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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
328 days ago

dp: dude
309 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
264 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
248 days ago

GDW: showman
199 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
121 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
114 days ago

glennmagi: CLAM SHACK guitar
100 days ago

Hothorseraddish: surf music is amazing
80 days ago

dp: get reverberated!
30 days ago

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Permalink The 4th Annual Surf Guitar 101 Convention, Sat. Aug. 13th, 2011, reviews start on page 17

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And yet more pix from the Sunday 8/14/11 Huntington Beach Pier performances

bIG_wAvE_Dave Becker

Great photos Dave. Can I use some for photo of the day?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

LostInParadise wrote:

Lost In Paradise: 4th Annual Surf Guitar 101

Mahaloz and Cheers!!/pages/Lost-In-Paradise/190254427656607

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bIG_wAvE_Dave wrote:

And yet more pix from the Sunday 8/14/11 Huntington
Beach Pier performances


So many great moments captured at the HB pier,
as much as the Convention is an amazing Day.
I think the pier show is the perfect Yang to the Convention's Ying.

Thanks for the pics, and for coming down again Dave.


Cartablanca wrote:

Hi Bigtiki Dude, dont u remembrer me??? The guy from
Mexico xD Spaghetti Western band ''I don't need to show
yu any badges'' haha
How are you?? How was the Surf Guitar Convention this
year? Smile

you have the message inbox full xD

Hello sir,
I will make room in the PM box,
but I prefer that you e-mail me at ok?


Hey all, Mike (and Sandy) here from 9th wave.

Here's what I recall and how I spent my summer vacation.
We headed out to the 4th annual SurfGuitar 101 convention back on August 10th for 4+ days of surf music. I would like to express many thanks and appreciation for the great experiences that Sandy and I had while attending the SG 101 convention for our second attendance.
First, thank you Big Tiki Dude (B.T.D.) - Jeff and his support crew, including Tiki Tena, John Paul & Marie, Dave Arnson (Insect Surfers), Brian Neal, Matt Quilter (providing Fender Showman amps & reverb tanks for the Convention backline & more), Dusty Watson (providing drums for show backlines), all the support bands, and others I’m forgetting. There were many things to do before and after Saturday’s official Convention. In the 6 days that we were in CA, we attended 6 shows, one historical tour, a museum and 4 tiki stops; listened to at least 22 sets of surf music sets, met and spent time with old and new friends, and did some sightseeing as well. Thank you Big Wave Dave and Lorenzo for giving us the opportunity to play on the Member’s Jam as the “Big Italian Wave”. Also great to see Unsteady Freddie ( ), Carol (Mom Surfing) , J.D. & Tuck from CO, Tim Sullivan (Supertones - ), Phil, Steve & Dr. Ben of the Cocktail Preachers ( ), DaiKaiju ( ), and most of the Mystery Men? represented (Jaime, Jay - Richard, also of The Surge!) - , .

This is how we spent our time:
Wednesday Aug 10, leave Hartford/Springfield Bradley Airport at 6:30 - landed in L.A.X at midnight (3 a.m. for us east coasters!)
Thursday Aug 11, picked up our rental car and headed to Oceanic Arts tiki warehouse in Whittier CA to pick up necessary tiki supplies for home consumption. Had lunch at tiki restaurant Bahooka in Rosemead – Mai Tai & Navy Grog (good drink choices if you go) for lunch. From there hit the hotel in Los Alamitos & tried another great tiki drink spot, Hale Hawaii in Torrance but it wasn’t open… Next stop, showtime in Fullerton. We saw , Tequila Worms (local band - ), Slacktone (with Sam on bass) and The Razorblades (from Germany) at the Slide Bar – there were 2 other show options that night in other towns that we couldn’t get to. This was a night of heavy surf.

Friday Aug 12 we found a local museum in Santa Ana, The Bowers, that had a “Spirits & Headhunters” exhibit of South Pacific Island culture & art – a nice complement to our tiki theme. Others took part in an awesome Fender Factory tour on Friday a.m., which we did last year – definitely worthwhile. Next, off to B.T.D. house barbeque party in mid-afternoon. This was an awesome meet & greet event for many of the traveling bands & out-of-towners. There we met up with so many people we can’t list them all, but including Dick Stewart & his son, Big Wave Dave Becker, Mom Surfing (Carol), Cousin Mary from KFJC, Tuck & J.D., Bradipos IV & Surfer Joe Combo (a lot of Italian guys), Cocktail Preachers, Mystery Men?, Unsteady Freddie, Carlos of the Tequila Worms, etc.
We hung out there until it was time to go to the Friday night show – there were 4 choices in various towns that night. We went to The Juke Joint in Anaheim to see our friends The Tequila Worms, The Cocktail Preachers, and our new friends from Toronto, The Blue Demons, capes, masks & all. In the spirit of helping out, a masked Tiki Tena & I split up the job of collecting the $5 cover charge so the bands got paid. The show was great – high energy, with a good showing from the Tequila Worms’ fan base. Stellar performances by all 3 bands, with cool effects from a smoke machine & on-stage lighting. We left about 1:30 a.m. for a few hours sleep before the main event.

Saturday Aug 13, we met up with B.T.D. at 8:00 a.m. (luckily our hotel was only 5 minutes from The Starting Gate, the event location) to help him set-up for the Convention (including many performances, vendors, and raffles). We helped move equipment, post schedules & signage, and then start taking money for the entrance fee & raffles at the door by 8:30 a.m. At 9:00 a.m. the Surfer Joe Combo played a ½ hour set – what an explosive way to start the day! We had an opportunity to play one tune during the Members’ Jam (thanks to local band the Body Snatchers for lending Sandy a guitar) with Big Wave Dave Becker of the Aquamarines on bass & Lorenzo of Surfer Joe Combo on drums. We played a modified version of “Movin’ “ by the Astronauts. Next was a ½ hour of surf music legends playing in various combinations – one highlight was Paul Johnson playing Mr. Moto as it was originally done, with 2 guitars, sax & drums – no bass! Davie Allen received a special award presented by Dick Stewart (of The Knights, 60s surf combo & editor of The Lance Monthly) – see .
Next – a day’s worth of bands, including:
• Satan’s Pilgrims from Oregon
• The Razorblades from Germany
• The Bradipos IV from Italy
• The Cocktail Preachers from Chicago (NESMA band)
• DaiKaiju from Alabama (also a NESMA band)
• Meshugga Beach Party from Frisco
• The Deadbeats also from Frisco area
• The Blue Demons from Toronto
• The Tequila Worms local band from Anaheim

The convention was over by 8 pm, we helped load equipment out and straighten up the place. We then took off, had a quick dinner and headed over to Don the Beach Comber’s show at 9 p.m. More Slacktone – yay! Awesome sets; awesome cocktails (Mai Tia & Navy Grog again); many friends to chat with. The night ended sometime around 1:30 a.m.?

Sunday Aug 14 – Huntington Beach Pier show outdoors. The weather was beautiful, as it was every day. I got there about 10:30 a.m. to help with equipment & stage set-up. Bands kicked off at 11 a.m., including The Razorblades, The Bradipos IV, The Cocktail Preachers, DaiKaiju, Meshugga Beach Party, The Deadbeats, and The Blue Demons (not in that order.) A rousing finish by The Razorblades, with Sandy joining them onstage to go-go dance to Wipe Out. Convention folks and local folks alike had a great day of music in the sun, sponsored in part by the Huntington Beach International Surf Museum. Sunday night – after packing the backline from the pier show into B.T.D.’s vehicle, it was back to Don the Beachcomber’s for an interesting evening of jamming with Matt Quilter’s “Wave Machine”. Many of the surf guitarists present took a turn performing with recorded versions of karaoke-like surf classics – Rum Barrels helped! Also a lot of great sax playing by surf legend Jim Frias.

Monday Aug 15 – we opted to stay an extra day this year & were treated to B.T.D.’s tour of local sites with a surf music history connection, including The Wedge (actual surfing spot), Gillette Mansion where Dick Dale used to live, and the sites of the Rendezvous Ballroom and the Rinky Dink ice cream parlor, places where Dick Dale played very early in his career. We had lunch at a local burger joint with all kinds of surf and surf music memorabilia on the walls and ceiling (great burgers too). We bid farewell to our Convention friends, and then had some time to kill before heading to LAX. We hit the new tiki bar at the Disneyland hotel, Trader Sam’s (tiki decorations by Bob of Oceanic Arts). Then home to CT by 11 a.m. Tuesday morning.

I said this last year & I’ll say it again - I strongly urge and encourage those who were unsure about attending to plan ahead and make it happen in 2012 – it gets better every year. The trip to southern CA is totally worth it – besides all the great surf music, there is plenty of sightseeing to do, family events can be arranged, and it is amazing to visit the birthplace of surf music. I look forward to returning and attending next year’s events and Convention, and hope to see many more of our east coast friends there.

9th Wave


great to see you and sandy again mike. thanks for all you do to help keep the music alive.

Thanks for the great review, and kudos.
It wouldn't happen as easy and smoothly without the help of you and Sandy,
And for That I can never thank you enough.
You and Sandy are a true Surf Family, and I cherish our friendship.
And I look forward to having your band put here if Possible.

Thanks again for coming to this event,
and I am jealous/sad that I wasn't able to go to Oceanic arts, Bahooka, and Trader Sams with you.


Last edited: Aug 30, 2011 20:22:43

Hey Mike and Sandy; I'm sorry to have missed you guys on your trip to SoCal, but I was in Hawaii for 11 days. Sounds like my House and Suburban got a good workout while I was gone. Jeff's time spent entertaining local and out of town guests is lots of work, and like last year, I know you and Sandy stepped up and helped big time. Thanks.

I'm still watching videos of the Convention, trying to catch up, but most likely will be here for next years SG101. See ya the next trip to SoCal.

Craig the Keg

Hodad makin' the scene with a six pack.

Craigthekeg wrote:

I was in Hawaii for 11 days.

Sounds like my House and Suburban got a good workout
while I was gone.

Craig the Keg

Yes it did!

I have a few pictures of your house full and in action, no one dared to sit in your chair. Your house was like the United Nations, visitors from different countries, foreign languages spoken, and folks from the North East, New York City, The South, South East, South West, Mid West, North West, So Cal, Frisco and North. Jeff let me do some cookin’ in your kitchen.

We did miss you and the support you give to others.



Redwood Bar & Grill, L.A., CA.
August 10, 2011

Beat Girl Stomp, Razorblades
Bali High, Three Balls of Fire
Light My Fire, Three Balls of Fire
Las Vegas Scene, Three Balls of Fire

Last edited: Sep 13, 2011 13:47:35

Thanks Tuck,
I know you said it would be awhile.
but looking forward to seeing more of yer videos too.


Rounding out Three Balls of Fire, which may not be core surf, but is a kind of instrumental rock that I enjoy:

God Only Knows, Three Balls of Fire (I think this is very nice.)

Bahia, Three Balls of Fire

Rumble in the Congo, Three Balls of Fire (with the big drum solo of the set)

This last was kindly identified for me by Bob Steingraber, who was there and apparently has all the CDs, too. I feel like the main riff may have been borrowed from something else. Something in the jazz line.

Bradipos IV at the Pike Bar, August 11th

Trash Parade '97
Boss BSA (Satan's Pilgrims)
Carmela (Sergio Bruni)

now were talking,
thanks Tuck!!


Here are my pictures (FINALLY!!!) from the convention weekend:

At this rate, I'll have videos done by Christmas... haha. I'll get em up as soon as I can!!

Daikaiju at SG101 2011

Theatrical Stuff

On a whim I called this sequence "Night of the Living Daikaiju," not being sure what it was or how to divide it up, but thanks to Steve Seagren I now understand that it is all one production piece Zombie Harem. So now you all know what you were doing up on that stage ...

Razorblades at SG101 2011

Cecilia Ann

As requested a long time ago now.

Satan's Pilgrims at SG101 2011

Petty 43

"Richard Petty #43" now even more properly re-relabeled!

Slacktone at Don's

Longboard Legato
South Run
Avalon Slip
Hit Man

Martin Schmidt playing with Slacktone at Don's

Surf Rider (part)

My apologies, but about halfway through this I finally and definitively ran out of battery power for the day, in spite of assiduous rogue charging of alternate batteries on an undefended outlet at the Starting Gate. So, I'm afraid I cut off Martin in his prime and you don't even get to Jim Frias' solo. However, I am happy to say, that Unsteady Freddie (who appears briefly in this) got it all at:

Surf Rider (all of it) (Unsteady Freddie's redaction)

I provide a better view of the dancers, I guess.

Last edited: Oct 05, 2011 13:22:15

Thanks for the pics and videos guys!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

thanks......always fun to relive that weekend

cool deal,
thanks guys


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