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Permalink All ages Venue available in San Diego

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i help run an all ages venue in north park ive been thinking of trying to get a surf show together there but i don't know if all ages venues are attractive to the surf scene so i thought i would test the waters

some basic info

no drugs or booze
we are run as a community service and never charge admission but we pass a donation bucket around for traveling bands.
we open at 7 start music at 8 and try to have everything done by 11
we have a capacity of around 150 people

I love the time slots,
Good luck,
I am almost 40, and this bizness of starting shows at 10 pm,
and getting over at 1:30 is for the birds.


yeah we run times like that as a courtesy to our neighbors and because our volunteers like sleep just like everyone else

There is an all ages club around the corner from me.
Tons of kids there all the time.
shows are usually 7 to 10 or 11 at the latest.
that's if they have 5 or 6 bands.


dang 5-6 bands, they must run a really tight ship, we normally do 3-4

Big well is the donation thing working out for you guys? Kill, Baby...Kill! has had some pretty cruddy luck when trying to do the 'all-ages' venue thing. They have all either had a very convoluted door system that is designed to steal from the bands or they promise to take up donations but never take the initiative to make it happen on a proper scale.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Hi Big Ryan,

We, The Secret Samurai would LOVE to do an all-ages venue! We definitely have some younger fans who want to see us, but all-ages venues are hard to come by. Is it the Queen Bee?

Also, with enough notice, I figure I could get a lot of kids to show up being that I'm a high school teacher and they are always asking when they can come see us. A few have come to the Del Mar Fair or various street fairs, but other than that, we mostly play bars so they can never come.

But to sum up...yeah, we're very interested!


the donation bucket has been really successful and really unsuccessful, i think it really depends on the crowd and how well the band initiates it, people are generally really supportive of bands that are on the road.
We never ever charge at the door so theres no money to made there but the good news in that is that means the audience has more money in their pocket for merch, we run as a community service and never take any percentage of any money so if you have good merch sales and or good donation all that money is yours to keep

killbabykill34 wrote:

Big well is the donation thing working out
for you guys? Kill, Baby...Kill! has had some pretty
cruddy luck when trying to do the 'all-ages' venue
thing. They have all either had a very convoluted door
system that is designed to steal from the bands or they
promise to take up donations but never take the
initiative to make it happen on a proper scale.

Awesome, your bandmate ryan private messaged me earlier i sent him the basic info on how to get a show booked with us

were not queen bees, were the park gallery, i guess i should of mentioned that, lol

if anyone wants to come check out the space there is going to be a show tomorrow night (tuesday 10/4/2011). I think its going to be some kind of electro experimental noise type show, we post most of our shows
our physical address is 4325 park blvd. san diego ca 92103

Steve-O-San wrote:

Hi Big Ryan,

We, The Secret Samurai would LOVE to do an all-ages
venue! We definitely have some younger fans who want
to see us, but all-ages venues are hard to come by. Is
it the Queen Bee?

Also, with enough notice, I figure I could get a lot of
kids to show up being that I'm a high school teacher
and they are always asking when they can come see us.
A few have come to the Del Mar Fair or various street
fairs, but other than that, we mostly play bars so they
can never come.

But to sum up...yeah, we're very interested!


Wow! I just drove by there. Walking distance from my place. I should have known that Ryan would be on top of it.

Hopefully, this will work. Thanks!

oh awesome, you should stop by tomorrow if you can just to check it out, ill be running sound,,, ill be super stoked if we can get some surf shows happening there every now and then

Steve-O-San wrote:

Wow! I just drove by there. Walking distance from my
place. I should have known that Ryan would be on top
of it.

Hopefully, this will work. Thanks!

Hi Ryan - This sounds like something we would love to do. Can you PM me the info? I'll talk to the guys about it for sure!

Gary / Wave Invasion

bigtikidude wrote:

I love the time slots,
Good luck,
I am almost 40, and this bizness of starting shows at
10 pm,
and getting over at 1:30 is for the birds.

Wait 'til you're 60! Sigh
One of the main reasons I don't get out to see many bands.
If you can get Secret Samurai, that would be great. I'll be there if I don't have a gig.

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