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Permalink Dec. 31 Bomboras show

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I really wish I could be at this show on New Years. Someone should tape it.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

San sometimes videotapes shows, but I don't know if he'll be up to it (it is kind of a hassle).

The Scimitars

Hey San, I'm glad I wasn't the only one bummed out about this line up.
I guess for a big nice venue you have to include other types of bands to draw a broad audience.
I have to admit though, I'm not thrilled about the opening bands though.
It'd would have been nice to get the Volcanics on this bill since they are playing at Spike's that night.
and down in San Deigo is The Corsaires, Creepy Creeps, and Monsters From Mars. Now if all 4 of those had been with the Bomboras that would
have been a great mixed styles show.
whattcha gonna do, unless you become a show booker yourself???



OK here is my short review,
The opening bands, were a bit better than when I had seen before, but I'm sure that getting boozed up before hand at tiki ti, and then having a few New Castles at the club helped to ease the pain.
Bomboras were great fun, and I was dancin( stumbleing around) with a few others with/around us.Not Moshing or slam dancin' but not 50's 60's style dancin either, kinda in between. Smile for some of the real up beat songs.
I don't want to be rude. But in my opinnion, it was a very Garagy
fuzzy sounding set( over all) there were some reverb moments. and some good 60's covers. and I could hear the guitar alot better than I had 7 years back so that helped. But this isn't what I woud call a surf show. Which is fine, and I wasn't expecting to see a band that sounded
like the Astronauts. I haven't had such a good time at a show in a long time, and I hope that the Bomboras play around more.
and maybe dig a bit deeper into the old catalog.
and please don't be afraid of the Reverb, crank it and break off the knob.
Wish that all you surf fans around the USA and elsewhere could have been there, it was a killer show.

p.s. maybe others can add song titles.


I posted videos in the Internet Video area.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Thanks for coming out and making the show possible. It was great to see (and meet in some cases) everyone. Jeff, here's the set. Happy New Year!


thanks for posting the set list.
Killer show last night ton O fun.

did you see Kristena's videos? the sound came out pretty good for a
digital picture camera, and video camera.

Hope to see you guys play more,

and Look for my PM to you.



Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for playing again!

I thought The Bomboras were note-for-note perfect! The sound was incredible, and I had an amazing time. The set list and vocals were fantastic. It was as if a single day hadn't passed since the last time the band played.

I really liked the stage set-up with the red lights and your black, white, and red color scheme. The original Bomboras light-up sign and new shirts were awesome! The go-go dancers were very fun to watch.

I say keep everything exactly as you have it now. Maybe you can hand-pick the opening bands the next time you play?

A show with The Lords of Altamont would be cool if Jake can do it.

The best show would be The Bomboras with The Ghastly Ones, if it works out someday. OK, the best show would be The Bomboras, The Ghastly Ones, and Satan's Pilgrims.

Thanks again for putting on the show!

ghunt is a gremmie! thats funny stuff!

Hey Gregg, whats with the Alhambra locale? I thought you was up Santa Barbara way shapin' boards?

You guy's are still doin' the Crusher? damn!

Remember, I was in the Bomboras before you... LOL!

Good to hear your playing again!

Jeff (Utterback)

I had tons of fun at the show, I agree that the opening bands were not as bad as everyone expected. Good to meet Gregg before the show and say hi to Jake.
There was that good vibe that you could feel in the crowd and band. The Go-Go dancers sure didn't hurt. From where I was standing I could hear Gregg's guitar most of the time, more in the fuzzy tunes (played through a tweed style amp) than the reverbed tunes (played through a showman I think). The band was tight - you wouldn't have known they didn't perform together for 6-7 years.
I think the set list that Gregg posted was played all the way up to the Crusher (including), not sure about the last 2, but I wasn't there to take notes, I was there to enjoy the show.

I would have loved to also hear:
Monsoon/Asphalt Eater
Time Bomb
Moon Probe
Forbidden Planet

So, if they play again, I'd definitely go, and reccomend the show.
And if they play with The Ghastly Ones and Satan's Pilgrims, all the better...

Happy New Year,

The Scimitars

ghunt is a gremmie! thats funny stuff!

Hey Gregg, whats with the Alhambra locale? I thought you was up Santa Barbara way shapin' boards?

You guy's are still doin' the Crusher? damn!

Remember, I was in the Bomboras before you... LOL!

Good to hear your playing again!

Jeff (Utterback)

Welcome! It's great to see you here.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

for those that didnt see the reviews and videos before



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