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Permalink Who has done the best cover of "Telstar"?

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One of the all time great instros. Who does it the best justice?

Tornados version is awesome. The Lively Ones also did a respectable version.

Last edited: Nov 12, 2006 20:51:15

I had to vote "nothing comares to the Tornados version," but I'm more likely prejudiced because I'm a sucker for the sound of a clavioline in a "Jungle Fever" (the B-side to "Telstar"), and quite a few Del Shannon songs, like "Runaway" and "Hats Off to Larry" to name a couple.


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

I've never been too taken by the melody, and I've found almost all versions kinda annoying (ba-humbug, I know) except for the Lively Ones' version, for whatever reason.

How about Joe Meek's demo version which he recorded while writing the song?


Joe Meek : Telstar (demo)

Seriously, I don't think any cover I've heard tops the original Tornados version.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

lol, joe was pretty nuts, I guess all that time he spent trying to capture those who crossed over to the other side on record really caught up with his brain. I wonder how he set up his recoring gear in the grave yard?

The Lively Ones

The Thunderchiefs

I say The Lively Ones as well, just because they're The Lively Ones.

I voted for the Tornados, but I have to say the Eagles do an amazing cover of this tune.

I go with the Lively Ones. But I also like the Ventures Live in Japan '65 version.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

I love the Tornados version, although I totally dig the Lively Ones.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

I voted for the Challengers. I really love that version. I heard it for the first time in '86, and I love the tremolo picking on it. It just sounds like a surf version of Telstar should. Oh, and let's not forget Hal Blaine's drumming on it, which is brilliant - played as only Blaine could!


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I just came across a website which has a few Telstar related demos posted, all sung by Joe Meek. Although he's not able to sing in key for most of the time, it's still a great listen. The Telstar related tracks are number 5, 6, 10 and 14. While you're there, be sure to also check out the Meeksville Sound Ltd answering machine message (track 1). Almost made me a little dizzy since it was like I made a telephone call back in time to London, 1965 image

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Last edited: Dec 28, 2006 03:11:28

The Hula Hounds

I also like the Lively Ones version

I've voted for The Tornados, nothing can beat that sound.
Other versions I like very much are those from The Rapiers (UK)and the Dutch band Rene and The Alligators. The second best version to me however, is on the cd In Heat from The Bitch Boys. Worth listening to is a version from The Spotnicks on their Rarities album. When asked for a version especially for the Scandinavian market Bo Winberg couldn't reach the other members of the band so he made the whole recording by himself playing lead, rhythm and bass guitars, organ and instead of drums he shaked matchboxes!


I was going to come in and say the Joe Meek version but it seems like others had the same terrible idea

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

That Joe Meek demo is awesome, never heard that, bits of White Christmas, no?
I voted Tornados...

Good someone remembers Rene & The Alligators...


Just stumbled on this awesome video of the Eddie Vartan Orchestra doing Telstar:

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

I love the The Lively Ones but they just don't make Telstar happen for me. They give the beautiful middle guitar part to the sax. The organ IS that song. After the Tornados my vote goes to Laika and the Cosmonauts live version.

I really like the bass part on the Ventures version from the "Beached in Hawaii" album. To my ears, it has a globe-hopping sound.

The song itself also has a very happy feel to it.


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