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JONPAUL wrote:

Funny enough, the other night I caught a TV commercial
for a sub chain called "Jersey Mike's" promoting
their "Jersey Shore Vibe" with a new "Catch a Wave"
campaign. Sure enough, guess what the music is? I'm
always torn when this sort of thing happens--I'm stoked
that the surf genre is getting the attention, but
bummed that they didn't use a track by or commissioned
from someone in-the-know aka "in the family." Watch it

I'm always disappointed when I hear Muzak surf too.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

morphball wrote:

I heard Fifty-Foot Combo in a Trader Joe's on
Halloween, can't remember which song now, but pretty
cool nonetheless.

Trader Joe's is always good for playing surf.

Back in 2005, I worked at a Starbucks next to a Rubio's Fish Tacos. I would always take my breaks outside because they played a lot of different surf music. One day, I heard Insect Surfers and Pollo del Mar in one sitting. I asked the manager how they acquire their music and he explained that the owner of the chain has picked all the music personally.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

That's pretty cool, Tena! That has me wondering if there's a billionaire surf fan out there seeing shows incognito.


Just today I heard the theme to Endless Summer in The Corner Bakery

I was in K-Mart just the other day and the first few notes of Misirlou came thru the speakers above - yippee!...but it didn't take long for me to realise it wasn't the Dick Dale version Sigh

'out of limits' today in walmart

Let's Go Trippin' at the bank. Awfully deep cut for a Muzak system.

Pipeline Muzak from a kids' Claw Crain machine at a Tom Thumb grocery store (TX). Scored a teddy bear for my daughter on 1st try. Simple pleasures, you guys.

crumble wrote:

What a great movie - RANGO!
Here's one of the soundtracks "Walk Don't Rango" by Los Lobos.

Rango just hit Netflix streaming. I saw it Friday night. Tons of fun just trying to keep up with all the spoofs of other movies. "Walk Don' Rango" plays under the closing credits. Features Arturo Sandoval on "Misirlou" style trumpet. Holy shit! Who know Los Lobos could bang the revert like that!

There's also a snippet earlier in the movie where one of the little mariachi owls (briefly) rocks out on a blue sparkle Mosrite.

Last edited: Apr 09, 2012 12:40:58

I was in the checkout line at Albertson's after work today. "California Dreamin'" was being piped in & I was digging that. Then came "Bustin' Surfboards". I just laughed and said "no way". The checker was in my "general age group" and said "I remember my older brother liked that song, what's it called". I told her, then a young guy in his 20's behind me in line said "that's first wave surf". I said "it sure is, son"! Made my damn day! Cheers

You're not drunk if you can put your socks on while standing.

pretty cool that those younguns knew it.

I been meaning to post about this for awhile.
Lots of food network, and travel channel shows have been having really good surf/spaghetti western, and or jazzy instro, with reverbed guitars lately.


Diamond Head by The Ventures in Walgreen's.
I thought that was reaching pretty deep for piped in music. I was alone at the time so there was absolutely no one there to relate my surprise to. When I got home I told my wife.
Like BTD stated: last night I heard drippy reverb twang guitar/surf music on Adam Richman's show.

Just saw a commercial (for Burger King I think, can't remember) and they played a cover of "Saturday Night at the Duck Pond" with a bacon burger in the background lol.

No link (sorry) but for some TV show here called Master Chef there is a passage of surf guitar that runs thru one of the ads from a few seconds in. I only noticed it about 2 weeks ago but I've used the ad's music in place of my usual response to the question of 'so what is surf instrumental music'? Wink

I was at WorldFest in Grass Valley CA this past weekend. The California Guitar Trio did Pipeline, But I liked their rendition of The Good, Bad ,and Ugly better.

Been meaning to post this for some time, watched it again today and remembered about it. Opening credits for the 2007 movie Eagle vs Shark by New Zealand director Taika Waititi. The song is called I Love You, Awesome by the Phoenix Foundation, and while it's not Surf per se it's got a nice Tiki thing going.

Great movie btw (if you like weird movies), starring Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords Cool

Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.

Mercedes Benz summer event commercial...there's a car gliding through the water on a beach with some spy/surf playing, sounded really cool

Not exactly unexpected, but cool 'Escape from LA' surf scene Dick Dale

'Surf Music Lasts Forever'

On National Public Radio this morning they finished up a story on hurricane Sandy and cut to the local feed for announcements. Underneath the announcer's voice was "Lobster Boat" by Burt Rocket.

The Storm Surfers

Be at one with the universe. If you can't do that, at least be at one with your guitar.

Hearing Lobster Boat is pretty amazing.

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