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Permalink The 4th Annual Surf Guitar 101 Convention, Sat. Aug. 13th, 2011, reviews start on page 17

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Just finalized my vacation plans - I'm in for attending this year!

Thanks for all your work in putting this together.

cool deal Diablo

So can we get a roll call of who is planning on coming to this?

bigtikidude wrote:

Ladies, and Gents,
I am proud to introduce the Poster for this years
SG101 Convention, done by JonPaul Balak of the Insect
and Tikiyaki Orchestra. and the Postcards will be
printed by
my friend Jason at Kustom Deluxe printing.
and the costs were covered by Jason and also Sean at
Double Crown Records. Thanks for everyone's help and



Last edited: May 26, 2011 22:57:03

bigtikidude wrote:

cool deal Diablo

So can we get a roll call of who is planning on coming
to this?

ME!!!! Going to try to bring Alex (he was at the SD MOAM show) as well. Get him more hooked on the verb...

you know i'll be there

See you all there!

booked my flights today. getting to LAX midday on friday and leaving LAX monday evening at 7:00. i'm getting a rental car and might stay down the street from the starting gate (can't remember the name of the motel). i don't mind being a DD or sharing a rental car for the day with anyone.

I think you mean the Don's Turf Motel,
I highly recommend that one.

if you are going to Don's on Sat. and Sun. nights I recommend the
Pacific View,
then you can stumble from Don's to the motel a few hundred yards up PCH.


Last edited: Jun 04, 2011 18:37:52

i stayed at the pacific view last year, convenient but expensive and their internet was beyond bad. the turf motel is the one i was thinking of. i will probably book a room there.

Ok The Fender Tour is on!
Fri. Aug. 12th at 9 am in Corona.
I need to confirm with all of the bands first,
then I can open it up to forum members after.
So Keep yer eye open for that in a week or so.

Now, about the Surf Jam at the convention.
Do we want to have any type of theme, or specialize in 1 band.
or More obscure stuff like last year.
Or just whatever people want.
To make room for Satan's Pilgrims,
the Jam has to be cut down to 45 min. instead of an hour.

But there will be a 4 hour Jam with Matt Quilter on Sunday evening
at Don the Beachcomber again. From 6 to 10pm


There will be a BBQ, Pool party at my place in Anaheim.
Noon-ish to 8pm. on Fri. Aug. 12th, after the Fender Tour.

e-mail for address if you'd like to attend.


Last edited: Jun 08, 2011 13:09:41

Have you convinced the Starting Gate that you can draw well enough for a weekend night yet?

Eleki jam!

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

See you there! I would love to sit in on the jam if it is not too crowded already.


I'm in for the Eleki jam Very Happy Hopefully someone has an organ I can use.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Last edited: Jun 09, 2011 00:39:05

I think that this year is the deciding factor that will possibly change their mind and let us go to night show next year.
Problem is, most of the surf crowd doesn't drink.
and I've heard they don't sell enough booze at the convention to warrant us a night spot compared to the Normal nighttime bands.

as for Eleki jam,
I was thinking 1 song of the Surf Fauxsters would be cool.
Kristena's Farfisa or Karen's keyboard could be used.


bigtikidude wrote:

I think that this year is the deciding factor that will
possibly change their mind and let us go to night show
next year.
Problem is, most of the surf crowd doesn't drink.
and I've heard they don't sell enough booze at the
convention to warrant us a night spot compared to the
Normal nighttime bands.

Damn! You'd think my bar tab for the past few years would help! Argh

Hear that, surf teetotalers? You're screwing up the program! So I propose this--if you are at the convention & you don't drink, but you notice someone at the convention drinking, buy them another round of what they're drinking. You'll make the bar happy, the drinker happy & increase the value of surf shows at the venue. Do it for Nokie! Do it for Dick! Do it for SURF! SG101!

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

WhorehayRFB wrote:

Damn! You'd think my bar tab for the past few years
would help! Argh

Seriously. Last year I had so many drinks, I had to close 1 eye to see the bands! (Is that bad?)

This year I guess I'll have to really bust my bank account on drinks to show them we mean business! Laughing

I'll be there and I am working on other KFJC surf friendly DJs to go, too.

Sorry I don't drink - guess I fit the surf fan stereotype!


I must admit it would be really cool if this whole thing ended at night. Buy some drinks people. It would just feel like more of a show, not that it isn't but you know what I mean. Can't wait...

The Deadbeats

I haven't made arrangements yet, but I definitely plan to be there.

I do drink, but not heavily, and not until sometime in the afternoon. I am comfortable ordering beers I don't finish, at least if it's some throw away lager. Maybe I can do more of that. Ironically my bar tab would probably be bigger if it were an evening thing.

Honestly, though, if it started at the same time and ran through the evening, it would probably kill me. I need that gap before the evening show (and usually there has been one anyway) to recover and and make myself less unpresentable. Plus, by around the time the day show has been letting out I need something to eat and service (usually a bit overwhelmed) has dried up.

The problem may be that I am not capable of ignoring a surf band if it is playing. I scarcely even manage to get into the dealer room.

Good to see a little bit of discussion going on here.
Its 2 months away folks.
Lets start to talk this thing up.

I myself am not a huge drinker.
And even less lately with my weight and blood pressure issues.
But I usually have a few beers at the starting Gate.
But I always buy Breakfast and Lunch at there too.
The price for the Breakfast special is a down right steal,
and the lunch prices are really fair.

Please support the venue by getting both meals there.

And when you go to Don the Beachcomber on Sat. night for Slacktone,
and Sun. evening for Matt Quilter's Wave Machine surf Jam.
Please at least buy a few appetizers, and at least 1 drink.
Or a Meal, the kitchen at Don's usually closes around 9:30 or so.

Believe me, their food and Tiki Drinks are really good, and a great way to finish off a day.



Last edited: Jun 12, 2011 18:26:12

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