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GForce M-Tron Pro

I love GForce's stuff. I'd love to own it some day.

I've got some kind of M audio box and Home Sonar recording gear. I use it to work out songs before I take them to the guys. It actually captures the timbre and tones well.

Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
THE JOURNEY HOME - Free download (2025) - Agent Octopus (Single)

BANDCAMP - Agent Octopus
YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf


GForce M-Tron Pro

I love GForce's stuff. I'd love to own it some day.

The M-Tron is really cool. I can crank so many different sounds out of that thing, it's not even funny!

Full length "Chases Lead to Crashes" available now - The Red Planets

MacPro 2.66 with SSD, 30" Cinema display, iPad Control, MCMix, SoundCraft LX7ii-24, Apogee Ensemble, Radial JDI's/ X-Amps, SM57's, Royer 121's.

DAWs are Logic 8 and Digital Performer 7. No plugins used in either DAW, all external rack gear (LA-2A, DBX, etc).

Damn Mel,,,,,,,,,Me Likey!

Im currently using:
Imac, Logic 8, Apogee duet interface.
Addictive Drums software. Re-cabinet guitar software.
DyneAudio bm5a's and some old school 70's Jbl 4311 Studio monitors pwrd by Crown d-75.
Sony 7506 HD Phones.
Shure sm7 and sm57 , Russian Octava mk219 and 319 mics.
B.F. Vibrolux. Sans amp direct bass or 70's Ampeg b-15.
Various Guitars and Basses.
Not too much $$$ and more power then I'll ever need!

ADAT XT-20s and Mackie 32-8

AVRI Jazzmaster
62 Bandmaster/Katcher Kab/ PV 1502-4 speaker pushed.

Fiddling with the Hallmark Custom-60 on some tracks to get that really urgent sound.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Laughing a cassette player of all things's helps when you want to remember how to play your originals in the moment ...
Nothing like modern technology !

Johnny Rocket
The Monterreys !


MacPro 2.66 with SSD, 30" Cinema display, iPad Control, MCMix, SoundCraft LX7ii-24, Apogee Ensemble, Radial JDI's/ X-Amps, SM57's, Royer 121's.

DAWs are Logic 8 and Digital Performer 7. No plugins used in either DAW, all external rack gear (LA-2A, DBX, etc).

Damn Mel,,,,,,,,,Me Likey!

Im currently using:
Imac, Logic 8, Apogee duet interface.
Addictive Drums software. Re-cabinet guitar software.
DyneAudio bm5a's and some old school 70's Jbl 4311 Studio monitors pwrd by Crown d-75.
Sony 7506 HD Phones.
Shure sm7 and sm57 , Russian Octava mk219 and 319 mics.
B.F. Vibrolux. Sans amp direct bass or 70's Ampeg b-15.
Various Guitars and Basses.
Not too much $$$ and more power then I'll ever need!

Your setup sounds pretty sweet too...and once you get started down this long and winding road (hey, that'd be a good song title) it's kind of odd the amount of money you do throw at it without realizing it. I started off with a 8 channel Behringer mixer and thought that was all I'd ever use or need...:D

I use Addictive Drums and EZDrummer quite often as a model for drum tracks when working up original songs. Found the Groove Monkey MIDI loops are very versatile with either of those.

We use a Radial JDI for the bass, what's your opinion of the Sans Amp direct bass (we also use a BA-115).



Hi Mel, I like the Sans amp, mainly because its fast and having an outboard eq/direct, it's also convenient. I can dial in as much distortion or clarity as I need. I use it live also.

I have a BA-115 also. Those are great little amps aren't they?

I really like the Addictive drums too. For the most part I map most of my drum parts, although I 'll grab one of their loops and tweak it if it's close.

Logic is the bomb, I'v had it for about a year and a half now. The learning curve has kicked my butt since the beginning. But its been worth it. Better then the old days, bouncing two cassette recorders : )


Laughing a cassette player of all things's helps when you want to remember how to play your originals in the moment ...
Nothing like modern technology !

Nothing at all wrong with keeping it simple. That IS the best way to get those ideas and emotions recorded without the TECHNOLOGY crap that gets in the way when you really have something good, in the moment, that you want to lay down and dont want to loose.

Last edited: Feb 27, 2011 17:00:47

Cakewalk software on a PC with Vista (which, by the way, blows) and a cheap 2 input Alesis interface. Pretty good for one or two people recording, not so much for a whole band. But I probably only have 150 bucks in the whole setup.

How about electronic drum kits? Does any one use one of this in their home studio? I am thinking of getting one - the acoustic drum set I have it driving the wife crazy.

How about electronic drum kits? Does any one use one of this in their home studio? I am thinking of getting one - the acoustic drum set I have it driving the wife crazy.

I have a Roland TD6, but I don't use the onboard sounds; I use BFD2 instead, whioch sounds great.

I'm not much of a drummer, to be frank and our drummer doesn't like to use it, if possible, so we record elsewhere, but it's very useful for demos and when writing stuff. It also gets used sometimes if other people come round to record.

Los Fantasticos

Our drummer uses an electronic drumkit for home practice but says it sucks for other purposes (surf music speaking).

About home studio, I have a Zoom H4 for quick recording (I can record up to 4 tracks on it). Otherwise to home record demos, I work with a macbook pro, a digidesign Mbox with protools, shure and akg mics

Monkey Ju

Pirato Ketchup

Looks like the MAC is most used.

Huuumm....what to sell?


How about electronic drum kits? Does any one use one of this in their home studio? I am thinking of getting one - the acoustic drum set I have it driving the wife crazy.

I have a Roland TD6, but I don't use the onboard sounds; I use BFD2 instead, whioch sounds great.

I'm not much of a drummer, to be frank and our drummer doesn't like to use it, if possible, so we record elsewhere, but it's very useful for demos and when writing stuff. It also gets used sometimes if other people come round to record.

I picked up BFD2 last year and am nothing short of amazed. If I am not mistaken, Steve Albini supervised the recording of the tones that are included and I have challenged people over and over to distinguish between demos recorded with BFD2 and those done live. The verdict? Well, you can tell, but only because the BFD2 drums are entirely too professional sounding for someone on my budget.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

I just picked up the Boss BR-600 cheap on EBay - they have the new BR-800 but the 600 seemed to have all the features I wanted for my needs. I've tracked 3 surf standards and feel like I've barely even scratched the potential of the machine. Programming in the drum tracks is the trickiest thing so far as you need to sort of map out the song on paper etc....

Would love to hear tips from anyone else using this machine. Here are my tunes:


killbabykill34 wrote:


How about electronic drum kits? Does any one use
one of this in their home studio? I am thinking of
getting one - the acoustic drum set I have it driving
the wife crazy.

I have a Roland TD6, but I don't use the onboard
sounds; I use BFD2 instead, whioch sounds great.

I'm not much of a drummer, to be frank and our
drummer doesn't like to use it, if possible, so we
record elsewhere, but it's very useful for demos and
when writing stuff. It also gets used sometimes if
other people come round to record.

I picked up BFD2 last year and am nothing short of
amazed. If I am not mistaken, Steve Albini supervised
the recording of the tones that are included and I have
challenged people over and over to distinguish between
demos recorded with BFD2 and those done live. The
verdict? Well, you can tell, but only because the BFD2
drums are entirely too professional sounding for
someone on my budget.

I think that Steve Albini recorded the Deluxe expansion pack, not any of the drums included with BFD itself. Nevertheless, they sound very good indeed.

Los Fantasticos

djangodeadman wrote:

killbabykill34 wrote:


How about electronic drum kits? Does any one
one of this in their home studio? I am thinking of
getting one - the acoustic drum set I have it
the wife crazy.

I have a Roland TD6, but I don't use the onboard
sounds; I use BFD2 instead, whioch sounds great.

I'm not much of a drummer, to be frank and our
drummer doesn't like to use it, if possible, so we
record elsewhere, but it's very useful for demos and
when writing stuff. It also gets used sometimes if
other people come round to record.

I picked up BFD2 last year and am nothing short of
amazed. If I am not mistaken, Steve Albini
the recording of the tones that are included and I
challenged people over and over to distinguish
demos recorded with BFD2 and those done live. The
verdict? Well, you can tell, but only because the
drums are entirely too professional sounding for
someone on my budget.

I think that Steve Albini recorded the Deluxe expansion
pack, not any of the drums included with BFD itself.
Nevertheless, they sound very good indeed.

Ahhh..that is where my confusion is. I do have the Deluxe expansion as well though.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.


twoslices wrote:


Post "Beach Blvd" and "Surf City" in the appropriate thread!

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