Not sure if this is the right forum for this, but:
That conjunction of ideas makes me think of the Baronics' Get Bach CD. All surf, all oldies (really old oldies), and not a standard in the bunch. I bet it was a lot of work arranging it all! (What ever happened to those guys?)I'd love to hear that.
Slightly expensive, but not as bad as $160-something for a used CD through Amazon. Actually, I'm not sure if it's even expensive. I'm not good at translating from the Canadian$ these days.
Wait, I'm an idiot, Get Bach is sold out. However, ...
I had no idea they had redone Exposition. I think nothing came out in 2007, however, so though this is dated 2009, it may not be good. Anyone know anything more.
These guys were terrific on the classical adaptations in Get Bach, and I've always liked the more recent covers in Exposition well, too. There's even a little saxophone if I recall, though not much. The pop stuff sounds like the Ventures, and their Pintor and Bullwinkle Part II are very smooth and second wave traditional. Sort of Outerwave from Quebec. How do you say Outerwave in French? The best I can come up with is Outreonde, which looks more like it might mean "strange hound."