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Permalink Royal Aces with Sherrilynn Nelson

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This is just some local Denver folks having fun after about a week of playing around with some stuff in their copious spare time: the Royal Aces giving their favorite guest keyboardist Sherrilynn Nelson a send off. They were in the habit of extracting Green Onions and Louie Louie from her whenever her band shared a gig with them, and when they heard she was leaving town they thought they'd go for broke while they still could.

Downshifting (a cover of Satan's Pilgrims)

Crash (a cover of the Creations)

Out of Limits (a cover of the Marketts, in the Marketts style)

Last edited: Apr 07, 2011 13:43:42

Nice send off! All 3 were nice, and Crash sounded particularly great.

Thanks for the continued coverage of the Colorado scene, Tuck!


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Yes, that was one of those special gigs that had a unique energy and atmosphere - we were lucky to have Sherrilynn join us!

thanks for sharing. All 3 songs are great energy from the whole band. For the song Crash, who were the original artists?

I added the source bands to the original post, for the benefit of those interested.

The original artists for Crash! were the Creations, I think. See

That is a really nice number. I suspect it is a favorite of Aces drummer Jesse Carraway. Anyway, he has been the common element in all the local bands that have done it. The original version is available on the compilation The Birth of Surf, Vol. 2, and Jon & the Nightriders cover it on Undercover. The Nightriders and the Aces omit the namesake tank crash at the start, so maybe the Aces' source is the Nightriders. It's a local favorite in Denver anyway. People are always telling me to make sure I get and post that song if they see me videoing the Aces. I'm trying to remember if the Aquasonics used to do it too, or if it's just been various incarnations of the Aces.

Last edited: Apr 07, 2011 13:48:06

It's just the Aces, Tuck. My first introduction to the song was at a Royal Aces show. For a while, I thought it was an 'Aces' original.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

A few more:

Surf Jam (Beach Boys)

Green Onions (Booker T & the MGs)

Fun in the Sun (Velveteen Loveseat)

Please Please Me (Beatles)

My understanding is that Please Please Me is a more conservative rescension of Link Wray's revision.

Last edited: Apr 29, 2011 15:34:49

OK, just in, the professionals:

The Spy (Royal Aces)

Penetration (Pyramids)

Please Please Me (Beatles)

Very nice. Always dig Green Onions. Video suggestion, check the settings on your camera and set the aspect ration to 16:9. That should get rid of the side bars. It appears you cam may be in the 4:3 mode. Hope my suggestion is useful.

Embarassed Thanks! Will do.

---- OK, this turned out to be a setting in Microsoft Windows Movie Mangler ( Uh-Oh ) which, yes, is what I use to trim things, stick labels on them, etc. Perhaps not the best choice though easy to learn. The Sony Video camera I have was set as your suggested it should be. Didn't hurt me any to review some of those settings, however. I have actually now rendered some stuff at 16x9 but it was not surf, though it included the wife of a prominent surf (and other stuff generally) drummer.

Last edited: May 12, 2011 13:17:33

Sonichris wrote:

It's just the Aces, Tuck. My first introduction to the
song was at a Royal Aces show. For a while, I thought
it was an 'Aces' original.

I asked Jesse Carraway and he told me that the song was brought into the band by the first guitarist Dale Van Lewen. If I run into Dale I'll ask him where he got it! I've noticed a YouTube cover by the Apemen.

Crash - The Apemen - Animation
Crash - The Apemen - Album Cover

This version (same, take your pick) includes the tank crash. This is the guitar combo first album version of the band.

Last edited: Apr 29, 2011 15:39:02

Crash - Messer Chups

Pointed out to me by Crash veteran Scott Hartman.

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