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Permalink The 'Verb tour 2007

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The 'Verb will be going on a west coast tour in September of this year and are looking for help booking, places to stay, free food (just kidding, but not really), help promoting some of the shows, people to come to the shows, advice, and any help anyone is willing to offer. This tour will hopefully feature the entire band (all 5 of us), and we will be bringing our own gear. We'll most likely be camping for a majority of the nights to save money, and we enjoy it, but sleeping indoors and not using payfer showers would also be nice. The tour will take place the two weeks following Labor Day and will include cities in Washington, Oregon, throughout California, and possibly shows in Las Vegas and Phoenix.

Eric, The 'Verb


New music!


e-mail me at, and I'll give you some contacts,
and ideas for places to camp.

If you do a show or more in So. Cal. you guys are more than welcome to swing by for a BBQ and a swim in the pool. either before a night show, or after ( IF you play at the Surf Museum???)

cant wait to see the full lineup.


I've got a number of random connections in and around SF, let me know and I can help you out for sure. Besides, it's about damn time the Lava Rats and The 'Verb play together.

PM me, and I'll give you my e-mail address.


I wonder if I'd be able to swing taking a trip out to SF by this September...Lava Rats and The 'Verb would be a damn fine reason...

thanks jeff and bill. I hope that you can make it out to see us Jon. I'm hoping to be setting up some big surf shows while we're in the LA/Orange county area, hopefully with some of the bands we played with last time we were down. anyone have some recommendations for venues? we liked playing the lava lounge in hollywood, but don't really care for their payment policy and we have 5 people, it was crampt when only had three of us and dave wronski joined us for a couple of songs. other than that, we liked the place a lot. i was thinking about the anarchy library maybe. any thoughts? we're looking right now at probably 2 shows in the LA/orange county area probably for saturday sept 8th and friday sept 14th. we're planning on playing with monsters from mars in san diego on sept 13th, they're helping me book that one. it'll probably be an all ages show. and i've gotten a reply from clint and we're on his calendar for his show earlier that day.


New music!


Look for my reply e-mail,
but yeah a show with the Volcanics at the Anachy Library would be great. Maybe the Doll Hut in Anaheim, The Verb played there on a Sun night after the surf museum show. Also I have contact with the Purple Orchid tiki bar near LAX, they don't do shows al the time, only once or twice a month, But The had a show for the Whys from Japan, recently. And Ferenc said they paid really well. Also there is the Suzy's
In Hermosa Beach. old standbye. maybe Ted from the Detonators could hook you up with something there.
TED!!!!!!!! wake up. Wink
Also there is the Baja Cantina Shows on Weds. fro 7 to 10 pm, and they pay pretty good. Maybe Ferenc could put you in touch with Jamie.
Maybe Tony from Outterwave could do something at the Brittsh and Domion club, like they did for the Kilaueas???

I'll probably get some more ideas later.
Do you want to -play weeknight shows, or just weekends.



I'll answer that question for Eric. We want to play shows everynight. It isn't a vacation. We have a rough draft of a itinerary in place with what cities we want to hit up.

thought maybe you were doin the surfing, camping on the Beach durrign the week.



thanks jeff, i just read it and responded.


New music!


the camping is in place of spending money on hotels, nothing like staying at the local KOA.


New music!


KOA is so nice, at least the one in Astoria Oregon. Free showers. Can't beat it.

Hey Tom, are you out there? Very Happy You ought to set these guys
up for a show with the fabulous Neptunes in Fresno @ the Tokyo
Garden..... Here's hopin' I can get over there from the Bay Area
to finally catch one of your shows there.

Cheers, Cheers



I think the rest of the 'Verb got to play with the Neptunes when they were down in California last time. I'd love to get the chance to play with those guys.

Barring an unforeseen event, which I won't rule out, the tour should be a blast. We will be bringing two more member and we are much better musicians than last time. I can't imagine catching us on the last tour...

It'll be great to see you guys in your "full glory" this summer, Jake!
I really enjoyed the Hotel Utah stop on the last tour. It was a damn
shame you couldn't travel. Your bandmates were real cool guys, and
with and without Ferenc's help, put on a good show. I hope you'll have
the new CD available for sale by then....



Nobody on earth hopes we have the CD for sale by then more than I do. I really hope we get to play with Pollo again. I want to hear Ferenc and company play Flash of Green so bad. Maybe they'd pull out Eric Estrada for me... But probably not.

Might be able to help out in the Phoenix area. Email or PM me or whatever.


Thanks for the wake up call Jeff!

I'm sure we can get you guys something going at Suzy's in Hermosa. We also have soem room to crash at our place even though my wife was a little overwelmed when we had 4 Germans staying at our play for 10 days straight!

Shoot me back an email if you want and we can get the ball a rollin'
Ted from the Detonators...

Hey Tom, are you out there? Very Happy You ought to set these guys
up for a show with the fabulous Neptunes in Fresno @ the Tokyo
Garden..... Here's hopin' I can get over there from the Bay Area
to finally catch one of your shows there.

Cheers, Cheers


I could give it a try! Give us dates to look into!



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