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Permalink James Calvin Wilsey "Superstar"

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Good observations, Fady. All of the videos I've ever seen really demonstrate his mastery with the tremolo. Like Hank Marvin, the trem arm is always in his hand, bending notes down and even up the same way most people these days bend at the fret. I wonder if he does it this way because he uses heavy strings, or if he was really influenced by The Shadows growing up?


Onslow_Beach wrote:

...then again, what do I know. I could be entirely
wrong. Wouldn't be the first time, won't be the last.

Very astute observations Fady. I concur!

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Wilsey's often talked about the influence of Hank & the Shadows, it's big for him. A few years before he started doing the solo stuff, he had a band called the Mystery Men or something, where they played a bunch of Shadows as well as Link Wray, etc. (I'm sure Jeff would remember much more about it.)

Incidentally, the Shadows themselves recorded an instrumental version of Superstar in '75 (released in '76 on the album Tasty). I think theirs is an amazing version, from a time when they still featured John Farrar on the second lead guitar ('73-'76), so there's a lot of overdrive and harmony guitars that he added to that song. I tried to find the full song online, but couldn't - though there are a few snippets out there if you google it. I do wonder if that had anything to do with Wilsey playing this song? (The two versions don't sound all that much alike.)

(Funny enough, I actually heard the Carpenters' version of this song in a store on Tuesday, and it really caught my attention, it's been quite a while since I last heard it. It's a great song.)

I was a huge fan of Wilsey's when he was with Isaak, just brilliant playing. I still think he's an amazing guitarist, but I was disappointed with El Dorado. As expected, incredible playing and tones, but I don't think the songwriting was as good. The album seemed to be much more about textures than melodies. Oh well, different strokes for different folks.... I do wish Jimmy the best, and it's always great to have him around and active!

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You're a wealth of info, Ivan! I suspected Wilsey's style may have stemmed from Marvin's, but had no idea about those Shadows covers. Even the Link Wray part makes sense, as Wilsey tends to be pretty minimalist.

Ruhar wrote:

Great version. Sonic Youth does a great version as

YES! I recently dragged out 2 of my favorite Sonic Youth albums, Daydream Nation and Sister, and now I'm in love with this band once again. Now I have to see if that Carpenter's tribute album is still in my collection, haha.


morphball wrote:

YES! I recently dragged out 2 of my favorite Sonic
Youth albums, Daydream Nation and Sister, and now I'm
in love with this band once again. Now I have to see if
that Carpenter's tribute album is still in my
collection, haha.

Morph-Your Carpenters tribute album is filed between your Kenny Rogers "The Gambler" and "Barry Manilows Greatest Hits" Albums, unless you misfiled it with your Anne Murray collection.

I haven't heard any Kenny Rogers, Barry Manilow or Anne Murry covers but I've heard a lot of Carpenters. You should be ashamed of yourself Elreydlp. Now go back and listen with fresh ears, you might be surprised.

One minor correction - his band was called the Mysteries. I was lucky enough to see them back in the early 90's at Mr. T's Bowl along with the Insect Surfers and others. I'm fairly certain BTD Jeff was there too. Quite an amazing night!

Bill S._______

HELLDIVER on Facebook

Stormtiger wrote:

I haven't heard any Kenny Rogers, Barry Manilow or Anne
Murry covers but I've heard a lot of Carpenters. You
should be ashamed of yourself Elreydlp. Now go back and
listen with fresh ears, you might be surprised.


The Secret Samurai Website
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Stormtiger wrote:

I haven't heard any Kenny Rogers, Barry Manilow or Anne
Murry covers but I've heard a lot of Carpenters. You
should be ashamed of yourself Elreydlp. Now go back and
listen with fresh ears, you might be surprised.

Just razzin' you man! I agree-that Carpenters cover is great. I also really like instro covers of "girl group" songs like Slacktone's "Be My Baby". I have a few I'd like to work up.

Stormtiger wrote:

I haven't heard any Kenny Rogers, Barry Manilow or Anne
Murry covers but I've heard a lot of Carpenters. You
should be ashamed of yourself Elreydlp. Now go back and
listen with fresh ears, you might be surprised.

I know: It's a knee-jerk reaction on my part, but I'm with Elreydrip.
I don't deny the talent of those people, but they kind of stood-for the "establishment"'s alternative to everything that I held dear back in-the-day. It didn't help that my sister and parents practically shoved that music down my throat when I hadn't yet left home. But I have mellowed. There was a time that I would not have listened to "Superstar" by anybody, because of the Carpenters' connection. It would've been a shame to have missed out on this. I suspect that I could now probably curb any violent impulses that might arise upon hearing any Carpenters, Murray, Rogers, Manilow's hits from back in the day. Wink Big Razz Shock



I used to be the same Robbie but it is time to leave all that baggage behind and hear it for what it is.
Sonic Youth wrote a song, Tunic, about Karen Carpenter.

I'm in heaven now - I can see you Richard
goodbye Hollywood, goodbye downey - hello Janis
hello Dennis, Elvis - and all my brand new friends
I'm so glad you're all here with me, until the very end

dreaming, dreaming of how it's supposed to be
but now this tunic's spinning - around my arms and knees
I feel like I'm disappearing - getting smaller every day
but when I open my mouth to sing - I'm bigger in every way

she said:
you aren't never going anywhere
you aren't never going anywhere
I ain't never going anywhere
I ain't never going anywhere

hey mom! look I'm up here - I finally made it
I'm playing the drums again too
don't be sad - the band doesn't sound half bad
and I remember mom, what you said
you said honey - you look so under-fed

I seem to have wandered a bit. My apologies.

Last edited: Sep 22, 2011 17:18:51

Stormtiger wrote:

I used to be the same Robbie but it is time to leave
all that baggage behind and hear it for what it is.
Sonic Youth wrote a song, Tunic, about Karen Carpenter.

And its a great song as well on a ridiculously great album (my favorite SY album.) It's OK you guys don't like the Carpenters. We can't all have good taste Stir the Pot

The Secret Samurai Website
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Stormtiger wrote:

I used to be the same Robbie but it is time to leave
all that baggage behind and hear it for what it is.
Sonic Youth wrote a song, Tunic, about Karen Carpenter.

I'm in heaven now - I can see you Richard
goodbye Hollywood, goodbye downey - hello Janis
hello Dennis, Elvis - and all my brand new friends
I'm so glad you're all here with me, until the very

dreaming, dreaming of how it's supposed to be
but now this tunic's spinning - around my arms and
I feel like I'm disappearing - getting smaller every
but when I open my mouth to sing - I'm bigger in every

she said:
you aren't never going anywhere
you aren't never going anywhere
I ain't never going anywhere
I ain't never going anywhere

hey mom! look I'm up here - I finally made it
I'm playing the drums again too
don't be sad - the band doesn't sound half bad
and I remember mom, what you said
you said honey - you look so under-fed

I seem to have wandered a bit. My apologies.

Point taken, Doug. I appreciate the insight.

I've come a long way. I used to label anything that I didn't like as "CRAP". Now it's more like, "I see the quality / value of that music, but I just don't care for it". Still, somethings are still burned so deep into the subconscious that it more difficult to let go. But I'm working on it. I don't figure that I will have "grown-up" by age 60, but maybe by 65???
Nah! Big Grin



Last edited: Sep 22, 2011 17:43:52

Ruhar wrote:

Stormtiger wrote:

I used to be the same Robbie but it is time to leave
all that baggage behind and hear it for what it is.
Sonic Youth wrote a song, Tunic, about Karen

And its a great song as well on a ridiculously great
album (my favorite SY album.) It's OK you guys don't
like the Carpenters. We can't all have good taste
Stir the Pot

I'm glad that somebody here has good taste, cuz it sure ain't me! Wink



elreydlp wrote:

Morph-Your Carpenters tribute album is filed between
your Kenny Rogers "The Gambler" and "Barry Manilows
Greatest Hits" Albums, unless you misfiled it with your
Anne Murray collection.

Hahaha... you've definitely got my collection mixed up with my mothers! (Except replace Barry Manilow with Elvis). I dig a lot of her music now though, and of course my 15 year old nephew gets to roll his eyes at some of mine now.


Strat-o-rama wrote:

I have Eldorado, and love it. Mr. Wilsey is active on
another forum where he has described his recording of
the songs as well as his live rig. I'm not positive,
but I think he's been playing out with a Fender Concert
amp (loud!). You guys out there on the west coast have
the opportunity to see him live...yjr rest of us only
get to see the videos.
From what I understand, he is working on a follow up
CD, which he wants to be different from Eldorado. He
was talking about incorporating some pedal steel.

Can you post here if you hear on the other forum that he is playing gigs live?
as Far as I know, he hasn't played live in years, but I could be wrong.

Suggest to him, that he get Gary Brandin (Vanduras, Blue Hawaiians, Tikiyaki Orchestra) to play Pedal steel with him.


morphball wrote:

Good observations, Fady. All of the videos I've ever
seen really demonstrate his mastery with the tremolo.
Like Hank Marvin, the trem arm is always in his hand,
bending notes down and even up the same way most people
these days bend at the fret. I wonder if he does it
this way because he uses heavy strings, or if he was
really influenced by The Shadows growing up?

Back in the 90's Jimmy Wilsey had a Instro band THe Mysteries,with other Ex-Punks (Black Flag,Germs,and 1 other, can't remember) plus he was in the Avengers. They did a few Shadows songs, and he actually got pretty wild with them, not limp wristed Shads covers at all.


IvanP wrote:

Incidentally, the Shadows themselves recorded an
instrumental version of Superstar in '75 (released in
'76 on the album Tasty). I think theirs is an amazing
version, from a time when they still featured John
Farrar on the second lead guitar ('73-'76), so there's
a lot of overdrive and harmony guitars that he added to
that song. I tried to find the full song online, but
couldn't - though there are a few snippets out there if
you google it. I do wonder if that had anything to do
with Wilsey playing this song? (The two versions don't
sound all that much alike.)

Here is a Link to it, but it won't play for me.


Some one's jive'n you, Jeff. That page shows the right album work (and text calls out it's not THAT Shadows), and plays this:

Is this the new Rickroll?!?! So. Not. Right.

This one should work for the sample of the Shad's Superstar.


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Last edited: Sep 23, 2011 08:23:15

Onslow_Beach wrote:

Is this the new Rickroll?!?!

Not sure. But this is the greatest Rickroll of all time...

Last edited: Sep 23, 2011 08:57:12

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