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Permalink The REAL Official Surf Saxophone Thread!!!

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I love saxophone in surf! 60's surf bands pretty much all had sax. This thread is a tribute to them!! Let's start with Dick Dale and The Del Tones sax monsters Armon Frank and Barry Rillers!!!...


Norm, can you name all the guys l-r?

Minor correction, the brothers in The Deltones last name is Rillera not Rillers as spelled in Dalley's book. L to R, Rick Rillera bass, Nick O'Malley Rythmn Guitar, DD guitar and Armon Frank, Barry Rillera sax.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

don't forget the soprano sax in Dave Meyers and the Surftones, especially in "Moment of Truth".

Yes! Very heavy tune! The Surftones sax men were Joe Shott and Dennis Merritt. All hail Bob Dalley and his Surfin' Guitars book!

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!


Sure, two, but he's not using his nose.



Sure, two, but he's not using his nose.

Blodwyn Pignose? Sorry. Continue.

Here's a promo shot of Dick Dale from Dalley's book. Is there anything this man can't do? There is in fact footage of him live from '62 where he takes off the guitar and plays sax on the tune "All Night Long".


BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

A bit OT, but:

He plays drums right handed?

Wind instruments don't (normally) have right and left handed versions, though guitars and drum kit setups do. (And we all know about Dick and guitars, of course.) If a wind instrument is played with only one hand, the hand is determined by the instrument, not the handedness of the player, e.g., trumpets are right hand keyed and French horns are left hand keyed.

They probably mirror-imaged the drum shot to make it better fit the photo.

Ted James
Deep Eddy Records
The Nematoads

They probably mirror-imaged the drum shot to make it better fit the photo.

You can tell from the hair and the shirt overlap and the non drum instrument grips that all the shots have the same orientation, which, based on the guitar shot, is unreversed. So, maybe just hamming it up. Or maybe he does play drums right handed?

I'm assuming here,
but I bet that whenever ole DD got behind a drum kit,
it belonged to his drummer at the time.
so just like guitar,
he was playing it as it was set up for a right handed person.

not rocket science here.


A lot of lefties are actually ambidextrous. Jimi Hendrix used to do a lot of things righty too, I think it's sometimes about how someone was taught (or corrected at an early age). Even I as a righty happen to ride goofy-footed and do archery with my right holding the bow, which might look weird to other righties.


Also remember that Ringo plays a right-handed setup despite being a lefty, so that isn't exactly unheard of.

Hot Summer Comes Again!
Let's Go Beach! Let's Go Beach!

I'm assuming here,
but I bet that whenever ole DD got behind a drum kit,
it belonged to his drummer at the time.
so just like guitar,
he was playing it as it was set up for a right handed person.

I believe that is correct. The same footage from '62 that shows Dick playing sax also shows him playing drums on one song, Sandy Nelson's "TeenBeat". He's playing a right handed kit like a lefty. However, he must be ambidextrous because he's keeping time with his left foot on the high hat like a righty. Lively Ones drummer Tim Fitzpatrick is also ambidextrous, sometimes switching hands even during the song.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

I just come across these pics of sax man extraordinaire Steve Douglas! They were on Randy Nauert of The Challenger’s amazing Facebook page. You gotta check out Randy’s page!

Steve “Shutdown” Douglas played on more Surf/Hot Rod recordings than probably anyone. He’s another unsung hero of the genre who got his start wailing sax for Duane Eddie who influenced early surf bands. He was included in the Rock & Roll Hall of fame for his contribution to Phil Specter and Pet Sounds sessions among others. Steve was also a songwriter and arranger and released some really great Hot Rod singles of his own on Capitol as “Shutdown Douglas”.

These rare pics are from his sessions with The Challengers, but he also played on Dick Dale’s sessions for Capitol, Gary Usher’s Superstocks and countless surf/hot rod stuff. He played on everything from Elvis to the Ramones. A true Giant. Enjoy.



BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Steve Douglas has the writer's credit on Banzai Washout, one of the greatest surf songs!

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BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

One of the very best surf sax players presently still active has to be Bill Swanson of The Eliminators:


Surf Buggie


I really dig that clip of Boss. He makes that thing growl like you're supposed to! Seems like they're really feeding off the higher energy crowd in that one. Thumbs up to Bill. I've always been impressed by his playing when I've seen them live.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Last edited: Jan 30, 2012 11:35:34

shivers13 wrote:


Dig the "modified" body on that Telecaster! I've been meaning to post that on the "Telecaster/surf" thread.

Anyway, the Crossfires "Fiberglass Jungle" has by far my favorite sax performance in a surf tune. He's a real match for the all around intensity of the piece. Anyone know who he was?

If I'm not mistaken(which I could be).
but I think that the tiny Telecaster is an early Squire model.

as for the sax player(s) for the crossfires,
it was the 2 guys who became the singers when the band changed to the Turtles.


That's 14 year old David Amaro in The Nocturnes holding the student Tele (I think that's what it is). However, in Bob Dalley's book the band says they asked him to join because he played a '62 Sunburst Jazzmaster. That JM and the Jag are likely what you are hearing on the Nocturnes stuff like "Third Star to the Left".

Also, like Jeff mentioned. That's Mark Volmann and Howard Kaplan on sax in The Crossfires, aka Flo & Eddie who would become The Turtles. They were monster sax players! Check out this cool shot on them in a sweet '64 Chevy convertable pluging their appearance at a car show. Check out the caption too, "signing group".


BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

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