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Permalink thoughts about how to do a online raffle for the SG101 convention guitar donation

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Because it's against the law?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: May 13, 2011 09:51:21

Yeah. I wouldn't think adding some fixed item of real value to the raffle chance part would fix things. The tickets are already valuable compost, right? Also, being non-profit is not quite the same thing as being officially registered as being non-profit and complying with the regulations for that status might be a bit of a pain. This has a certain fun is illegal catch 22 feel to it.

California law is pretty clear about qualifying as a non-profit organization. We have the same problem here in PA. Most things covered by law are defined as entirely illegal unless certain specific exceptions are met.

I read your statutes. can be reorganized to include a separate complying educational non-profit entity, or it can become an entirely non-profit organization. This could be done by next year's convention. It's how the Philadelphia Folksong Society operates.

FYI here:

My wife's a committee chair of the Philadelphia Folk Festival, and this link will give you some idea how they operate and what they have accomplished.

Almost by definition, surf music qualifies as American folk music. Perhaps a band that travels (or is) out here can try to peform at next year's festival. This link explains how to apply to perform at the festival:

For example, Los Straitjackets is performing at MusikFest out here in August just before the PFS Folk Festival. They COULD also have been scheduled to be at the Folk Festival. Now that would be something. But anyway, SG101 may become a non-profit if it jumps through enough hoops in California law.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: May 13, 2011 15:48:57

I'm part Shawnee, would I be able to hold the auction?
Around where I live, casinos have to be floating on the water to be legal, what if we filled a kiddie pool with water and Jeff floated on a raft while the auction was held? That way it is not being held on California soil.

How about we just delete this thread and if/when a raffle occurs we all act surprised?

But I love Ted's idea. Very Happy

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: May 13, 2011 16:21:58

Here's an old trick, sell ping pong balls.

"$5 for a ping pong ball and we'll include a raffle ticket for blankety blank".

There is absolutely nothing illegal about selling ping pong balls... or throwing in a freebie along with it Wink

Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

Goofyfootinmouth wrote:

Why don't you sell Surf Guitar 101 stickers and
included as a bonus will be the Raffle ticket. Better
yet sell a T shirt and that could include the raffle
ticket. Then someone will have to buy T-shirts for all
of their friends and family. Can a raffle ticket that
is free with a purchase really be considered gambling.
And everyone knows and trusts paypal. Wider blanket of

This actually sounds like the best idea. Paypal doesn't need to know it's for a raffle. Just mark "personal" and "other". I don't think the cops will come after us. Oh wait, it is Orange County...

Raffles are considered gambling and are illegal in California under Penal Code Section 320.5. The exception applies to registered non-profit orgainizations, and 90% of the proceeds have to go to a registered charity.

Door prizes are not illegal, but could be deemed a raffle if the entry fee reflects an amount charged for a chance to win a valuable prize, rather than the value of the event. So if you charge $50 for entry or a sticker, plus a chance to win an expensive guitar, this could be deemed a raffle.

An auction, including a silent auction [sealed/secret bids] for donated items is not illegal.

A prize for the winner of a contest [best new song, most authentic surfer "look," Dick Dale look-alike contest, ugliest tatoo, etc] is not illegal, but the judges could be lynched if they show favoritism.


I bought a couple of tickets for the Neko Case raffle for 826 National recently. It is a Californian based children's educational non profit. Maybe they could work something out with you. They are a good cause and have a short history with musicians. Of coarse this would be a big hassle for the guys organizing this and the splitting a small kitty with someone other than the musicians, oh and my losing streak with their raffles when it comes to guitars and such. Here is their rules page from their raffle that happened a few months ago.
Yes I do like some Neko Case. Some of the Sadies and I believe Brian Connelly have played with her.

Hate to be a bummer, because it is a great cause, but I've held and been involved with plenty of raffles before for Section 501(c)3 charities, and this is just my $.02 worth: I would not sell raffle tickets online under any circumstances or guise. For lots of pretty obvious reasons.

Brian is right about this thread, IMO.


Well since it is pretty obvious that doing an online raffle is out of the question.
Do people have any other ideas or options of how I can do this?

I want to keep it like a raffle and kinda cheap.
and fun.

If I just put it up on ebay, that takes all of the fun out of it.
but would bring in a lot of money.

If I do a raffle just at the Convention.
its fun and a good chance to win.
But not much money comes in that way.

what do I do?


Where's the problem in this?

Person A: "Are you going to the SG101 convention?"
Person B: "Yes."
Person A: "When you're there, can you buy a raffle ticket for me?"
Person B: "Sure."

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Warren: a proxy seems like a really sound idea.


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