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Permalink Carl Wilson's Sound

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Back to Carl... and Dennis...
I got an email from these guys and their music is pretty dang good. I still haven't had time to listen as closely as I would like to, but I like what I've heard so far. Check 'em out.

PS Wink The Beatles SUCK!!! WINK WINK WINK WINK!!!!!!! Wink Wink
(not really... I like 'em a lot.... I just wanted to type that!) Very Happy

The Apollo Four 2012-present
The Verbtones 2002-2012

Back to Carl... and Dennis...
I got an email from these guys and their music is pretty dang good. I still haven't had time to listen as closely as I would like to, but I like what I've heard so far. Check 'em out.

PS Wink The Beatles SUCK!!! WINK WINK WINK WINK!!!!!!! Wink Wink
(not really... I like 'em a lot.... I just wanted to type that!) Very Happy

Yes back to Carl and Dennis. I finally looked it up in the other book I have, and as far as that album goes, (Shut Down Vol. 2) the Wilsons play on the whole thing except for "Fun, Fun, Fun", which was recorded as a single months before the rest. Hal Blaine plays drums on "Fun, Fun, Fun", but Dennis contributed by giving Brian and Mike Love the storyline. He was dating a girl who lied to her dad about going to the library when she was really going to Dennis's apartment Very Happy . The album was kind of a rush job (as if the title didn't give it away) forced by Capitol and it was not just "Don't Worry Baby" but the whole rest of the album (excepting the aforementioned "FFF") that was done in two eight hour sessions (sounds familiar to me).
Here's the kicker-I knew there was a reason I brought them up-the album was recorded in Feb 1964, just as Beatlemania was in full swing with their arrival in the US and appearances on Ed Sullivan.

spskins: it sounds like you have mentioned two books in this thread, one is a Beach Boys day-by-day, the other gives details on Beach Boys recording sessions - would you please give us enough information (title, author, publisher) so we (I) can go and get these books.


spskins: it sounds like you have mentioned two books in this thread, one is a Beach Boys day-by-day, the other gives details on Beach Boys recording sessions - would you please give us enough information (title, author, publisher) so we (I) can go and get these books.


The Beach Boys: The Definitive Diary of America's Greatest Band on Stage and in the Studio (Paperback)
by Keith Badman

the other one I was mentioning was All Summer Long, Vol. 4: Dumb Angel
by Brian Chidester, Domenic Priore

this is more of an overview of 60s Southern California surf culture (not just instrumental surf music) with a big article on the BBs recordings leading up to and including the All Summer Long album.
It also has articles on Harmony Park v. Rendezvous Ballroom, an early surf band family tree, Jan Berry, Phil Spector and the Wrecking Crew, Dick Dale and the Del-Tones 61-63, Surf Films, and much more. Really nice. Get it!


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