Tons o' fun reading the back and forth regarding most overrated surf song. I still love listening to the old stuff, and while zillions of lists of faves have been posted, I'm always up for reading a few more, and maybe getting turned on to a cut I was not aware of. Here's mine, in no particular order (not all classics, and not all strictly surf, but close enough):
"Latin'ia"---despite primitive recording and goofy mix, it's, well, perfect.
"Bah Hah Ree Bah"---can't decide who's version I like best---maybe give the nod to Laika.
"Jack the Ripper"---apologies to those that think Link Wray is a one-note pony. Well, it's a great note, and nobody's version comes close to the original. Cosmic groove.
I'll give the Dickster a nod with "Surf Beat", a throwaway number probably made up on the spot---maybe just because it's so fun to play live.
"Tube City"---when they weren't singing, the Trashmen were a better surf band than a lot of the West Coasters. The muted intro is perhaps the best reverb splat ever recorded. Why can't I get my old stuff to sound like that?
"Moondawg"----the original is almost a punk song, but my favorite version (flame suit on tightly) is on the BB's "Surfin' Safari" album. A great-sounding recording, and a guitar tone from the gods.
Fender IV's "Malibu Run"---weeks ahead of its time. Like Dave W's "Kahuna" intro, still trying to figure out exactly what those two notes are.
Can't leave out the Astronauts. Despite the fussy drum track, I like "Banzai Pipeline". Plus, how many other surf songs are in Bb?
"Boss" or "Caterpillar Crawl"---take your pick. I'm a sucker for primitive rave-ups. They remind me of the first songs I ever learned.
"Bombora"---Great guitar riff, rocks hard.
"Sunset Beach"---a great mellow song, just the thing to have on while driving home from the beach. While we're at it, let's add the Sentinals to the list of bands we'd most like to see play again. Are any of these guys still around and active?
HoHoHo, Matt Q, Costa Mesa, CA