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Permalink thoughts about how to do a online raffle for the SG101 convention guitar donation

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Hey All,

So Paul(Colt Surf)here on SG101, very graciously donated another guitar(Amazing Ocean Turquoise AVRI Jazzmaster) for the SG101 convention raffle.

We were both thinking to get more funds raised(for the bands playing)
that the raffle tix for it should be able to be bought online,
and people not need to be present to win.
Though that would be nice(if they were) but not mandatory.

So I need to take some nice pics of it,
and then figure out what type of sight would be best to post the
pics on, and how about to sell Tix.
Paypal,Brown paper tix .com, etc...



Last edited: May 09, 2011 15:36:21

I think that making the raffle tix available to a larger group is a great idea. Anything to get more money in the hands of the bands (ESPECIALLY the traveling bands) is something I fully support.

I would host the pics on flickr or photobucket. I don't know, does SG101 have an account with a photo sharing site? If needed, I'll be happy to throw them on mine.

As for where to sell them, I'm afraid I'm out of the loop on that one...

I'm wondering if a Facebook account would be a good place to sell the tix thru?


I can host the pics.

Someone would have to check with PayPal's TOS to see if a raffle is allowed. If it was ok, that would probably be easiest. I'd have to research other ticket sites.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

cool thanks Brian,
I will get the pics taken soon,
and let you know what I'm thinking about doing.


Moved to website forum.

It seems PayPal and raffles don't mix.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Why do you say that?
did you check into it, or did somebody post something about it?


My wallet is getting an incurable itching sensation and needs to be lightened. Hurry up Brian and Jeff.... Cool

So Paul(Colt Surf)here on SG101, very graciously donated another guitar(Amazing Ocean Turquoise AVRI Jazzmaster) for the SG101 convention raffle....

My fingers are getting hives...just itching for a AVRI Jazzmaster....
I'm so there!!!!!!!!!!!!I think that's a fantastic idea...a raffle!

bigtikidude wrote:

Why do you say that?
did you check into it, or did somebody post something
about it?

I checked with PayPal. Paypal considers raffles "gambling". Only under some very narrow circumstances can you accept PayPal for gambling.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea



From this link:

Paypal prohibits ...
Lottery tickets –Include the purchase or sale of any opportunity to participate in a raffle, drawing, sweepstake, pool, or any other form of game or contest involving the distribution of prizes or monetary compensation.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I want to sell raffle tix,
online, at the surf museum, and HB pier shows before the convention,
and at the actual SG101 convention.

winners need not be present.
what is a good way to do this?
cash or money order only?


If you can believe someone who says they are a lawyer on Facebook:

By law it is a misdemeanor, in other words, it is a crime to sell, or give away raffle tickets or to hold any other kind of lottery drawing in the state of California.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: May 10, 2011 13:19:15 California Raffles Tricky Online Raffles a NoNo

Last edited: May 10, 2011 16:51:14

Fund raising: It's definitely not as much incentive to contribute as an AVRI JM, but you could give out slightly more ornate "patron's" badges in exchange for more registration money, thinking in terms of how much more people might give if they were participating in a raffle. Unfortunately, it looks like you couldn't give them anything in addition at random based on that, even if you loved them very much.

I looked briefly into the law in California regarding raffles. The way I understand it, the organization holding the raffle must have tax exempt status unless no one has to pay for a chance to win.

I've been to lots of events where your ticket stub makes you eligible to win. I would guess that is a way around it, because a person is paying for the event--the prize drawing is "free". Of course, this doesn't help your cause much . . .

Is the HBISM involved in the convention? I think they have tax exempt status right? I think it would be legal for them to have the raffle, the only stipulation is that 90% of the proceeds through the sale of the raffle tickets would have to go to the museum. But if it's in their charter to help bands financially by promoting performances, perhaps the money could go to the bands?

Being on the board, you know a lot more about this than I do, Jeff. Just throwing some ideas out there.

Scroll down to "raffles":

websurfer wrote:

I looked briefly into the law in California regarding
raffles. The way I understand it, the organization
holding the raffle must have tax exempt status unless
no one has to pay for a chance to win.

That's what I turned up also. You either have to be a non-profit, or you have to ensure there are ways to enter without paying. Of course, I am not a lawyer (IANAL).

Is the HBISM involved in the convention? I think they
have tax exempt status right? I think it would be legal
for them to have the raffle, the only stipulation is
that 90% of the proceeds through the sale of the raffle
tickets would have to go to the museum. But if it's in
their charter to help bands financially by promoting
performances, perhaps the money could go to the bands?

Yeah maybe that's the angle you need.

Good suggestions websurfer!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks guys,
all good info,

and I am a non profit,
I never make any money doing the SG101 convention.
It all goes to the bands.


Last edited: May 11, 2011 12:54:31

Why don't you sell Surf Guitar 101 stickers and included as a bonus will be the Raffle ticket. Better yet sell a T shirt and that could include the raffle ticket. Then someone will have to buy T-shirts for all of their friends and family. Can a raffle ticket that is free with a purchase really be considered gambling. And everyone knows and trusts paypal. Wider blanket of sales.

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