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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Musicians & Gigs Wanted »

Permalink Guitarist looking to start progressive surf band ATL

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I know this may be controversial to some on here but I am looking to start a progressive surf group in the vein of the Mermen, Slacktone, Space Cossacks, Man...or Astro-man?, Surf Kings, Daikaiju, Kelp, Razorblades, Peopleperson, etc. Some of my non-surf influences that I'd like to incorporate include Yes, King Crimson, Don Caballero, Mastodon, and Thin Lizzy. I used to play in a surf band called the Squares in the mid 90's to early 00's and currently play in the progressive rock band Sorry no Ferrari.

The Squares - 1995-2002
The Mystery Men? - 2012-
MOONBASE - 2012-2017
The KBK - 2017-2022
The Frigidaires 2021-
Southern Surf Stomp!

Chadillac wrote:

Sorry no Ferrari.

I dig that band name !

Monkey Ju

Pirato Ketchup

Best of luck Chad. It seems like a perfect time to be getting back into the genre.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Chadillac wrote:

I used to play in
a surf band called the Squares in the mid 90's to early
00's and currently play in the progressive rock band
Sorry no Ferrari.

Wow, I'm glad to hear you're getting back into surf music! I heard your "Eight Songs" album and loved it.


Yo Chad! I'll keep my eye out and ask around if anyone might fit that bill! Best of luck. We could always use more surf and surf inspired bands in Atlanta.

The Southeastern Surf revival is taking full effect!

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Chad, GREAT to hear that you're getting back into surf music! Best of luck with putting a great band together, and I really look forward to hearing what you guys come up with. (Though I have to say it's funny to me you include the Cossacks on your list of 'progressive' surf bands - my goal with that band was to combine the power of DD with the melodicism and drive of the Atlantics, while throwing in some of the atmosphere of Ventures in Space - all pre-'64 influences! But it just goes to show that what the listener gets from the music is often far from what the artist intended!)

Good luck!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

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