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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink Classics I'll never get sick of---was "Most Overrated&q

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Tons o' fun reading the back and forth regarding most overrated surf song. I still love listening to the old stuff, and while zillions of lists of faves have been posted, I'm always up for reading a few more, and maybe getting turned on to a cut I was not aware of. Here's mine, in no particular order (not all classics, and not all strictly surf, but close enough):

"Latin'ia"---despite primitive recording and goofy mix, it's, well, perfect.

"Bah Hah Ree Bah"---can't decide who's version I like best---maybe give the nod to Laika.

"Jack the Ripper"---apologies to those that think Link Wray is a one-note pony. Well, it's a great note, and nobody's version comes close to the original. Cosmic groove.

I'll give the Dickster a nod with "Surf Beat", a throwaway number probably made up on the spot---maybe just because it's so fun to play live.

"Tube City"---when they weren't singing, the Trashmen were a better surf band than a lot of the West Coasters. The muted intro is perhaps the best reverb splat ever recorded. Why can't I get my old stuff to sound like that?

"Moondawg"----the original is almost a punk song, but my favorite version (flame suit on tightly) is on the BB's "Surfin' Safari" album. A great-sounding recording, and a guitar tone from the gods.

Fender IV's "Malibu Run"---weeks ahead of its time. Like Dave W's "Kahuna" intro, still trying to figure out exactly what those two notes are.

Can't leave out the Astronauts. Despite the fussy drum track, I like "Banzai Pipeline". Plus, how many other surf songs are in Bb?

"Boss" or "Caterpillar Crawl"---take your pick. I'm a sucker for primitive rave-ups. They remind me of the first songs I ever learned.

"Bombora"---Great guitar riff, rocks hard.

"Sunset Beach"---a great mellow song, just the thing to have on while driving home from the beach. While we're at it, let's add the Sentinals to the list of bands we'd most like to see play again. Are any of these guys still around and active?

HoHoHo, Matt Q, Costa Mesa, CA

"Bombora"---Great guitar riff, rocks hard.

===>Which one? The one by The Original Surfaris,
or the one by The Atlantics? Although I really enjoy the
Atlantics' version (and, for that matter, the cover by
The Space Cossacks), I really prefer the one by The Original
Surfaris--man, what a killer line!!! Makes me wanna go
surfin' at Mavericks (even though I've never surfed in my

Oh! While I'm at it, here are ones that I never tire of hearing
(both old AND new):

--Bombora! (Original Surfaris)
--Playa de los Muertos (Bomboras)
--Shake 'n' Stomp (Dick Dale)
--The Victor (Dick Dale)
--Fathomless (The Fathoms)
--Riptide (The Fathoms)
--Fathomized (The Fathoms)
--Red Sunrise (The Space Cossacks)
--Harem Nocturne (Satan's Pilgrims)
--My Wave (The Surf Punks--who else thinks this is the most UNDERRATED "surf" band out there???)
--Good Vibrations (The Beach Boys--ok, not the kind of "surf" we're talking about, but I NEVER get tired of this classic!)
--Nomad (The Aqua Velvets)
--Shrunken Head (The Aqua Velvets)
--Pygmy Dance (The Phantom Surfers)
--Babalu (The Phantom Surfers' version. . .)

I'm sure there are tons of others--I'm not very good with
song titles, and I only have a handful of songs within my immediate
vicinity. . . . Ok, I suck.



Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

"Latin'ia"---despite primitive recording and goofy mix, it's, well, perfect.

"Bah Hah Ree Bah"---can't decide who's version I like best---maybe give the

Can't leave out the Astronauts. Despite the fussy drum track, I like "Banzai Pipeline". Plus, how many other surf songs are in Bb?

"Bombora"---Great guitar riff, rocks hard.

Hey Matt, I'm with you on these. I remember when I first met you and we talked about most of these songs, but I hadn't heard Bahareeba yet. You played Bahareeba and my jaw dropped. I've been a fan ever since.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty


"Bombora"---Great guitar riff, rocks hard.

===>Which one? The one by The Original Surfaris,

Orig Surfaris version---you get amped just from the intro. See lots of Fathoms on your list. IMO, in the top 3 of trad-style newer bands. Tone for days and great songs. I would add my fave "El Toro" to your list.

... despite primitive recording and goofy mix, it's, well, perfect.

That's what sometimes gives a song that little extra. Unfortunately there are very few primitive sounding recordings or goofy mixes done today.

A classic I never get tired of is "Midnight Run". I like both the Pyramids' and the Super Stocks' versions but especially dig the one by the Nocturnes.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Fender IV's "Malibu Run"---weeks ahead of its time. Like Dave W's "Kahuna" intro, still trying to figure out exactly what those two notes are.

HoHoHo, Matt Q, Costa Mesa, CA

Matt, I asked Volker from the Kilaueas, If I remember correctly, he said after listening a thousand times he finally figured out that it's a combination of the high E string played open and the B and G strings held on the octave (12thfret). I haven't tried it yet to see if that nails it. Let us know if that's it.

EDIT: I found the MP3, No High E string ,just the B and G's.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Fathomized (The Fathoms)

Couldn't agree more, great track!!!

I'm so glad I found this forum...

just a few from top of my head:

Fathoms - Five Fathoms Deep
Trashmen - Ghostriders in the Sky (forget all other versions)
Bambi Molesters - Invasion of the Reverb Snatchers
Apemen - Shake Your Hoover
Impala - El Rancho (all 30 secs of it)
Krontjong Devils - Apres Ski
Dave Myers - Moment of Truth
Pixies - Cecilia Ann (Frank B. did a real good job...)
Pyramids - Pressure
Gene Moles - Burning Rubber
Truants - The Truant
Impacts - Steel Pier


Pixies - Cecilia Ann (Frank B. did a real good job...)........

huge frank black fan here. i've never grown tired of his version of this song............carol

I agree with whoever said Red Sunrise. Greatest day of my life when I figured it out.

Gene Moles - Burning Rubber

That one is a long time favorite. And I really like the sound production for it.

Gene Moles, 1960s promotional picture

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Gear! - Dave Myers

I once listened to this song at least 20 times in a row trying to learn to play it, and I still didn't get tired of it.


Gene Moles - Burning Rubber

That one is a long time favorite. And I really like the sound production for it.

Gene Moles - the "fifth Venture" - correct? As much responsible for the Mosrite Ventures model as the Ventures themselves, I've heard.


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Yeah, I understand he co-wrote and played on some Ventures stuff as well as being an inspector at Mosrite. He was also the one who introduced Mosrite guitars to Nokie.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

--Fathomless (The Fathoms)

Love it! How about The Hearse?

--My Wave (The Surf Punks--who else thinks this is the most UNDERRATED "surf" band out there???)

Not me! I never much liked the Surf Punks. However, from what I recollect, My Wave is OK. The only one I liked! Smile

--Good Vibrations (The Beach Boys--ok, not the kind of "surf" we're talking about, but I NEVER get tired of this classic!)

I know what you mean.

--Pygmy Dance (The Phantom Surfers)
--Babalu (The Phantom Surfers' version. . .)

Very nice. Right in there after Sloth in Molasses.

I'm sure there are tons of others--I'm not very good with
song titles, ...

Yeah, it's hard when the title isn't being voiced repeatedly in the refrain ... Sometimes I wish all songs ended with "Um, that was ..."

How about

-- Knights of the Long Board by the Sir Finks?

The Sir Finks are another band that, like the Fathoms, gets the reverb just right for me. Satan's Pilgrims (_Badge of Honor_) and the Woodies (_Spanish Word_) do pretty often, too, and the Crossfires (_Inferno_), the Cosmonauti (_Sea Storm_), the Bambi Molesters(_Bikini Machines_), and the Fifty Foot Combo (_Minesweeper_) also sometimes manage. Not that I insist on the sound quality in these. I just like it. Or sometimes heavy fuzz (?) - if that's what it is - is nice instead, e.g., Surf the Wild Gowanus (Simon Chardiet) or just about anyone's take on Heart Full of Soul. The Planet Seven and Sir Finks versions are nice. Not to mention the Yardbirds' original.

I'm afraid that not being a musician I'm not always sure what it is that produces the sound I like, but I know it when I hear it.


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