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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
327 days ago

dp: dude
308 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
263 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
247 days ago

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199 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
120 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
114 days ago

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100 days ago

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79 days ago

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Norm, did you visit randy nauert ( the challengers original bassit) facebook?!/randy.nauert?v=photos

his pics are PURE GOLD !!

just a few here


Playing with Chuck Berry at the Hollywood Palladium, Teenage Fair 1964. (from a contact sheet. I'm working on getting a print! Thanks Jeff)



El Papu & los Fantasticos Reverberantes

Damn! Super cool Challenger's pics! I don't have a Facebook account but Randy's page may be reason alone to get one.

The Challengers backed many touring acts like Chuck Berry who didn't travel with their own band. I've never seen this pic!!... or the different angle in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre. Check out the kid in the third pic holding the K-39 album. Was he waiting to get his album signed I wonder, or just too nervous to ask a girl to dance?

There were a bunch of these rare pics at The Richard Delvy auction. I have a few more than the two I posted but I didn't buy many for fear of going broke! Thanks for posting these!

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Damn! Super cool Challenger's pics! I don't have a Facebook account but Randy's page may be reason alone to get one.

The Challengers backed many touring acts like Chuck Berry who didn't travel with their own band. I've never seen this pic!!... or the different angle in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre. Check out the kid in the third pic holding the K-39 album. Was he waiting to get his album signed I wonder, or just too nervous to ask a girl to dance?

There were a bunch of these rare pics at The Richard Delvy auction. I have a few more than the two I posted but I didn't buy many for fear of going broke! Thanks for posting these!

Norm, you need a facebook right now!! you are going to freak wth all that stuff, maybe 100 or more amazing pics!! anyway , I guess that you don´t need a facebook acount to see the pics

El Papu & los Fantasticos Reverberantes

Norm might want to get an account just to delete all the spam on the fan page somebody created...

And no, I am not referring to UF's cool vids!

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

whoever is running that Facebook has let the Spambots take over.
can't he delete all that stuff?
that's assuming he signs in once in awhile to look at it.



Yes, the page administrator can delete all that stuff, as well as ban the spam accounts permanently. FB could use an approval system for that stuff. Heck, even dead old MySpace had one.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

One of the many reasons why I don't have a Facebook page!

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Entry Seven.... Big Daddy Roth!!! Rat Fink creator Ed Roth exploded in popularity at the same time as Surf Music. Among his many iconic creations is The Surfink and The Surfite. He's a huge inspiration on me (obviously) and many of the people I know. Our good friend and SG101'er Klas even named his band The Surfites after Roth's creation. Super cool. And The Finksville Five is named after one of Roth's Mr. Gasser songs.

Ed Roth and Annette. She obviously digs Surfink!


And so do these lovely ladies!


Roth's Surfite and lovely Beach Party regular Donna Loren!


BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Donna Loren...swoon.

Jeff Utterback

Donna Loren...swoon.

surfite.....swoon Very Happy


Donna Loren...swoon.

surfite.....swoon Very Happy

Donna Loren AND Surfite... swoon. Very Happy

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

My gig is cars 24-7...

I don't swoon over

Jeff Utterback

My gig is cars 24-7...

I don't swoon over

You lucky son of a gun. Even so I don't believe you don't swoon over cars! Very Happy

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

From Stephen J. Mc Parland's super cool book "It's Party Time"... Doren Loren and King of the Surf Guitar Dick Dale hangin' out on the set of MUSCLE BEACH PARTY...


BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!


My gig is cars 24-7...

I don't swoon over

You lucky son of a gun. Even so I don't believe you don't swoon over cars! Very Happy

Cars are gay. (sometimes)

Chicks aren't!

Jeff Utterback

Hadn't seen any of the Challengers' pics before I think, great stuff! Will put on their Go Sidewalk Surfing! album in a minute!


And continuing on the Beach Boys as well as Annette, check out this funny photo where she has taken over the studio controls. Note how Carl and Dennis doesn't seem to approve while Mike is doing his best to make them stop doing faces! Laughing


T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

From Stephen J. Mc Parland's super cool book "It's Party Time"...

I have that book as well but haven't really read it yet. I was recently thinking about either starting that one or his Bikinis, Black Denim & Bitchen Sounds after hearing about the recent Hey, Beach Girls! comp on Ace Records.

Contains lots of great tracks although I won't be getting it myself since I simply already have almost everything on it.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Here's an album of scans from "Sound Of The Surf's" Facebook page. This barely scratches the surface. Adding more every week.


Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

Wow, I've never seen that wild Blazers' pic before nor the three crazy photos of the Pyramids! I was recently re-reading the Pyramids' chapter in Bob Dalley's Surfin' Guitars book and was thinking it's a pity that it doesn't seem to exist that many photos of the band's crazy antics. Those three pics really improved the matter although I still want to see when they arrived to a show riding elephants!

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Tim from the Supertones has an AMAZING collection of vintage surf pics. Here's volume 5:

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

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