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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Musicians & Gigs Wanted »

Permalink Drummer and Bass needed in Chicago!

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The Alder King's debut album is almost ready and it's about time I found some folks to play live. Up to this point I have done it all myself but it's kinda tough to do shows like that Smile
I'm looking for a bassist and drummer who are on the same page and like the direction I'm going in. I'm not a dictator by any means. I just wanna make sure we all like the same kind of thing.
Listen to some of the music on the page in my sig and send me an email if interested. Guys or gals, upright bass or electric is cool.



Psycho surfabilly!


Why can't you live in St. Louis!?!

GAHHH!! Why can't you live in chicago! lol

Psycho surfabilly!

thealderking wrote:

GAHHH!! Why can't you live in chicago! lol

If I could afford to live in Chicago, I would! Big Grin

I have been trying to form a surf band in STL for almost 10 years. I just can't find anyone else who wants to play surf guitar.*

*Translation: I can't find anyone GOOD who wants to play surf guitar.

Well, I dunno about good, but I do my thing LOL

Psycho surfabilly!

Have you ever heard of a Chicago band called The Safes? They play power pop/garage stuff. Frankie and his brother Patrick are both good drummers. You may want to contact them. The Safes play/tour regularly, so I don't know how much time they have on their hands. At the very least, they may be able to help you find someone. They are both really good guys. Here's their site:

They are also on Facebook. If you contact them, tell them Scott from The 75's sent you.

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