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I was gonna say how well can you listen to the cd, if your all talking on a mic and listening to other people while music is playing, if your typing all your gonna hear is the music, and the keys when you type.

just an idea.

actually, teamspeak is very much like sitting in the room together listening to music - which is not all that novel. it works well since you can djust music volume and speak volume independently. and, just like when you're listening together, you dont talk ALL the time. you listen for a minute and then someone says, wow, I like that bass sound or whatever and somebody sais yeah, or wtf, no way or whatever. if yo have to compare it to anything, it's much like watching a live show together, you're not talking all the time but nice that you can if you want to. not at all like phone conversations where silence is awkward. I did teamspeak with brian before, and we were 'on' for an hour or so, and talked maybe for 15 minutes. meanwhile browsing sg101, myspace, and doin' other stuff. really cool.

ive been in the chatroom before, and it's much harder to keep atention, typing is more time consuming and it's harder to listen to music while typing then when speaking. but maybe that's just me not being a native speaker/witer.

c'mon btd, get that 10 bucks headset and download the free software, there's nothing to installing it, and I want to know if talk as laid back as the dude, cause you sure has hell don't type as laid back! Wink


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