Joined: Jun 21, 2007
Posts: 3909
San Diego, CA

Posted on Sep 23 2011 10:48 AM
IvanP wrote:
I still think he's an amazing
guitarist, but I was disappointed with El Dorado. As
expected, incredible playing and tones, but I don't
think the songwriting was as good. The album seemed to
be much more about textures than melodies. Oh well,
different strokes for different folks....

Ivan, have you checked out Richard Bennett's Valley of the Sun album? A masterclass in brilliant strat tones (90% of the songs, some sort of jazz box on the others.) He's got the tunes your looking for I think. JP turned me on to this one in another thread. I think you might really like it.
— Ryan
The Secret Samurai Website
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Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25631

Posted on Sep 28 2011 11:29 AM
Onslow_Beach wrote:
Some one's jive'n you, Jeff. That page shows the right
album work (and text calls out it's not THAT Shadows),
and plays this:
Is this the new Rickroll?!?! So. Not. Right.
This one should work for the sample of the Shad's
I just did a quick google search,
and that was what I came up with, and it showed the Shadows LP cover that was on yer link. thanks for that by the way.
Not sure I dig the disco vibe on it,
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 10331
southern Michigan

Posted on Sep 28 2011 11:40 AM
bigtikidude wrote:
Not sure I dig the disco vibe on it,
The Shadows in the mid-'70s into the '80s were trying hard to be 'contenders' and remain contemporary. They embraced most musical trends and tried to fit their sound to these trends. Some of their music from that period is pretty hard to swallow for most surf or even classic Shadows' fans - even for me!
Here's another snippet of their version of Superstar - basically the continuation of the song after the above snippet runs out:,,984044-3538221,00.html
Or if you have Spotify, go here and here the entire song:
— Ivan
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