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One thing about photo's on the site, mentioned above by Dread in Babylon.

ON Tiki Central they have photo hosting available, so the photos never go away. Many of the old photos are little red x's now.
But Tiki Central is much more of an archive type of forum than here.


I've been looking for a scaling feature, for cases where the source image is fixed in size. Some sort of use x by y parameter feature. I looked for quite a while one day without figuring it out. Am I missing something? I have been an offender, I'm afraid, but not a voluntary one.

I'm not sure what you mean Tuck. A scaling feature here on SG101? Right now it should happen automatically, but only after your browser downloads the full size image will it rescale it. So it is still kind of a kludgey hack.

If this isn't working, clear your browser's cache so the new javascript will be downloaded.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Don't people have to use and image hosting site of some sort? Image Shack, for instance, lets you choose preset sizes (i.e "message board" size) before you upload and any image is sized automatically. I'm sure other services are similar?

I've started using dropbox to share files and post images using the public directory. There is no requirement to adjust picture sizes and it would be convenient to have the forum do it.

I haven't seen the scrollbars in Chrome, yet. I cleared the cache, but should I also clear something else? [Edit: I just restarted Chrome, and now Jake's picture is smaller, but no scrollbars.]


Last edited: Oct 19, 2011 09:26:20

I gave up on the scrollbars. The javascript now just scales the picture back (makes it appear smaller).

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I'm sure the automatic feature will be fine. I was looking for something like

![image x=100 y=100](

or whatever, analogous to the height and width parameters of xhtml's img tag. Any logic that made it easy to have the unspecified dimension be computed proportionately would be great, of course.

I notice Jake's test on the previous page is still really big.

Last edited: Oct 19, 2011 12:52:19

websurfer wrote:

Don't people have to use and image hosting site of some
sort? ... ?

In my case the large images I was trying to squash or scale for rendering here were hosted in a FaceBook album. FB scales them reasonably for display there, and they are scaled by the image management software on my computer (Thumbs Plus). But here to my horror they were coming out in their native size. I didn't want to have to rehost them in some other context that supplies the scaling smarts for export itself.

Reset your cache, and the javascript scaling will work.

Well done Brian! Very cool feature.

Tuck wrote:

I'm sure the automatic feature will be fine. I was
looking for something like

![image x=100 y=100](

I see. Yeah, nothing like that is available right now.

I notice Jake's test on the previous page is still
really big.

What browser are you using? Try clearing your browser cache. If I was smart I would have renamed the javascript file so everyone would be forced to download a new version.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

OK, shift reload in MSIE now shows Jake's image reasonably sized. Now we need a feature to automatically reduce cat images to a picture of Chopper the Bulldog. (THE Bulldog.)


I have found what appears to be a better solution to this problem by using a nice third party script. It seems to work (on the browsers I tried) on the first page load. My first try only seemed to work on the second page load.

To start seeing this immediately, clear your browser's cache.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

The change I made yesterday goofed up some stuff. If you are experiencing problems with the site, mainly in the new forum topic page, please clear your browser's cache.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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