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Permalink The Madeira in the studio - July 29-31, 2011

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Thank you, Ivan, for the blow by blow. Wish I could have been a fly on the wall (wearing earplugs!) Congrats on a great weekend, and I can't wait to hear the music!

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Last edited: Jul 31, 2011 23:52:03

Wow awesome updates! Not often you get to live the moment as it's happening for one of your favorite bands! Thanks Ivan!


I love topics like this that give a glimpse into the process. MANY thanks Ivan!! I can't wait for the new album!!

Thanks Ivan for this report ! That will be great to re-read it while listening to the cd !

Monkey Ju

Pirato Ketchup

Great stuff! This idea of blogging your recording sessions is a really good one! I hope more bands consider doing this in the future. It makes for really great reading.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Wow, thanks very much, guys, really glad to see that you're enjoying the posts. I've had a deep fascination with what happens inside of recording studios ever since I started getting into music. I remember in the summer of '90 buying the book "The Beatles At Abbey Road", probably among the first of that kind, at a book store in Union Station in Washington, DC, and being so excited about it I had to sit down right outside of the building, spending several hours reading it, unable to wait to get home to do it. I still love reading studio accounts, sometimes even of bands I don't necessary like all that much. So, if these posts were able to do that to some extent, then I'm very pleased. And I VERY MUCH second Brian's suggestion that more bands blog their recording sessions! Of course, there's a chance that some of the mystery may be lessened, but how much mystery is there really anymore with anything in the age of Facebook and Twitter??? People don't seem to put a high premium on it anymore, if they ever did.

I hope to have some higher-quality in-studio photos posted here today or tomorrow, so stay put for that. And thanks again!

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MadScientist wrote:

I love topics like this that give a glimpse into the
process. MANY thanks Ivan!! I can't wait for the new

Yup. Threads like these always provide a kick in the asspiration. Also looking forward to the new album Ivan.


I agree with everyone else. These types of posts are a real treat! Reading how much time, effort, thought, energy, and general obsessiveness is going into this project has me eagerly awaiting the finished product. I really appreciate when bands put this much work and thinking towards their songs and albums. I'm sure it'll show once this thing is released.

I'm SO anxious/curious to hear what's in store (I've actually for the most part avoided recent Madeira youtube videos to keep the new direction a surprise)! I'll definitely be holding my breath for months until this is released. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Mr. Green

Hummmmmmmmmm, what IS that Bandmaster doing there? Ha! Good settings too. ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Exciting news and nice pictures, too!

Here are some more photos, this time higher quality. More tomorrow!








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Oh, what the heck, here are some more right now rather than later.

Recording the lead part on my Jaguar Baritone/Bass VI:


Goofing around and listening - the guy with a beard is Brad Harner, the guest percussionist!



With one of the engineers, Squirrel - Dane's had it!


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A couple more and that's it.

Patrick's guitar and reverb unit (the studio's Vibrolux Reverb, which we did not use):


The bass amp room - Todd was using his blackface Showman into a 2x15" JBL D140F cab - sounded HUGE!


The wonders of ProTools - and a super-talented guy that runs it, our engeinner Eric Johnson (not that Eric Johnson!).


That's it!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
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Last edited: Aug 03, 2011 00:06:29

Great photos Ivan. Did you ask Eric if you used the right brand of 9v battery in your pedal? Very Happy

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

The room with the Showman was specifically designed for this recording; it features a dampening system between the foundation and the load bearing walls, which is capable of supporting Ivan's thunderous staccato in conjunction with the layers of percussion. It's true!


Last edited: Aug 03, 2011 08:31:51

Ivan, do you record sitting down as a rule? I find it hard to play unless I'm standing up!

Los Fantasticos

Hey all!

I better answer the questions and comments!

wooza wrote:

I agree with everyone else. These types of posts are a real treat! Reading how much time, effort, thought, energy, and general obsessiveness is going into this project has me eagerly awaiting the finished product. I really appreciate when bands put this much work and thinking towards their songs and albums. I'm sure it'll show once this thing is released.

I sure hope so, Ben! I don't know about the other guys, but for me this was definitely a difficult process. We're such a small-time band, so this really doesn't make much sense, but I do feel some weight due to having to live up to our first two CDs (as well my work with the Cossacks). Though our fans are few in numbers, I definitely don't want to let them down - and I don't want to let myself down. I feel it's a real privilege getting to record an album and actually having people plop down their hard-earned money for it, so I want to make sure that I do the best job that I can to make sure they're happy. I feel that responsbility. Obviously we won't get even the surf fans to all like what we do, but as long as I know we've done the best we can and we're feeling proud of the work, then I can feel good about the CD and know that at least our fans should be pleased. At least I hope they will!

wooza wrote:

I'm SO anxious/curious to hear what's in store (I've actually for the most part avoided recent Madeira youtube videos to keep the new direction a surprise)!

Well, I don't know about a new direction. There are a few songs that are maybe different from what we've done before, but I doubt you'll find the whole thing overall that much different. They're different songs, and we try to do the right thing by each song (meaning giving it its own personal arrangement and sound), but it's still us playing, and we have a particular sound that comes naturally. Anyway, I'll be interested in finding out once you get to hear it how much of a departure you think it is from the sound of the first two albums.

I'll definitely be holding my breath for months until this is released. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Mr. Green

Don't do it! You're turning green already!

Surfgitar wrote:

Yup. Threads like these always provide a kick in the asspiration.

Laughing That's great, I love it! Thanks!

eddiekatcher wrote:

Hummmmmmmmmm, what IS that Bandmaster doing there? Ha! Good settings too.

Ed, just for you! Actually, I didn't use it very much, it was there mostly as a backup for the Gomez - not that the Gomez needs it, as in the two years I've owned it hasn't so much as coughed funny! An incredibly reliable amp, built like a freakin' tank! Thanks so much, Dario! But I did use the Bandmaster (which is a '62) for a few overdubs, just for a slightly different flavor, and for the Atlantics tune, since they used a brownface Bandmaster for lead. Between the Surfer and the '62 Bandmaster (and the AC-30!), well, I tell you, it was an embarassment of riches, that's for damn sure!

morphball wrote:

The room with the Showman was specifically designed for this recording; it features a dampening system between the foundation and the load bearing walls, which is capable of supporting Ivan's thunderous staccato in conjunction with the layers of percussion. It's true!

Laughing When I was in that room, dialing in the sounds for each song, it was so loud that my ears were literally in pain. It felt like something was jabbing into them! (Actually, my ears are still ringing - five days after finishing the recording! Not good. Though the same thing happened with the recording of that last two albums, too. It took quite a while for my ears to normalize afterwards - but at least they did. We'll see this time!)

djangodeadman wrote:

Ivan, do you record sitting down as a rule? I find it hard to play unless I'm standing up!

Some stuff I recorded standing up and some sitting down. If it's a high-energy, double-picking tune, it's usually easier to play it standing up. If it's a tricky and delicate song, sitting down is much better. It puts the guitar closer to my head, and my arms in a more natural, higher, position on the guitar.

Thanks again for the nice words, all! Greatly appreciate them. Hope you enjoyed the photos.

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Last edited: Aug 05, 2011 13:31:53

Oh, just found this thread! Nice work Ivan! Thanks for the photos and the details of your recording. Can't wait for your new album. It'll be awesome like the other Madeira albums. Thanks for spreading your music into the world. I'll hold my breath, too! Big Grin

Every word is like an unecessary stain on silence and nothingness.

Last edited: Sep 04, 2011 02:29:39

Wow, thanks for the extremely nice compliments, spy!

I'm actually going on to fix some guitar stuff on Saturday, before the Oxford )(OH) Battle of the Surfing Bands. Hopefully the mixing will commence later this month, though it's looking like it'll be an early '12 rather than late '11 release. Hope nobody minds waiting a bit longer....

Thanks again!

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The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Here's a bump to this thread---it's very interesting to go back and read through it after actually hearing the finished versions of what was being recorded!!!

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