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Permalink Nokie Edwards / Venturesmania CD release party Dec. 3 in Burbank!

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Posted by Deke Dickerson, on the Front page of SG101

Hello gang--

Just wanted to give y'all a heads up on an upcoming show featuring NOKIE EDWARDS of the Ventures, along with my tribute band VENTURESMANIA and many more special guests!

JOE'S GREAT AMERICAN BAR & GRILL 4311 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, CA 91505 (818) 729-0805. Between Cahuenga Blvd. & Pass Ave.,
next to Taco Bell, ...

Venturesmania (myself, Garrett Immel of the Ghastly Ones, Mel Bergman of the Phantom Surfers/Go-Nuts, and Chris Sprague of the Sprague Bros/Go-Nuts/etc.) have recorded a great new album with Nokie Edwards, entitled "BOUND AND SIDEJACKED AGAIN!" We're proud to say that it sounds like a great unreleased 1965 Ventures album, and if you dig the 1960's Ventures sound, you will love this new album.

The CD release party (and your first opportunity to buy this great new CD) will be Dec. 3rd at Joe's Great American Bar and Grill in Burbank, CA. The show will get started around 9 pm, admission is $15. No advance ticket sales.

Come see a genuine legend up close and personal! A great night of guitar instrumental rock and roll!



Last edited: Nov 18, 2011 23:55:17

This should be fun!

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

I love the title. I'm looking forward to hearing the CD. I wonder if it will be covers only, or if there will be new material. I hope Nokie can get the band to come home to Oregon with him and do a show. Deke and these guys are the ones to capture the original sound if anybody can.

Excellent! And right down the street from my house!

Count me in Smile

Other than actually having to live in California, it's getting down-right frustrating not to live in California.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Yeah Living in Ca. really sucks.
Even when it rains its only in the 60s.
And it really sucks having to decide what to do,
when there are multiple events on the same night.

the only problem for me is being able to afford to go to the shows.

Said it before, but its true.
Yeah it costs a lot to live here, but it's worth it.


josheboy wrote:

Excellent! And right down the street from my house!

Count me in Smile

Josh, lets grab a bite before the show.


Awesome! The last Nokie with Venturesmania show there was pretty killer.

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.


I missed this. My wife and I spent three weeks in California about twenty years ago. We drove from San Francisco to San Diego, just meandered around as we saw fit. We saw a lot, missed a lot. Ate great. Had a wonderful time. Beautiful state.


bigtikidude wrote:

Yeah Living in Ca. really sucks.
Even when it rains its only in the 60s.
And it really sucks having to decide what to do,
when there are multiple events on the same night.

the only problem for me is being able to afford to go
to the shows.

Said it before, but its true.
Yeah it costs a lot to live here, but it's worth it.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

bigtikidude wrote:

josheboy wrote:

Excellent! And right down the street from my house!

Count me in Smile

Josh, lets grab a bite before the show.

Sounds like a plan.

Bump. You might want to put this on the calendar ;)

it was just on the front page, and I put it here.
I hardly ever look at the calendar.
But I guess there are some that do.
So I guess I need to start doing both.




Where are you guys gonna eat?

bigtikidude wrote:

josheboy wrote:

Excellent! And right down the street from my house!

Count me in Smile

Josh, lets grab a bite before the show.

Last edited: Nov 18, 2011 23:18:12

updated first post with address.
JOE'S GREAT AMERICAN BAR & GRILL 4311 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, CA 91505 (818) 729-0805. Between Cahuenga Blvd. & Pass Ave.,
next to Taco Bell, ...


Last edited: Nov 18, 2011 23:54:46

mattshaffer wrote:

Where are you guys gonna eat?

bigtikidude wrote:

Josh, lets grab a bite before the show.

cool to hear yer coming down.

were gonna meet at 7 pm,

its only 2 or 3 blocks from Joe's where the show is.


I used to live across the street from Mucho Mas! I can't promise I'll make it to dinner, but I should see you at the show.

bigtikidude wrote:

mattshaffer wrote:

Where are you guys gonna eat?

bigtikidude wrote:

Josh, lets grab a bite before the show.

cool to hear yer coming down.

were gonna meet at 7 pm,

its only 2 or 3 blocks from Joe's where the show is.

Next Sat.


this Sat.
who's going?


Gotta work that night. Argh

Here's hoping it's as good as the last show he played there!

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

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