Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25633

Posted on Sep 02 2010 12:55 AM
Muck played with the Looney Tunes??? Never heard of this before. He is to young! 
can't tell if you're serious or being funny.
my Dad said that Muck is 47 years old.
hardly young.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Jul 20, 2010
Posts: 30

Posted on Sep 02 2010 02:18 AM
something I learned after the Space Rangers had left was.
Muck used to be in the Looney Toones(sp?) with Kahuna Kawentzmen,
aka Sebastian.
I have all 3 of their cds, and loved their stuff.
so its not that surprising now, that I like the Space Rangers, and Mucks playing.
btw. what happened to KK,
does he still post here?
Muck played with the Looney Tunes??? Never heard of this before. He is to young! 
On the last Looney Tunes album "Beyond the dune" (1997) the bass player was Thorsten Seif. He lived in Ulm when he was younger Ive heard. Maybe Muck told you this??
...but maybe I m wrong...
KK (Kahuna Kawentzmann) is still a great guitar player! His new band is called "Los Apollos"! Its a 3 piece band. I saw them live here in Berlin a few weeks ago. I ve got some videos from this gig somewhere...
Los Apollos are playing a kind of exotic Instrumental music. Very stylish! Very nice! KK is playing his red Mosrite Celebrity in this band!
And: Yes, all 3 Looney Tunes CD`s are really great albums! Check out the internet to get them.
hi ralf,
in 1998 i lived in hamburg, i did the last tour with them as an organ player and guitarist, then the band broke up... yes, the bass player thorsten lived in ulm, and he is still a friend of mine. daniel, thorsten and me had a band in the mid nineties called "fox force five", where i played organ too. our style was like garage, beat, something weird. hope to see you one time in germany.
Joined: Sep 01, 2010
Posts: 17
Neo-Ulm, Germany

Posted on Sep 02 2010 08:15 AM
the bass player you speak of, thorsten seif, had a mod band called Fox Force Five with Muck as keyboard player and me on the bass from '93 to '96. they put out a 7" and a long-player on buback records, which are both out of stock, apparently....
tuck, if it were a gate in it's original meaning, you couldn't be in the gate ( unless you are some sort of gate-keeper or guard), you would be in front of, behind or passing through.
(German "am" being a contraction of article and preposition "an dem", describing close proximity without mentioning on wether side)
the Starting Gate, however, is a proper building with an inside open to public, so you can be "in"
(German "im" again being a contraction of article and preposition "in dem", describing the inside of
hence the confusion. semantic features and real world do not go together...
to sum it up: whatever, man.... ;)
BTD, my friend,
this f***ing sting ray cost me two weeks of my recious holiday. I was walking on crutches, had to lie down a lot and
take pills and give myself injections....
i don't mind the lying down and all, but i prefer to decide for myself when it is time to lie down...
but i am recovering , no lingering effects. although the blood check showed a not ideal state of my liver, which i must spake about with my doc.
must have been the many buds and anchor steam, or the cherry cokes.....
Joined: Sep 01, 2010
Posts: 17
Neo-Ulm, Germany

Posted on Sep 07 2010 12:22 PM
Our summer in SoCal, unfortunately not endless
Dear friends,
as I write these sentences, trying to describe the Space Rangers experiences of this summer in Southern California, engulfed by the energetic rhythms of the Tequila Worms, I find it difficult to focus on one specific event during those 18 and a half days in August 2010.
Yknow, old writers device
I could tell you about the charming chat with the waiter on the ferry to Alameda, which was so relaxed, friendly and , given the briefness of the it, so personal, and in no way sleazy or upselling-ish, if thats a word. Why do such things happen so rarely in Germany?
Or take the warden in the parking lot of Santa Barbaras First National Bank. Was she bored, interesting or had been in the sun too long? Who cares, the chat made us feel at ease and gave her a good time.
If the encounters that lasted only a minute had such an effect on us, what about the longer lasting relations we built during our stay? Well, youve guessed right.
Starting with the BBQ at the Hansons place. I have been to many parties where I didntreally know anyone, and I remember the awkadness of these situations. Nothing like that afternoon in Anaheim. Everyone was interested in who we might be, and we were thrilled to meet the people known to us only from the web in personal. (Please forgive me for bringing Bud in cans, but that is one of my stranger ideas of Americana
The food was great and the conversations were outstanding, both the charming and entertaining small-talk as well as the more matter-of-fact topics that were discussed. And the coincidence of finding that Fender Jaguar for sale on that occasion, you couldnt make that up.
We felt, and we mean it, at home.
The gig at the Juke Joint, our first gig on US soil, made us all feel very anxious and my mouth was like Death Valley at noon, only darker. But it went great, even with all the cameras pointed at us. My first night in an American bar was everything I had imagined and more. You just cant refuse a Worms offer to drink tequila
Those of you who have gone on tour with a band might remember the situation where you meet new people at a gig, have a great time with them, but then move on and may not return for another year or so.
Not so here. We met all of you from that night the next day at the Starting Gate, spend that amazing day with you and hundreds of other new fascinating and cool people, which were to be met and talked with. We listened to amazing bands, we contributed and sat around, drinking in the atmosphere, the feel of it, the totally crazy thing that all of these American guys and girls cant wait to hear and see us perform.
But it didnt stop here. The next day at Suzies, we picked up where we had left the day before. More cool tunes and astounding performances, more people to have professional conversation with, more nice and friendly small-talk, more jokes to be cracked, more beer, in case we need remembering. Seeing you guys again, getting introduced by you to others as friends from Germany really sometimes knocked us from our feet.
And this feeling, as much overwhelming as experienced as genuine, made all of this so special for us. There is no experience we had as a band even slightly comparable to what happened to us during the SG 101 2010.
Apart from making us feel at home, we were impressed by the professionality and the fact that we could rely on any of those involved. Everything was extremely well organized, the venues carefully picked, the set-up working and nice to listen to and look at. We didnt have to worry about anything, just to be ourselves. A very sincere and big Thank You and Hats Off and Kudos and Way to Go to all who made this thing happening.
The Space Rangers saw places, met people and did things none of us had dreamed about doing even when we knew we would be flying to the US.
I am sure not to have misjudged the fact that all of what had been done for, at, and around the SG 101, all the energy, time and nerves, was only spent so that this happening could, well, happen.
You definitely made a great impression with that on us Deutschlanders, greater than you might know.
Cheesy at it may sound, but we brought back a different view on the USA than we had before.
To sum it up, SG 101 and all that what happened around it, was among the best things we have ever done and had the honour to be part of.
For now, I think I have expressed the general feeling, the gist of what happened to us. I could go on forever reminiscing on the individual people, the jokes, the drinks, the stuff that happened, but all in good time. You know what you did and I remember, too !
We are so thrilled to see you all again in 2011 in California or in Italy at Surfer Joes.
Evildan from Neu-Ulm
(current mood: nostalgic, current sound Insect Surfers Mojave Reef)
Joined: Feb 25, 2006
Posts: 19319
Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Sep 07 2010 01:16 PM
Wow, thank you Evildan. It's posts like these that remind me why I created this website. I'm so glad I got to see you play and meet you, albeit briefly.
— Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea
Joined: Feb 28, 2006
Posts: 2979
Hell\'s Kitchen, NYC

Posted on Sep 07 2010 01:21 PM
I am still feeling the joy, the buzz, at having experienced live, for the first time, THE SURFSIDE IV, THE SPACE RANGERS and THE SPACE COSSACKS, over that amazing weekend
great post Evildan!
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25633

Posted on Sep 07 2010 01:49 PM
thank You, sooo much for the very kind and thoughtful post,recollections, and heartfelt emotions.
truly moving to read, and relive in my mind.
I am a bit misty eyed at the moment.
thank you so much for agreeing to come to America and play for us at the SG101 convention, and surrounding shows.
I sincerely hope that you guys(and gals) do come back next year.
Hope that your foot healing etc. continues well.
your friend,
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Jan 17, 2008
Posts: 2188
Atlanta, GA

Posted on Oct 29 2010 11:03 AM
Better late (or WAY late) than never, I suppose. Truth be told, I'm really bummed about how a lot of these came out. Still, though... what a great time I had!!
Working on videos as well....
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25633

Posted on Oct 29 2010 01:03 PM
cool! thanks Jamie,
its funny I was just re-reading this whole thread yesterday,
while sitting here sick, and dreading going to work.
thanks again for making the trip out here.
Its those of you that come from so far away,
that really makes it worth my while in doing this.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25633

Posted on Oct 29 2010 01:07 PM
new photo of the day?

— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Jan 17, 2008
Posts: 2188
Atlanta, GA

Posted on Oct 29 2010 02:10 PM
thanks again for making the trip out here.
Its those of you that come from so far away,
that really makes it worth my while in doing this.
Thank YOU for putting all of it together. I come from afar because it's TOTALLY WORTH IT. 
Keep doing great things, Jeff!
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25633

Posted on Oct 29 2010 02:15 PM
thank you sir,

— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Sep 02, 2006
Posts: 3166
Denver, CO

Posted on Oct 29 2010 04:07 PM
Just read the September and since posts. Really nice! Thanks, Dan, especially, for the impressions and the grammatical lesson. The factors you mention are the essence of language usage. I've run into them with genuine pleasure in language after language. I love that there are surf musicians out there taking pleasure in them (or at least thinking about them), too.
By the way, for those of you who met Muck of the Space Rangers in California, let me reveal that the one of the oddest things about being face to face with him if you're from Colorado is that he bears a strong resemblence to Boulder Bob Cannistraro of the Beloved Invaders.
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25633

Posted on Oct 29 2010 06:26 PM
I can't remember if Kristena posted the link for her photos,
so here they are.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25633

Posted on Nov 01 2010 05:23 PM
Liebe Freunde, dear friends,
these past days have been the most intense days for us, both as a band and personally. we heard so many great bands, so many brilliant musicians and met so many interesting people, we can hardly keep track of everything that has happened. (I mean it, if I seem to have forgotten someone"s name, please forgive me...)
It is a great thing to be a part of this thing, the surf music world, or whatchacallit, but it took us a s a band on to a higher level. we will bring many wonderful emotions, memories and a few inspirational thoughts for our future shows back to Germany.
(Also we had, have and will have a few hangovers....)
Again, big thanks to Jeff the BigTikiDude and all the wonderful souls that have helped bringing this thing into existence.
See you at Suzie"s or some of the later shows...
This makes me smile a lot.
I knew next to nothing about the Space Rangers before the convention. I had listened to their tunes on MySpace before, but it took seeing them in person to really get it. Luckily I got to see them twice and they really made a great impression on me. I look forward to listening to their CD over and over again. And they are the nicest guys! I'm so glad they are having a good time in America. Kudos to Jeff for asking them to come over!
Here is a random memory of mine from the convention. Paul Johnson was wandering around with a huge grin on his face. He checked out all the new bands and gave the thumbs up to many of them. He started all of this! And here he was strolling through the fans and bands that all appreciate this great music.
I can imagine no higher honor to be playing at the convention and you look out and see PJ giving you the thumbs up!
This makes me smile a lot,(too)
going back looking at the pics, and Vidoes.
and re reading all the comments like these above.
thanks again to Brian, and everybody who came and made this years SG101 convention such a success.
it may not be on Par with the Outdoor Hugeness of the Surfer Joe Festival,
But I hope that the sense of Family and connection to fans, friends,
and players alike means something to all of you.
And I think that the Growth of this each year has been great,
shouldn't be dismissed.
and enjoyed for what it is, and that I (just a fan)
have pulled off in 3 years.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Aug 31, 2009
Posts: 352
The Ranch, CO

Posted on Nov 01 2010 05:34 PM
Wish I could have been there...
At least I got to see the following Sunday at the Pier show.
Best music venue I have ever been to thanks for that!!!!
Any idea on dates for 2011 yet?
— "Maybe there aren't any surf bands; there's only surf music?" Tuck
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25633

Posted on Nov 01 2010 06:57 PM
not 100 % sure,
but I am hoping that the SG101 convention for 2011,
will be Sat. Aug. 13th, followed by a HB pier show the day after,
the best of both worlds,
Huge surf family event with Jams, and Vendors, etc. Sat.
indoors at the Starting Gate.
and Outdoor festival with possibly thousands of people at the Beach,
cross yer fingers for me,
I will post the definite date.
sometime in mid January.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Sep 01, 2010
Posts: 17
Neo-Ulm, Germany

Posted on Nov 08 2010 06:54 AM
Just read the September and since posts. Really nice! Thanks, Dan, especially, for the impressions and the grammatical lesson. The factors you mention are the essence of language usage. I've run into them with genuine pleasure in language after language. I love that there are surf musicians out there taking pleasure in them (or at least thinking about them), too.
By the way, for those of you who met Muck of the Space Rangers in California, let me reveal that the one of the oddest things about being face to face with him if you're from Colorado is that he bears a strong resemblence to Boulder Bob Cannistraro of the Beloved Invaders.
i get the strangest looks when i tell people i sometimes am fascinated by how beautiful grammar can be....
i am a nerd, i confess.... AND THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH IT!
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25633

Posted on Nov 08 2010 11:34 AM
Mad Scientist,
posted some videos of the convention here:
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Jun 12, 2008
Posts: 3331
Huntington Beach, CA

Posted on Nov 08 2010 06:08 PM
i get the strangest looks when i tell people i sometimes am fascinated by how beautiful grammar can be....
i am a nerd, i confess.... AND THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH IT!
Hey Nerd, you might want to spread that fascination to proper use of capital letters! And you teach Englisch? For shame!

— Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.