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Permalink Jeff Hanson, Big Tiki Dude got a surprise today

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Well, so far I have resisted being assimilated, but stuff like this makes me feel out of the loop. I'm bummed I didn't know about this.

Guys, come on, don't spoil Jeff's thread!

Jeff, hope the bass is everything you dreamed of!

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Now, what kind of amp do you have Jeff? Smile

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Very Surf Coasters lookin' Very Happy


"You sure do have a purdy bass!"

So cool! What an excellent thing to do for a good guy. Wish I was FB friends with some of you all... Everyone involved should be really proud!

Now, what kind of amp do you have Jeff? Smile

I was talking to Jeff last night about what kind of amp he needs to play this bass on. He doesn't have one now. I bought him a Fender practice amp, 25 watts and a 6" speaker, small black box 12 inches by 12 inches years ago. He said it was fine to play in your room with, but he needs a 100-200 watt amp to power the speakers in his BIG cabinet he bought from Ran a couple of years ago. It's almost 6' tall, weighs a ton and has two 15" speakers in it.

Maybe anyone with a lead on an old but good Fender amp could contact him.

Craig the Keg

Hodad makin' the scene with a six pack.

Congrats Jeff, you do deserve it!


Canadian Surf

I would suggest that for BASS, Jeff should look for a Musicman One Thirty HD Head. They have a lot of punch for 130 (tube) watts and can still be found at pretty reasonable prices. If he's not concerned about the vintage look, there are tons of decent solid state heads in the 200-400 watt range that are downright cheap.

I actually have no problem seeing or hearing bass players with solid state amps at all (even in surf); I think they sound great for bass and are LOUD. I happen to play a MIM P-Bass through a small solid state amp for my own little recordings, a bass which by the way isn't even half as good as the one Jeff has, but it gets the job done at least. ;)


Ampeg..Tube or SS

Now, what kind of amp do you have Jeff? Smile

he he he ...I love DannySnyder's wry sense of humour...

i wholeheartedly suggest Gallien Krueger amplification all the way... you won't be sorry at all...

Congrats and +1 on the GK, But I guess it's a personnel thing for you to decide. I myself would love to hear that baby through a Sunn Model T if your 2 15 can handle it.


That's a great story, and is making me smile. What a great idea for a great person!

Congrats and +1 on the GK, But I guess it's a personnel thing for you to decide. I myself would love to hear that baby through a Sunn Model T if your 2 15 can handle it.


The old Sunn amps are great also..huge sound.
Conrad (one of the founders of Sunn) is building amps again under the name Conrad ..I have one of his prototypes...good stuff

Sunn amps are awesome. I have only used Ampeg for bass, so I'm behind all those recommendations. You can't go wrong with any of these recommendations.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31


Now, what kind of amp do you have Jeff? Smile

he he he ...I love DannySnyder's wry sense of humour...

i wholeheartedly suggest Gallien Krueger amplification all the way... you won't be sorry at all...

+2 on GK (if you can't find a MusicMan).

Ahhh yes , Jeff got a P bass... Congrats bro ...NO MORE EXCUSES ! As far as amps. There are only three things to look for. S.V.T

Ahhh yes , Jeff got a P bass... Congrats bro ...NO MORE EXCUSES ! As far as amps. There are only three things to look for. S.V.T

Worship Rock Cheers


Guys, come on, don't spoil Jeff's thread!

Let me see if I can rope this back into the main thread.

Teasing aside, and I think Jake took my point and made it perfectly clear: this forum is a perfect example of real social networking. It has allowed Jeff to turn his organizational and social talents to great use to produce three superb surf music experiences, the SG101 Conventions, real out-of-net in-the-body social experiences we have all enjoyed in person and/or vicaciously by network: this Forum.

Some sort of recognition of Jeff's wonderful and generous work on all of our behalfs is plainly called for and has been for some time. At the last SG101 Convention I was wondering whether some sort of plaque or tiki thing might be appropriate as recognition. I didn't get it together, and I'm glad I didn't because Brian has come up with the perfect plaque for a man of Jeff's interests and talents: the body of a Fender Precision Bass with all the attached Fender bass stuff ... could there be a more beautiful plaque? Just don't hang it on the wall.

Congratulations, Jeff! And keep up the good work, please?

And thanks to Craig and LouAnn for all their support of Jeff and us.

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