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Permalink Mac interface problems

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I've got a friend with a Mac (I'm a PC guy).
He uses an M-Audio interface and keeps having trouble getting it to work in Garage Band. The computer recognizes it in Mac preferences, but when he sets it as the audio input in Garage Band, the volume slider jumps all the way to the left and can't be increased.
What's even more frustrating is that it will occasionally work fine.
Yesterday we were in the middle of recording what undoubtedly will someday be a monster hit. When we went to lay down the fourth track, for some reason the Garage Band got finicky and the slider moved to the left and we couldn't get any sound again. We tried resetting the preferences in both GB and the Mac, tried disconnecting the interface and then plugging it in again, switched to the internal mic (which worked) and then back to the interface, which involved reloading the audio drivers, all without success.
Anyone here have any suggestions? Thanks

"We're lousy, we can't play. If you wait until you can play, you'll be too old to get up there. We stink, really. But it's great," Johnny Ramone .

I've never had any problem with an M-Audio interface the couple times I tried it with Garageband. I don't think I even had to select it as an audio source, it was automatic if I remember correctly. If you have a couple bucks, look into M-Powered Pro Tools, about a million times better than Garageband. If you are a student you can get it for cheap, same if you are staff at a University.

this may be a bit belated, but from my experiences i would recommend acing the m-audio interface and get a 1/4 to usb light snake. theyre pretty cheap and work great in garageband, logic pro, and soundtrack pro.

i would also recommend getting the fender amplitube plugin for logic pro, its a killer plug-in with gobs of fender tone to shake a stick at.

as far as the issue with the m-audio not showing up on garageband, it could be an issue with the interface itself. have you guys checking to see if it was recognized by the pc?

i would try that, if u havent already. but i would put my money on the interface itself. garageband should automatically detect that interface and youll get a message box alert asking you to use it.

i know im late on the topic but hope this helps!

Knarle Tide

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