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Permalink NORAD tracks Santa...LIVE!

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cool online Santa tracker that follows the arrival of Santa (and December 25) around the globe...Santa follows midnight (24:00 24/12/06-00:00 25/12/06) around the globe. NORAD currently spotting Santa in South Africa...

cool site!

Feliz Navidad et Joyeux Noel,


I know when Santa is getting close, as he stops in (Santa Ana) for some carne asada taco's Wink

I saw Santa in my house one time when I was a kid at 3 in the morning, freaked me out, and my mom and Dad were asleep in their room.
I'll give more details, if people want me to elaborate.



Jeff, we want you to elaborate. This could be a great story.

ok you all ( 1 of you, thanks Jake) ha ha, twisted my arm enough.

ok when I was a little kid 5 or 6 years old, I would get scared at night, and go into my mom and dads room with a blanket and pillow and sleep on the floor next to the bed. On Chritmas eve one year I was going to their bedroom, after waking up to a bad nightmare. I was at that age where kids had started to mention that there was no Santa Claus. As I passed the opening in the hallway to the frontroom, I saw a slightly moving Silouette ( from the streetlight outside) of a big man that looked to be like Santa Claus. I thought Oh shit, its Dad, dressed like Santa,doing the x-mas presents. I need to be quiet, hurry up into their bedroom, and go to sleep on my moms side of the bed, (so he wouldn't see me). As I opened the door to their room, I saw that my mom and dad, were both asleep in their bed. I was shiting my pants.
I crawled over beside their bed and fell asleep, but man I was freaking out, that Santa was really there, and he was gonna know I was awake. I got up in the morning, and ran out in the front room.
Presents all over the place, nothing really out of place, like a Burgular had been there. and shortly after forgot about it as I opened my presents. every Christmas, I think back to that. I told my parents about it when I was about 15 or so, and a few of my close friends.
They were all at a loss for words.
Now its almost easier for me to Believe in Santa, than the other story of Christmas.



That is a good story. Kind of creepy huh?

Now its almost easier for me to Believe in Santa, than the other story of Christmas.


The other story is...? The one with Jimmy Stewart, the one with the little boy and the rifle, or the one with Tim Allen as a former lawyer turned Santa Claus? Or do you mean the one with the star and the wise men in a foreign land?

That is a good story. Kind of creepy huh?

Now its almost easier for me to Believe in Santa, than the other story of Christmas.


The other story is...? The one with Jimmy Stewart, the one with the little boy and the rifle, or the one with Tim Allen as a former lawyer turned Santa Claus? Or do you mean the one with the star and the wise men in a foreign land?

Yes it is kinda Creepy, it still gives me goose bumps to think about it, no good explanation, other than it was really Santa.

Yes Jake, the story with the Star and the Baby and the wise men in the foreign land. Not a bad story at all, but to me just seems like a story, or tall tale. Kinda hard for me to buy.



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