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So some folks I know were discussing that if the song "Quiet Village" is the national anthem of the Exotica nation what is the Anthem of the Surf Nation?

They are tossing around the standards like Pipeline, Miserlou, Wipeout etc.
What say the experts of SG101?

"Maybe there aren't any surf bands; there's only surf music?" Tuck

I guess my gut reaction would be to say: Miserlou.
But, there are so many others that would fit the bill as well.

Probably a Ventures song for sure. ala "Walk Dont Run".

Fin Doctors


Last edited: Jul 18, 2011 20:00:51

But miserlou's heritage makes it hard to be considered a surf banner.

I know some of you will hate this, but Wipeout is the surf rock calling card. When I have to explain what surf rock is, if they don't know that one they've never heard it.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

  1. "Pipeline"
  2. "Wipe Out"

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

One word-"Baja"!

I'd say Pipeline.

For me, it's Pipeline.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31


"We're lousy, we can't play. If you wait until you can play, you'll be too old to get up there. We stink, really. But it's great," Johnny Ramone .

Pipeline, or maybe Surf Rider

Shawn Martin

hmm. BAJA for sure although pipeline and wipe out have their merits!!

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

Miserlou, Pipeline, or Baja.


Should make this into a poll. IMO, Wipe Out, Misirlou and/or Pipeline are good candidates; I consider Baja a stretch.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

BigKen wrote:

I guess my gut reaction would be to say: Miserlou.
But, there are so many others that would fit the bill
as well.

Probably a Ventures song for sure. ala "Walk Dont

Hmmm Help Face Palm Fight

I don't want to get into it again,
But, Ventures themselves not a surf band,
Walk don't run, not a surf song.

I would say Baja,
but not really about surfing per se,
so probably Pipeline or Wipeout.

if anybody says Hawaii 5-O
I'm gonna Suicide


Pipeline - I may even get it right one of these days (where's that glissando thread again?)! Or Latin'ia...



Wipe Out or Misirlou.

Here (in Europe) when you told people you play surf music and they say : "Hu ?", you answer "You know, the opening title of pulp fiction" and they go "Haaaa !"

So, I guess Misirlou is the surf music anthem because it's also known by non-surf music freaks

Monkey Ju

Pirato Ketchup

Why not Mr. Moto? It was put out within weeks of Miserlou but the masses absolutely do not know that song. Cryin damn shame. Pulp Fiction Part 2 here we come!


Last edited: Jul 19, 2011 07:36:18

This is an interesting question and dicsussion. Another question is who decides what the surf anthem should be? Non-fans? 1'st Wave artists? Current surf bands? Informed surf fans? Surf music historians? Everyone?

Regarding the recognition factor of non-fans, I was at a Special Olympics picnic on Sunday and the DJ asked for requests. I asked him to play a surf tune. He played Hawaii 5-0. but not a Beach Boys song.

I confess I don't know enough of the history of surf music, or its catalog, to have more than a poorly-informed opinion, so I won't suggest anything; but at least I'm a fan and struggling to be a surf musician.

I'm not sure anthems are best chosen because they are recognized by the indifferent and uninformed. Shouldn't something like a surf anthem be a tune with historical significance to the genre of surf music, played by a band of historical significance within the surf music community, that represents the essential characteritics of surf music?


This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Jul 19, 2011 08:37:14

Most people pre-1994 would have probably said Wipe Out or Pipeline; probably Misirlou now though.


I hate Wipe Out so much. It is not a good song and should not be an 'anthem'.

I'd go for Baja, myself. It doesn't have to be the best known song.

I disgress, Wipe Out sucks. If Merrell Fankhouser claims to take credit or be associated for/with something, it is probably really awful.

clepak wrote:

Wipe Out or Misirlou.

Here (in Europe) when you told people you play surf
music and they say : "Hu ?", you answer "You know, the
opening title of pulp fiction" and they go "Haaaa !"

So, I guess Misirlou is the surf music anthem because
it's also known by non-surf music freaks

USA - I do not know
EUROPE - Misirlou, misirlou and misirlou
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