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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
337 days ago

dp: dude
318 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
273 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
257 days ago

GDW: showman
208 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
130 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
123 days ago

glennmagi: CLAM SHACK guitar
109 days ago

Hothorseraddish: surf music is amazing
89 days ago

dp: get reverberated!
39 days ago

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Permalink Baja Marty Benefit Party, Sat. Oct. 8th,( bands announced) 8 bands, Torquays reunion and much more

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Looks like Dana & I will be there!

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

The wife and I will be there too! We're really looking forward to it! Where else can you see some of the best surf bands in the business, and at the same time contribute to such a worthy cause. I've never met Marty but he sounds like an awesome guy! Anyone who has that much enthusiasm about surf music is "A ok " in my book!

I'm glad I was able to be there and play for my brother Marty! So cool he showed up during our Paul Johnson set!!

I have to say thanks to Paul Johnson and Tom Stanton for puttin' up with my ass. Jonpaul and Billy were spot-on as usual... I botched some things but, It's rock and roll! And, For a great friend...
Love you Marty!!

Jeff Utterback

Last edited: Oct 09, 2011 21:39:14

I hope Marty had a great time and felt all the love we have for him!

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Great show!!!
fair turnout, around 100 or so,
and he got a good amount of Money.

Marty was there for a good portion of the day.
He was very moved by the outpouring of love, and donations.
A few bands played Misirlou, or Baja for him.

The Guy(Denis) that won the guitar that Aquasonic Chris donated,
decided to give it to Marty.
Marty was blown away by that.
I had all the band members that played, sign it.

There was some very heartfelt speeches made.
and only a little but of tearing up, or getting choked up.
No hankys or boxes of kleenex were needed.

Thanks to all that came.
Thanks to the bands who played.
Thanks to those who donated to the online fund,
and also thanks to the bands that donated cds from afar.

You all mean the world to Marty.
and he is soooo thankful and moved by your outpouring of support.

Here is to many more years with Baja Marty at shows.
Head down, fist up!!


Last edited: Oct 10, 2011 01:41:49

Sure wish I could have been there! This is the type of thing that really sets the Surf Community apart from others! Bravo!



definitely a surf family moment for sure.


I ended up doing the talking for Point Doom (yikes) and I forgot to make a speech that I hadn't prepared, luckily Marty wasn't even there yet. Anyway, we were honored to have invited ourselves to play and thrilled that Jeff accepted our offer and totally stoked to be there with Marty and friends. We had to leave early, got stopped by the CHP in Carson and almost got a $600 ticket for exiting the car pool lane too early, but the officer was merciful. A big thanks again to Jeff and my sincere apologies for leaving without saying goodbye to many who were there.

What a great event. It was very nice to see so many people come together to take care of a member of the "family." We were able to help Marty out quite a bit and donations still keep coming. Thank you to the bands for donating time and merch. Thank you to Matt and Dusty for providing gear. Thank you to everyone who attended and for those who donated from afar.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Yes! What an awesome day! My wife and I had a blast! I have been wanting to in the worse way attend an SG101 convention, but have always had something come up. I feel fortunate to have been there, not only to see some of my all time favorite surf bands, but be a part of something bigger! To see the smile on Baja Marty's face, and the amount of energy he had, pumping his fist in the air when his favorites were being played - was awesome! I realized just how close knit the surf music community really is! I only wish I would have went up and said hi to everyone. I recognized so many people...Jeff BTD, TikiTena, Danny Snyder, Billy Blastoff and others....Guess the shyness kicked in. Oh well - maybe next time!

Gary / Wave Invasion

It was for sure a special, magical afternoon/evening of great music, and outpouring of love and support for Marty. Jeff Hanson once again put together another great package of killer top-shelf instro surf bands. I love Marty deeply, as I relate to his enthusiasm for the genre a great deal. He was very helpful to me with getting song titles right for the many videos I shot at The Starting Gate. (Watch for a separate thread which will contain the direct links to my YouTube videos from October 8th. I will start loading them in tonight, and they will start appearing on YouTube overnight. I will post them separated by each band. I didn't get there until 1:00 pm, so my videos will start with THE TEQUILA WORMS).

Thx to everyone who contributed to make this event work so well. Always great to see the 'surf community' pull together for a common extra-special cause.


ConcreteSurfer wrote:

I recognized so many
people...Jeff BTD, TikiTena, Danny Snyder, Billy
Blastoff and others....Guess the shyness kicked in. Oh
well - maybe next time!

Must have been an imposter Gary, I wasn't there, though I wish I were.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

DannySnyder wrote:

ConcreteSurfer wrote:

I recognized so many
people...Jeff BTD, TikiTena, Danny Snyder, Billy
Blastoff and others....Guess the shyness kicked in.
well - maybe next time!

Must have been an imposter Gary, I wasn't there, though
I wish I were.

Danny-maybe Groucho was there and Gary had you confused with your previous avatar.

Last edited: Oct 11, 2011 13:44:47

Brian wrote:

I created a news story for the event, which should be
on the front page of SG101 shortly. Here is the
permanent link if you want to pass it around:

Please also note the shiny Paypal donate button in that
link (thanks Sean).

If anyone still wants to donate, see the Paypal button in the above quoted link.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Sorry Danny - my mistake.....Just goes to show you I need to get out and mingle more..........

Brian wrote:

Brian wrote:

I created a news story for the event, which should
on the front page of SG101 shortly. Here is the
permanent link if you want to pass it around:

Please also note the shiny Paypal donate button in
link (thanks Sean).

If anyone still wants to donate, see the Paypal button
in the above quoted link.

Yes Indeed, Sean wrote a check to Marty for most of the money that was in the account, but more is still coming. So if you want to donate but haven't yet, you still can.

Some people have been very generous, with donations up to 300 dollars.
Wow!! Shock

but any amount is welcome, and appreciated.
thanks again to those who have donated allready.
and thanks to those who came to the show.


elreydlp wrote:

Danny-maybe Groucho was there and Gary had you confused
with your previous avatar.

Skip, do me a favor and don't say anything until I hear from you Big Razz

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Steve Ryan had this picture of the raffled guitar on Facebook, and I think it's really cool that the guy that won it 'Dennis' gave it to Marty. I also think that it looks great with all the signatures from everyone on it. I was kinda hoping that this is the way it would turn out. It wasn't an awesome $1000 Fender, but it's a really cool remembrance of a cool event for a cool guy.


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

yeah, I just used 'cool' about 4 times in one sentence -

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

I have started a separate "Surf Videos" thread for the ones I shot at this amazing event

here is the link:


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