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i just got 'as the dark wave swells' by the bambi molesters. i don't know why i'm so late to the party on this one as i love this band. good stuff.


better late than never, right?

same with the Blue Hawaiians right?



Well, thanks a lot, Ivan!! If IvanP says it, it must be true :-).

A friend of mine just cleaned up my Ventures 'in space' vinyl. It was unplayable before but 'vinyl-dishwashers' are very hip in the hifi world and they work! Wow, it's like getting a new fresh record. God, I love this album!

El Bluesky
El Ray
El Ray on Bandcamp
El Twang on YouTube


better late than never, right?

same with the Blue Hawaiians right?


yeah, and i ended up getting all of the hawaiians cds Embarassed



better late than never, right?

same with the Blue Hawaiians right?


yeah, and i ended up getting all of the hawaiians cds Embarassed

Even the Christmas on Big Island cd?



The Space Rangers! Won it at the Eddie Benefit!

Thanks for this great review! I was a little worried about how the crowd here would receive this one - as you say, it's not surf music, but there are instrumentals on it. I'm really happy with the way it turned out, and it seems to be selling pretty well. Thanks to everyone that's bought a copy so far!

Thanks Sean / DoubleCrown music club! Got this in today's mail:

Getting it's first listen as I type. Really digging the vibe and production. Fun songs that I've heard so far. Needed that after a couple long days on the jay-oh-bee (and it's only Tuesday!)

After a few more spins, I'm compelled to log an update. Marketed/positioned as 60's Northwest R&R - I think they've nailed it. The playing is quite good, and IMO, the song composition is compelling. While they've achieved a coherent "Album", each of the 10 tracks are unique. They clearly don't just fall back on one or two tricks slightly tweaked and renamed as a new song.

No, it's not surf. No it's not all Instro. But what it is, I think is done really nicely. I don't anticipate being one of those releases I listen to for a few days, shelve, and only hear again by a chance encounter when the ipod gets set to shuffle. I am really digging it as a complete album. Oh, and if the closer "Rick's Drums" doesn't make you want to hit play all over again, you may not have a pulse.

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD




better late than never, right?

same with the Blue Hawaiians right?


yeah, and i ended up getting all of the hawaiians cds Embarassed

Even the Christmas on Big Island cd?


yep........i play it in the shop during the christmas holiday along with all the other cool holiday cds


Even the Christmas on Big Island cd?

yep........i play it in the shop during the christmas holiday along with all the other cool holiday cds

Still my favorite release by the Blue Hawaiians, and among my all-time Christmas favorites.

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Well, thanks a lot, Ivan!! If IvanP says it, it must be true :-).

Smile Gosh, I think you're on to something, El Twang - I like that! I will present this to my wife as the new and binding foundation for our relationship. I think it'll work like charm!

Rolling Eyes

Seriously, though, such a great CD. When I have some more time I may venture a fuller review, but for the moment I'm curious about something. There are a few tracks on there that seem to exhibit some very non-surf influences - in particular, I'm thinking of Cherry Cheeks and Bob Hund. The first seems to me to have some '80s influences, maybe the Cure or something along those alternative lines; whereas the latter track seems to have a bit of Velvet Underground and maybe even '90s shoegazing thing to it. Was there anything you were going for in particular and in a conscious way on those songs, or was it a matter of pure creativity and just following the muse? Hope you don't mind spilling a few secrets!

BTW, I love both songs, especially Cherry Cheeks, such a happy track!!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Brian wrote:



Ooh, this is a good one. Thanks I think I will listen
to this now.

I just got this one in the mail yesterday, and I totally agree. Great album!


I finally broke down and bought some Hawaii Samurai and Irradiates a while ago. They just arrived as well as a Speedball Jr. album. OOF!

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Just got these, and they are both FANTASTIC:


and just a moment ago ordered these, so I'm looking forward to diving into them:



Picked up some vinyl recently:


Nowhere near on par with the first album, but it's definitely worth it just for "Space Probe" and "Continental Missile." "Move It" and "Blunderbuss" are pretty good, too.


Hopefully just as much of a mainstay in peoples' collections as Surfin' With the Astronauts ... maybe not quite on par with that album, but it does have a few killer instros and some great hot rod vocal tunes.


Nice packaging from Sundazed, as expected. What can really be said about this one?


Bootleg all-instro collection of songs from his various 60's studio albums.


Killer album that's halfway between R&B and surf. Highly recommended.

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.


This is a great set of surfrock tunes from Finland.
Many fresh sounds and some really strong tracks.

El Supernaut



Just picked up a German copy in very good condition. I especially like side 2. Lots of Twang, as expected.

Canadian Surf

I've been listening to the Beechwoods off and on for the last week, and really like to CD. This one reminds me of the Revels, and Jim Waller and the Deltas: pre surf sounding. The vocal tunes are a lot of fun too! The lack of Reverb on much of the guitar doesn't both me. A nice late 50's sounding slab of plastic.



Canadian Surf

The non-album stuff on this one is good but not amazing. I wouldn't go out of your way to snag it, to be honest.

If not my favorite surf album then top three for sure. Glad to finally have it on vinyl.

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

CaptainSpringfield wrote:

If not my favorite surf album then top three for sure.
Glad to finally have it on vinyl.

Shock Nice score Warren!!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook



Recently getting into this band and these two are my favorites thus far. Love the trippy Esquivel-ian-ness.

...and this is cool, too.
"A brilliant blend of cinematic sound landscapes, space-age bachelor pad music (Italian style) and atmospheric fuzzy psych-grooves" -label website

Twisted Evil > Angel

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