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Permalink Fireball Chase Scene

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This is fun!
Nothing like a good old car chase!

Good song, Great Scene, killer cars.
gosh I love those 2 cars.
thanks for posting Dan.
I gotta go take a cold shower Embarassed



As a San Franciscan, I LOVE this chase scene, not just for the cars (and now the great song), but because it's so geographically WRONG! About every 30 seconds or so, when camera angles change, they end up on the complete opposite side of SF, or even out in some of the little towns that lay just to the south of SF proper.

Either way, this is probably the greatest all-time chase scene in movie-making history.


Cool song. (Anyone know who/what it is?) But wasn't part of that scene's fame the fact that it had no music?

The song is "Fireball" by The Fireballs

And yes, I think I heard that part of the fame is the fact that all you hear is tires screeching and engines revving.


Man, every time I see the shot of the Mustang in the rearview I get goosebumps. There's so much to love about that chase.

Bill, it's not just the geography that got botched--check out how often certain rims fall off, and make sure to look behind the gas station at the very end--you'll see something very interesting go by.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Enjoyed the ride, thanks for posting!

make sure to look behind the gas station at the very end--you'll see something very interesting go by.


Ha! I didnt notice untill i watched it freeze frame like 10 times.
You think they could have photo shopped that out? They had comps back then right?

Movie magic.

Ha! I didnt notice untill i watched it freeze frame like 10 times.
You think they could have photo shopped that out? They had comps back then right?

I doubt they would have been able to edit that out, given the special effects technology available when it was shot. I get the feeling it would have been too expensive to reshoot, too.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

The song is "Fireball" by The Fireballs

What a coincidence! Thats exactly what it says in the video's description! Rolling Eyes

If only I could read...I'm an idiot. Confused

As a San Franciscan, I LOVE this chase scene, not just for the cars (and now the great song), but because it's so geographically WRONG! About every 30 seconds or so, when camera angles change, they end up on the complete opposite side of SF, or even out in some of the little towns that lay just to the south of SF proper.

Either way, this is probably the greatest all-time chase scene in movie-making history.


Bill, I hear what you are saying.
But , you and my dad should get together and nit pic movie
continuity. Wink
he takes all the fun out of watching movies.



Indeed the greatest chase scene of all times.
Dodge Charger -the no.1 choice of movie bad-guys...even Snake from the Simpsons had one (not the Firebird convertible that Homer took possesion of).
Bill, you could nitpick it forever, if you listen to original sound you'd come to the conclusion that the 67 Mustang had a 7 speed transmission. Watching it makes you think a 289 Mustang can outrun a Big Block Dodge Charger. So what, it's still great. The bad-guy "actor" is the actual stunt driver, I saw some footage of Steve McQueen and him training for that scene, driving the heck out of the cars.
Oh yeah, it's a surf music forum, The Fireballs song is a nice pre-surf tune...


The Scimitars

Another outstanding car chase can be seen in the great 1971 movie The Burglars (Le Casse) featuring Jean-Paul Belmondo himself behind the wheel of the FIAT much of the time. The movie also has a great score by Ennio Morricone.

Yeah, the Fireballs were a nice pre-surf band...

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

That version of the Bullitt chase was edited down by someone. There's an uncut version here...

The french film car chase was good too. The pay-off at the end is much different though, eh?

I like the song Bulldog by the Fireballs.


Twisted Evil > Angel

Another outstanding car chase can be seen in the great 1971 movie The Burglars (Le Casse) featuring Jean-Paul Belmondo himself behind the wheel of the FIAT much of the time. The movie also has a great score by Ennio Morricone.

Belmondo ... what a guy.

It's a good thing this thread came along, because this forum was seriously lacking in the area of awesome car chases. Here's a couple others:

The first one is more or less exactly the same as the Famke Janssen/Pierce Brosnan one in Goldeneye, only two decades earlier and featuring Michael Caine driving a seriously bad-ass Alfa Romeo. The last one is from Godzilla vs. Megalodon, and the middle one is just plain cool.

Oh, almost forgot--I like "Gunshot" by the Fireballs quite a bit.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

technically speaking a metro chase, imagine Gene Moles' Burning Rubber as the soundtrack....

... and featuring Michael Caine driving a seriously bad-ass Alfa Romeo.

The Montreal! I once actually considered taking a bank loan and buy one that was offered at a very good price here in Stockholm.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

The Montreal! I once actually considered taking a bank loan and buy one that was offered at a very good price here in Stockholm.

Man, I'm pretty content to just Drool all over the one in that picture. Those must be pretty rare by now--according to this there were less than 4,000 made. (The picture's way too big to post.)


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

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