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I talked with Jeff a bit and I had a few guitar details wrong... Dave played through a well-used Ampeg, but it's the next model bigger than the Reverb-O-Rocket. I'm sure all but maybe 2 of you guys will know what that model is called... but neither one of us know. Confused

Gemini VI? A favorite of Rip Thrilby.


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I'm running a bit tight on space with the mp3 comp going on, so I just made available the 60 sec version (sorry hope that is okay):

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


Cant wait to hear this song! Dave Pilgrim is an incredible musician. Every time we would play portland (which was a lot) we stay at daves and would party till the sun came up, and Dave would always treat us to a couple hours of playing his grand piano or vox to Elvis or Music Machine records almost perfectly. Very good times!

I saw you guys many times in Portland and it was always an amazing show! (fire, go-go girls, the gallows!!) Back then I was new to the surf scene and thought seeing The Bomboras, Satan's Pilgrims, The Surf Trio, The Valiants etc. was totally normal. Very good times indeed... and I didn't even know about Dave's parties! He's a totally cool guy and as you said, an incredible musician. Hope you dig the song.

Love the song!

Happiness is being a surf musician that actually surfs. Ride Lord Hunt Surfboards!!!


Cant wait to hear this song! Dave Pilgrim is an incredible musician. Every time we would play portland (which was a lot) we stay at daves and would party till the sun came up, and Dave would always treat us to a couple hours of playing his grand piano or vox to Elvis or Music Machine records almost perfectly. Very good times!

Yeah, imagine being his roommate! Very Happy Shane, in a now old post I think Ivan (Space Cossacks, Madeira) called him a "nocturnal prince" in regard to this after show ritual with guests. After he realized how late it was getting he also realized that even if he got into his sleeping bag right there in the same room, the organ playing would unabashedly continue. LOL.

Ha ha, thats so funny. I recall one night (or morning) that even though we all retired to the downstairs around 4:30am or so, the music kept on rolling and your favorite tour manager Grant went upstairs in a quest to tone down the volume a bit and needless to say, the music played on till about 6 or so and I think the only reason it stopped was because he passed out. I miss Ted

Happiness is being a surf musician that actually surfs. Ride Lord Hunt Surfboards!!!

another bump bump for a x-mas song to the top.
Killer production and surf sound on this guys.



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