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Permalink Peavey Classic 30 ..... good for surf music?

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Hi¡¡¡I have been hesitating between Laney Cub 12R and Fender Super Champ XD and the end, neither ...¡¡¡I bought a Peavey Classic 30 second hand.I think it's a good amp.The clean sound is very Fender (although it has EL84 valves.....) and reverb sounds good¡¡¡ I like that I bring forth your opinion on this amp.Seems to do you can get a sound "decent" to play surf music? anyone tell me some settings (treble, middle, bass ...) in the Peavey Classic 30 for a sound closer to the surf music ...? My guitars are: Squier Classic Vibe 50 Stratocaster, Squier Jagmaster (with GFS "Dream 90" pickups), Squier Standard Stratocaster and Eastwood Saturn 63¡¡¡thank you very much for your help¡¡¡Greetings from Spain¡¡¡

They're good amps but it would be near the bottom of my list for capturing a Surf sound.

Blues or Rock absolutely.

The Classic 30 should be able to get a decent Surf sound. Start with Treble and Bass all the way up and Middle dialed out, then mess around. Set the reverb where it sounds right to you.

I saw 1 at a flea market for $250. I was considering it because of the 2 speakers, which look like JBLs. Does anyone know what model speaker it has & if they are good speakers ?

There alot like the Hot Rod fender amps. Pretty good clean. Better blues or rockabilly. But still a nice tube amp. I think the older tweed ones are a bit better.
The delta amps are very cool too!

If you ever see the tweed single 15 extension cab grab it! we had one in the store and it was KILLER!

Give me reverb or give me death!

Thank you all for your answers¡¡¡I've been proving some settings in my Peavey Classic 30 and I checked that putting the reverb to max, treble at 9, mids at 3 and bass at 10 it´s possible to get a good surf sound.I have also checked with some settings that I think is not the "standard" surf music settings,but I do not sound bad ..... are these: treble to 4,mids to 8 and bass to 5 / 6.... that "you think? do you think that surf music sounds better with more mids than treble or otherwise, with more treble than mids ....?I Have a Compressor pedal (Marshall ED-1) , but I can not get a good fit to play surf music .... sometimes I think it sounds better without adding a compressor pedal ... I have doubts ....You think is best to use a compressor pedal to play surf guitar ?any use? would be very grateful if someone would give me some idea of what settings to use with the pedal compresor.Mi compressor pedal has "compression", "attack", "volume" and "emphasis" (tone)....Please,i need some help because I'm new in the world of surf guitar ....¡¡¡ Thanks

Whatever sounds best to you is right.
No wrong answer.
I don't really like compression on my guitar rig but you can get some neat stuff with them.

Play around. Have fun!

Give me reverb or give me death!

Thank scotstandard¡¡¡ still gonna have some setting more.He found two or three that I like .... the problem is not with which to stay¡¡¡ Even though I have a question: I've seen many people play surf music with the treble and bass fairly high and the mids to zero or nearly zero ... My question is: to have as few mids in the EQ, not be a problem for the guitar can be heard in the mix of the band with the other instruments ....? The truth is that I like more and I think my Classic 30 sounds more "surf" with treble and bass at high levels (more or less the 9 / 10) and mids to zero almost .... by the way, my amp goes up to 12¡¡¡ The only problem is that I have been able to prove in my home with backingtracks at high volume levels (Pipeline, Walk Don´t Run, Apache, Atlantis, Misirlou ... etc ....) and it sounds good but these settings I have not practiced with a "real" band because it starts to play with one up within 2 or 3 weeks anyway .... With this band we're just going to play in the room test.Only going to form a band for fun one or two days a week and make music we like (none of us has the intention of performing at any site .. .. nor do we feel like...just for fun).As if it helps, the Classic EL84 valves 30 carries, I have understood that gives the sound a stronger mids that carried 6V6 or 6L6 amps Fender "....
I deeply appreciate your help¡¡¡ thank you very much again¡¡¡

I picked up the Peavey Blues Classic a few months back, simply because the price was right. This particular amp in the Classic line was only made for the 1st year or two. Anyway, I have been more than satisfied. I cannot speak for how the two compare, as the Blues Classic has a 15" speaker in it. However, I am getting some amazing surf tones out of mine.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

I have a classic 30 and love it great tone, I use it for small clubs, and use a Peavey Penta for bigger places, like car shows. All the Twang Twisters tunes were recorded on a Delta Blues amp, Peavey makes some of greatest amps,and for a much more reasonable price.image

Thanks killbabykill34 and surfgtrnut¡¡¡ I am very happy to know that there are people who use the Peavey Classic 30 to play "surf music" if you do not mind, could you tell me what are the settings that you use in your amps (treble, mids, bass, etc. ....) to play surf music? Would be very grateful and could be of great help to me .... I have still not very clear how to get a good "surf" tone with my Peavey Classic 30, but no one better than you, that you use this amp to play this style of music,may help to clarify a bit with the settings, etc ...Thaaaank Yoooouuuuu¡¡¡¡

One thing you could do is install a new reverb pan ($30-50).

I really like the Peavey Classic 30 but the reverb while not bad for Blues lacks any drip at all imo. More of a hall type reverb.

Or put a Boss FRV-1 pedal in front.

My settings depend on the guitar I use, with Strats I crank the bass all the way up, treble about 7 and mids at 5. Jags & short scale guitars I turn the bass down, p 90's I crank up the treble. Also the room I'm in effects my settings. It is true the reverb pan is not very good, so I use a tank or a Boss FRV-1.

I use one of these at the rehearsal room I go to. Not sure what settings I use off hand but I'll take some notes next time I go. I'm a Peavey fan myself, had a couple Deuces back in the day and currently use a 50 watt 1x12 Valveking combo.](

My settings depend on the guitar I use, with Strats I crank the bass all the way up, treble about 7 and mids at 5. Jags & short scale guitars I turn the bass down, p 90's I crank up the treble. Also the room I'm in effects my settings. It is true the reverb pan is not very good, so I use a tank or a Boss FRV-1.

Thank you very much, surfgtrnut¡¡¡ I will investigate now with the settings you told me.My guitars are: Squier Classic Vibe Stratocaster 50 (lake placid blue), Squier Standard Stratocaster (I like to put some GFS pickups with good surf sound but not these ... any help?) Jagmaster Squier (with GFS pickups Dream90) and Eastwood Saturn 63 (soon I'll put some GFS soapbar P90 but was delighted to accept any suggestions ...).... . They are cheap guitars, but I like how they sound and I think guitars are not bad in terms of ratio quality / price.I have a Marshall ED-1 compressor,but not if it is good for surf music and there is very well as use ... anyone of you use a compressor to play "surf"?
Thank you very much for all¡¡¡Your help is serving me a lot¡¡¡ you are very kind¡¡¡

You can say what you want about the Eastwood guitars, but I am sold on them. You simply cannot find much more bang for your buck in regard to classic styled guitars. They are very well built and have great tone.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

I own and have owned several Classic 30, 20, Delta Blues etc. Are they good for Surf? Yes - up to a certain volume. It depends how loud your drummer is, because if you start pushing it a lot it will start to sound more classic rock than Surf and the reverb will get lost in the distortion. Also I prefer the Delta Blues or the Classic with an extension cab as the single 12" in a small cab can sound boxy. When Classics distort just a bit it's quite a good edgy surfy sound though although it's better with a tank as the reverb isn't very surfy. If you have a loud drummer and/or you want a more traditional Surf sound the Peavey Valve king is an excellent choice.

If you are at all interested, on our Myspace page 'She's Got a Gun' is a Delta Blues 30 with a Peavey Valveverb and 'Nachos' is a Valveking 100 with a Fender Tank.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

I own and have owned several Classic 30, 20, Delta Blues etc. Are they good for Surf? Yes - up to a certain volume. It depends how loud your drummer is, because if you start pushing it a lot it will start to sound more classic rock than Surf and the reverb will get lost in the distortion. Also I prefer the Delta Blues or the Classic with an extension cab as the single 12" in a small cab can sound boxy. When Classics distort just a bit it's quite a good edgy surfy sound though although it's better with a tank as the reverb isn't very surfy. If you have a loud drummer and/or you want a more traditional Surf sound the Peavey Valve king is an excellent choice.

If you are at all interested, on our Myspace page 'She's Got a Gun' is a Delta Blues 30 with a Peavey Valveverb and 'Nachos' is a Valveking 100 with a Fender Tank.

Hello "street" Thanks for your reply¡¡¡I have visited your "myspace", I heard "She's Got a Gun" and "Nachos" and I love the sound¡¡¡could not imagine that taking that sound as "surf" with Peavey amplifiers...¡¡¡Can tell or remember which settings you have used in the Peavey Delta Blues 30 for "She's Got a Gun "¡¡?? I'm investigating with different settings and I can go a long know your settings, to compare with mine, etc ... and so we can begin to have "clearer ideas" in this world of "surf music", which although new to me, got me wondering .....¡¡¡ Thanks for help¡¡¡

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