBkahuna, It was great to see ya, thanks for trying to hook us up with a gig! We got our recording from Steve.... I hope we didn't hurt anybody!!!
see ya soon!
— THe NEpTuNeS